國安法第一審繼續就「光復香港。時代革命」八個字的意義,繼續進行討論。控方由嶺大學者劉智鵬以歷史學者身份,早前指出「光時」有分裂國家意思;而辯方的港大學者李詠怡 (Eliza)則已作供進入第三天。今天下午,和Eliza一起撰寫專家證人報告的另一位學者,中大新傳學院教授李立峯(Francis)開始作供。
李立峯解釋,Eliza專長政治學,故對政治選舉及相關理論熟悉。而Francis自己則是傳播學教授,辯方劉偉聰大狀在庭上先介紹Francis, 指出他畢業於史丹福大學,博士論文研究美國9.11事件中,比較報紙讀者來信和網上論壇的言論,專研範圍為「政治傳播學」。
三位法官表示接納Francis的專家證人身份。今天在大狀袍下穿了條子花紋西裝褲的劉偉聰大狀,溫文向法官們道謝:「I am grateful」.
Francis說:「看數字,以數量計,量化研究(quantitative research)就可以處理,但要看人們怎樣建構意義,那要進行質化研究,因為做簡單問卷,是不可以看到意義建構的過程。此時要靠質化研究(qualitative research),我們做了焦點小組(focus group)。」
Francis還引述了華盛頓大學政治學教授Lance Bennett對政治口號的見解 “Effective political themes and slogans invite people to bring their own meaning to a situation. Thus, an image is an impression anchored partly in symbolic suggestion and partly in the feelings and assumptions that people have in response to that suggestion.”
法官們亦用法律用語詢問,焦點小組裡會否有「引導性問題」(leading question),即因為主持者主動提起「港獨」而引導被訪者去提及這個答案。這顯然是法庭常關注點。
然而代表律政司的署理刑事檢控專員周天行, 則挑戰Eliza,周專員多次指,7月21日口號最初出現於白天,當時中聯辦被示威者包圍,國徽被損毁,當時中聯辦外牆上更出現「光時」口號,周專員指,「光時」口號的意義,應該與中聯辦事件有關。
Eliza早前指,梁天琦在造勢晚會曾引述過美國黑人民權領袖Malcolm X說「the Ballot or the Bullet」意思,Eliza認為「子彈」只是比喻,並非像控方專家劉教授所說有「武器」的意思。控方更指控梁天琦有意推翻政權。Eliza當時更說,以她所知, Malcolm X不是「分裂國家主張者」(secessionist)。
周專員今日呈上Malcolm X的1964年的演講,讀出部份內容,又追問Eliza知否Malcolm X被指為 “separatist”和知否Malcolm X曾經加入激進伊斯蘭組織。
Eliza語氣有點難以置信地反問:「我們是否要進入複雜的美國種族歷史?美國黑人民族主義(black nationalist)和非洲裔美國人那時的分離主義(separatism), 尤其是於種族隔離(apartheid)的過去有多複雜?要研讀多少歷史脈絡?」
周堅持追問:「那Malcolm X是不是分離主義者?」
Eliza沒好氣答: 「若是說建立一個有主權的國家這個理解下,我認為不是。」
周專員仍在要求Eliza看Malcolm X說話節錄。此時,彭官要求暫停提問,三位法官退後座椅商議一會,然後彭寶琴說,Malcolm X是否分離主義者,與本案案情「拉扯得太遠」(far far removed), 彭官提醒周專員,Eliza一直不反對梁天琦在選舉演說中對港獨持正面看法。
Eliza罕見地光火起來:「你在引述我?你是否在說我和梁天琦是一伙?說我和他是同黨?(You suggest I am part of his cohort?)……好了,現在我被審訊,我要回答吧? (I am the person on trial, I have to answer this……)」辯方劉大狀立即站起來抗議,指Eliza是來做證人的。
Eliza指,一個知名度不夠的參選者,設計口號會有「不成比例地戲劇化」的情況(dramatizing out of proportion),故此梁天琦即使說「選票就是子彈」是一種誇張的說法而已。
今次被告唐英傑的電單車上,插着旗幟的版本,除了有「光時」這個八字中文口號,亦有七字英文“Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of our Times”,中英文版本均在法庭反覆被檢驗。辯方學者卻說,原來口號的出現,並非有明確的設計時刻,或單一設計者。
彭官曾詢問,英語口號如何出現, “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of our Times”那裡來?彭官留意到梁天琦2016年造勢晚的佈景板已出現這七個英文字。
但Eliza指出,她曾經從梁天琦遞交給選管會的個人簡介中,找到「光時」的英文版,卻是被譯成「Ignite Revolution to Reclaim Our Age.」對於造勢晚會和選管會的文宣為何有差異,Eliza說她不知道。
國安法首審專家證人系列(六之一):[Regime & Redeem]
國安法首審專家證人系列(六之二):[Just Do it]
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【《砥鋒挺鍔 傲雪欺霜》- 大專學界就民主牆爭議之聲明 | “Arming Ourselves in Our Darkest Hour” - Declaration of Students’ Unions of Higher Institutions on the Controversy Surrounding Democracy Wall】
(Please scroll down for English version.)
