YAY💕 呵呵~ 我不是在找包包啦😁 只是終於在戶外用品店找到新版的 Osprey #Fairview40 就覺得一定要來背看看😍
它就是迷你版的 Osprey #Farpoint40,因為它有更小號的 XS/S 😬 背起來比我的 S/M 更服貼,超適合比號稱158cm 的我還要嬌小的女生😆
由於女生身高較矮,所以臀部的腰帶位置非常重要⚠️ 不然無法平均分配重量的話,肩膀會受傷😩 我看好多讀者因為我介紹的關係,也都有買 Osprey Farpoint 40 來背呢!記得那個時候好像聽說有缺貨?!
討厭~ 好想入手唷😩 我那篇「八公斤環遊世界打包清單」應該幫 Osprey 帶進很多生意才對😂 什麼時後才會找我代言啊~😛
好可惜我的 Osprey Packs 用了三年完全沒有壞掉,York 說不可以換新包包😭 唉... 真的是舊的不去新的不來啊😢 #東西太耐的壞處 #說好的行李箱旅行呢 #osprey
➡️ 8公斤打包清單 ↪ https://bit.ly/2GKaqS9
歡迎到 Amazon.com 看看這些包包😁
➡️ Osprey Fairview 👧→ https://amzn.to/2IEfauk
➡️ Osprey Farpoint👦 or 👧→ https://amzn.to/2ID2nZi
Ps. 剛剛才發現有 OspreyPacks Taiwan 呢 😍 趕快加入粉絲頁😘
Was super excited that I finally got my hands-on Osprey Fairview 40😻 It's a newer and smaller version of my Osprey Farpoint 40 which has been with us since 2015😆
I swear the XS/S size is a better fit than S/M for a shortie like me😂 Unfortunately my bag is still doing very well, can't justify myself to get a new one😢
Sigh.. problem when something lasts too long 😕
Ps. Have a read at our ultimate 8KG RTW pack list 🌏➡️ https://bit.ly/2IERMNl
➡️ Osprey Fairview 👧→ https://amzn.to/2IEfauk
➡️ Osprey Farpoint👦 or 👧→ https://amzn.to/2ID2nZi
osprey farpoint 40 在 Travel with Winny 一起跟昀去旅行 Facebook 的最讚貼文
YAY💕 呵呵~ 我不是在找包包啦😁 只是終於在戶外用品店找到新版的 Osprey #Fairview40 就覺得一定要來背看看😍
它就是迷你版的 Osprey #Farpoint40,因為它有更小號的 XS/S 😬 背起來比我的 S/M 更服貼,超適合比號稱158cm 的我還要嬌小的女生😆
由於女生身高較矮,所以臀部的腰帶位置非常重要⚠️ 不然無法平均分配重量的話,肩膀會受傷😩 我看好多讀者因為我介紹的關係,也都有買 Osprey Farpoint 40 來背呢!記得那個時候好像聽說有缺貨?!
討厭~ 好想入手唷😩 我那篇「八公斤環遊世界打包清單」應該幫 Osprey 帶進很多生意才對😂 什麼時後才會找我代言啊~😛
好可惜我的 Osprey Packs 用了三年完全沒有壞掉,York 說不可以換新包包😭 唉... 真的是舊的不去新的不來啊😢 #東西太耐的壞處 #說好的行李箱旅行呢 #osprey
➡️ 8公斤打包清單 ↪ https://bit.ly/2GKaqS9
歡迎到 Amazon.com 看看這些包包😁
➡️ Osprey Fairview 👧→ https://amzn.to/2IEfauk
➡️ Osprey Farpoint👦 or 👧→ https://amzn.to/2ID2nZi
Ps. 剛剛才發現有 OspreyPacks Taiwan 呢 😍 趕快加入粉絲頁😘
Was super excited that I finally got my hands-on Osprey Fairview 40😻 It's a newer and smaller version of my Osprey Farpoint 40 which has been with us since 2015😆
I swear the XS/S size is a better fit than S/M for a shortie like me😂 Unfortunately my bag is still doing very well, can't justify myself to get a new one😢
Sigh.. problem when something lasts too long 😕
Ps. Have a read at our ultimate 8KG RTW pack list 🌏➡️ https://bit.ly/2IERMNl
➡️ Osprey Fairview 👧→ https://amzn.to/2IEfauk
➡️ Osprey Farpoint👦 or 👧→ https://amzn.to/2ID2nZi