【#場地單車世界錦標賽 不為人知的李慧詩?】
小編最愛就係每日一杯香滑奶茶提下神☕!原來運動員就唔可以啦!喺拍攝HKT及The Club場地單車賽打氣短片既時候,李慧詩仲爆咗個小秘密畀小編聽,原來運動員要特別注重飲食,備戰時更要嚴守指定餐單🍴!真係奶茶唔可以亂飲啊!
立即登上 👉 http://www.campaign-theclub.com.hk/cycling2017/zh/about.html 集郵啦
#TheClub愛你所愛 #WeareHKTeam #衝為香港 #TWC2017 #香港勁揪 #香港單車隊 梁峻榮 Leung Chun Wing #張敬樂 #高肇蔚 #梁嘉儒 #繆正賢 Sarah Lee Wai Sze - 李慧詩 #刁小娟 #馬詠茹 #楊倩玉 #梁寶儀 #梁穎儀 #孟昭娟 #逄瑤 #沈金康 #黃金寶 場地單車世界錦標賽 2017 UCI Track Cycling World Championships Pocari Sweat HK (Official) 屈臣氏蒸餾水 Watsons Water Champion System Hong Kong Tap & Go MOOV
>> 一齊為港隊集氣👉 http://www.campaign-theclub.com.hk/cycling2017
>> 立即兌換門券及紀念品 👉 http://bit.ly/TheClub-cycling2017-r
>> 火熱收聽「為香港單車隊打氣」歌單👉 https://moov.hk/share/appshare.jsp…
>> ㊙號外!慈善別注版「拍住賞」卡限量推出? 👉 http://bit.ly/TheClub-Cycling-TapnGo
【#2017UCITrackCyclingWorldChampionships: Best not invite Sarah to tea!】
Most of us like to sup a cup of milky tea in the morning. Most, that is, except the athletes among us! During an HKT and @theclubhongkong photo-shoot, Sarah told us athletes stick to special pre-race diets. So milky tea is out of bounds!
Want to view exclusive pictures of Sarah?
See them here: http://bit.ly/cycling2017-Educational
#GoTeamHongKong #SupportHongKongAthletes #HKsports #HKFight
>> Cheer for Team Hong Kong: http://www.campaign-theclub.com.hk/cycling2017
>> Get tickets and souvenirs: http://bit.ly/TheClub-cycling2017-r
>> Listen to a playlist that roots for Team Hong Kong: https://moov.hk/share/appshare.jsp…
>> Get the latest limited edition charity Tap & Go news: http://bit.ly/TheClub-Cycling-TapnGo