In the past few days, controversy surrounding students’ use of their democracy wall has broken out and received widespread attention. Communist puppet Lam Cheng Yuet Ngor took the chance and implied that freedom of speech should be limited, and fallacies have been told under the veil of academic freedom and institutional autonomy. Universities are where thoughts and opinions are exchanged, and democracy walls are platforms for students to speak our mind. The regime is now making an explicit effort to limit our freedom of expression through exerting pressure on university authorities to punish those whose speech may have intimidated the people in power. Students’ Unions across the higher institutions condemn such atrocities.
In the Chinese University of Hong Kong, students hanged banner advocating Hong Kong independence at a site managed by Student Union of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Related leaflets were also posted to the democracy wall. Staggeringly, while the students by no means breached the law, the university authorities claimed that such advocacies as illegal and overrode CUSU by sending securities to remove the banner, revealing their complete ignorance to the autonomy of CUSU. Students’ Unions now reiterate that the nature of the Basic Law is similar to that of a constitution, which defines the power of the government and the liberty enjoyed by the citizenry. In other words, while the government is bound by the constitution, the government can never restrict the liberty of the people through the constitution. Thus, neither the government nor the university authorities can restrict the freedom of students to discuss Hong Kong independence under the name of the Basic Law.
Due to the controversy, the Executive Committee of CUSU has been suffering excessive nuisance. Yet, neither has there been any response from nor actions taken by the university authorities to protect the students. The authorities, as educators, should feel shameful for not ensuring the safety of students due to differences in opinions.
Apart from this, there were also two persons posting slogans to ‘congratulate’ Education Undersecretary Choi Yuk Lin’s loss of her son on the democracy wall at the Education University of Hong Kong. The President of EdUHK severely condemned the students as ‘vicious’, and claimed that the university would expose those persons on the internet if they were not students of EdUHK. Related shots of CCTV were then released to the media in the following day. Indeed, students’ unions believe the slogans are inappropriate. Yet, it is also important to acknowledge that the Education Bureau has been introducing malicious policies against students, ranging from TSA to national education, and Choi has been an explicitly pro-government person. With no effective channels to express their discontent, young people may have chosen such emotional and even irrational expression. Thus, while such slogans are inappropriate, we also find them excusable. Albeit their discontent, the university authorities should not have released the shots of CCTV to the media. Such action not only stirs up public emotions and ignites mass criticism against the two persons which would be completely out of proportion, but may also constitute violation of Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Student may also be aware of similar vengeful acts when they criticise the university authorities again in the future. Students’ unions condemn the authorities of EdUHK for creating white terror and request the authorities to give a proper response regarding the leak of CCTV footage.
Under Article 27 of the Basic Law, we as Hong Kong citizens are entitled to the freedom of speech. Our rights must be protected and respected, while academic freedom and institutional autonomy are values that must not be stripped away. Students’ unions stress that everyone enjoys the freedom of speech, and this is the line that we shall never compromise. We are now paying attention to situation across the higher institutions and we are ready to defend our rights and liberty.
