Having The Kraken Quartet join us for the group lesson last night !!! We had a wonderful discussion about music, composition, entrepreneurship!!! Miss the time we were all at Ithaca College School of Music studying from Gordon B Stout. 😘😘😘 Thank you guys, miss you all A LOT!!!!
今天團課邀請到在Ithaca college 唸書時的小學弟,現在是美國小有名氣的fusion擊樂鮮肉四重奏「the Kraken Quartet」。好久不見的學弟們,再次見到可以侃侃而談自己的音樂理念,覺得好棒!大家有空可以聽聽他們的音樂,很有趣喔!
The Kraken Quartet “Hold My Breath”
#yunjupan #alicepan #thekrakenquartet #quarantine #grouplesson #ithacacollege #percussion #una #percussionstudio #努力工作 #時區不同教課都睡不飽 #好朋友來聊天