10 September 2017
City University of Hong Kong Students’ Union
Hang Seng Management College Students' Union
Hong Kong Baptist University Students’ Union
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students’ Union
Lingnan University Students’ Union
Student Union of Chu Hai College of Higher Education
Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong Students’ Union
The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Students' Union
The Education University of Hong Kong Students’ Union
The Hong Kong University Students’ Union
The Open University of Hong Kong Students’ Union
The Student Union of Hong Kong Shue Yan University
The Student Union of The Chinese University of Hong Kong
out of proportion中文 在 盧斯達 Facebook 的最佳解答
【《砥鋒挺鍔 傲雪欺霜》- 大專學界就民主牆爭議之聲明 | “Arming Ourselves in Our Darkest Hour” - Declaration of Students’ Unions of Higher Institutions on the Controversy Surrounding Democracy Wall】
(Please scroll down for English version.)
In the past few days, controversy surrounding students’ use of their democracy wall has broken out and received widespread attention. Communist puppet Lam Cheng Yuet Ngor took the chance and implied that freedom of speech should be limited, and fallacies have been told under the veil of academic freedom and institutional autonomy. Universities are where thoughts and opinions are exchanged, and democracy walls are platforms for students to speak our mind. The regime is now making an explicit effort to limit our freedom of expression through exerting pressure on university authorities to punish those whose speech may have intimidated the people in power. Students’ Unions across the higher institutions condemn such atrocities.
In the Chinese University of Hong Kong, students hanged banner advocating Hong Kong independence at a site managed by Student Union of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Related leaflets were also posted to the democracy wall. Staggeringly, while the students by no means breached the law, the university authorities claimed that such advocacies as illegal and overrode CUSU by sending securities to remove the banner, revealing their complete ignorance to the autonomy of CUSU. Students’ Unions now reiterate that the nature of the Basic Law is similar to that of a constitution, which defines the power of the government and the liberty enjoyed by the citizenry. In other words, while the government is bound by the constitution, the government can never restrict the liberty of the people through the constitution. Thus, neither the government nor the university authorities can restrict the freedom of students to discuss Hong Kong independence under the name of the Basic Law.
Due to the controversy, the Executive Committee of CUSU has been suffering excessive nuisance. Yet, neither has there been any response from nor actions taken by the university authorities to protect the students. The authorities, as educators, should feel shameful for not ensuring the safety of students due to differences in opinions.
Apart from this, there were also two persons posting slogans to ‘congratulate’ Education Undersecretary Choi Yuk Lin’s loss of her son on the democracy wall at the Education University of Hong Kong. The President of EdUHK severely condemned the students as ‘vicious’, and claimed that the university would expose those persons on the internet if they were not students of EdUHK. Related shots of CCTV were then released to the media in the following day. Indeed, students’ unions believe the slogans are inappropriate. Yet, it is also important to acknowledge that the Education Bureau has been introducing malicious policies against students, ranging from TSA to national education, and Choi has been an explicitly pro-government person. With no effective channels to express their discontent, young people may have chosen such emotional and even irrational expression. Thus, while such slogans are inappropriate, we also find them excusable. Albeit their discontent, the university authorities should not have released the shots of CCTV to the media. Such action not only stirs up public emotions and ignites mass criticism against the two persons which would be completely out of proportion, but may also constitute violation of Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Student may also be aware of similar vengeful acts when they criticise the university authorities again in the future. Students’ unions condemn the authorities of EdUHK for creating white terror and request the authorities to give a proper response regarding the leak of CCTV footage.
Under Article 27 of the Basic Law, we as Hong Kong citizens are entitled to the freedom of speech. Our rights must be protected and respected, while academic freedom and institutional autonomy are values that must not be stripped away. Students’ unions stress that everyone enjoys the freedom of speech, and this is the line that we shall never compromise. We are now paying attention to situation across the higher institutions and we are ready to defend our rights and liberty.
10 September 2017
City University of Hong Kong Students’ Union
Hang Seng Management College Students' Union
Hong Kong Baptist University Students’ Union
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students’ Union
Lingnan University Students’ Union
Student Union of Chu Hai College of Higher Education
Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong Students’ Union
The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Students' Union
The Education University of Hong Kong Students’ Union
The Hong Kong University Students’ Union
The Open University of Hong Kong Students’ Union
The Student Union of Hong Kong Shue Yan University
The Student Union of The Chinese University of Hong Kong
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