跟著怡琳看世界 33
Changing of the Guard returns to Buckingham Palace for the first time since Covid pandemic began
time-honoured 歷史悠久的/古老又受尊重的
monarch 君主
man 配備人手
Household Division 英國御林軍
fluffy 毛茸茸/蓬鬆
One of the most time-honoured traditions at the monarch's London home, the Changing of the Guard was halted in March 2020 to avoid large crowds of tourists gathering during lockdown and potentially spreading COVID-19. But the familiar sight returned on Monday.
For the past 18 months, they have been busy manning COVID-19 testing sites and vaccination centres across the country, as well as operational training.
When they're not performing ceremonial duties, guardsmen from the Household Division are also active, serving soldiers on operations or training.
What is the Changing of the Guard?
The Changing of the Guard is a formal ceremony where a group of soldiers who protect Buckingham Palace - one of the Queen's residences - are replaced by a new group of soldiers.
The soldiers who protect Buckingham Palace, are known as the Queen's guard, and they wear traditional outfits whilst carrying out their duties, including a fluffy black bearskin hat, and a red jacket.
Members of the public can watch the ceremony take place.
When did the ceremony first start?
The guards have protected Kings, Queens and the Royal Palaces since around 1656.
The Changing of the Guard ceremony originally took place at the Palace of Whitehall, which was the King or Queen's official home in London until 1689.
When the Royal household moved to St James's Palace, the ceremony took place there, and finally in 1837, the ceremony moved to Buckingham Palace after Queen Victoria moved in.
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【NEW文章分享】各位中秋假期過得如何呢?🌝 剛剛寫完的文章,趕快熱騰騰地端出來與大家分享📛 這次也很給力同步發表了英文版唷!
塔斯馬尼亞(Tasmania)是澳洲唯一的島洲,與維多利亞州的墨爾本隔海相望🙂 這裡擁有「澳洲版的紐西蘭」之稱🇦🇺 雖然對第一次來澳洲的人來說, 塔斯馬尼亞有點偏遠😅
不過當地有大量未開發的天然地帶,全州約 40% 被列為世界自然遺產、國家公園或自然保護區🌳 因此對喜歡大自然的人來說, 塔斯馬尼亞自駕是個很棒的選擇!🚗
英文版連結➡️ https://www.travelwithwinny.com/self-drive-in-tasmania-7-day-itinerary/
#澳洲 #自駕 #塔斯馬尼亞
Tasmania is an island state located south of the Australian mainland🇦🇺 Proudly recognized as the “natural state”, 42% of Tasmania is covered with protected areas such as national parks and World Heritage Sites🌳 It is like the New Zealand of Australia! A great place for nature lovers. Hence self-drive in Tasmania is a great way to explore the island🚗
Link to the English blog here ➡️ https://www.travelwithwinny.com/self-drive-in-tasmania-7-day-itinerary/
#australia #tasmania #selfdrive
protected sites 在 林宜瑄-關心社會大小事 Facebook 的最佳貼文
決定轉貼這篇文章,除了重申「言論自由」的重要,也提到Assange 必須主動面對性侵案件,對「身體自主」的尊重,以及與俄國過從甚密而帶來人權侵害的另一個隱憂。
是目前針對聲援Assange 所有聲明中,闡述最全面對的一篇文章。
綠黨作為全球串連的政黨,對於國際人權的聲援,也責無旁貸。今(5/3)本黨代表出席聲援朱利安·亞桑傑(Julian P. Assange)的記者會,是基於 #資訊公開 跟 #新聞自由 的基本人權之故。
誠如大家所知,Assange是 #維基解密 的發起人跟代言人。這個網站,因為揭露了美國政府在戰爭中的不法情事,致使被美國政府通緝,日前在英國被捕,正在引渡回美國受審。
維基解密過去曾發布大量的敏感性資料,這些事情雖然令相關單位感到不堪或尷尬,但是這也促進了世界各國對人權的保障;包括2008年的《經濟學人》雜誌和國際特赦組織... 等,都多有肯定。《紐約每日新聞報》甚至將其列為「徹底改變新聞界的網站」中的第一名;這都是肯定維基解密對資訊揭露、促進世界和平的重大貢獻。
我們同時也希望 Assange 先生,需要主動面對他在瑞典受指控的性侵害案;新聞自由誠然有其正當性,但是對於「身體自主權」的尊重,也是全球綠人的核心價值。
其他各國綠黨對Julian Assange的聲援說明:
Green Party(美國綠黨)
The Australian Greens(澳洲綠黨)
〔May 3, 2019, Press Conference - In Support of Julian Assange〕
As an international party, Green Party Taiwan is firm on its position to advocate international human rights. Therefore, in today’s press conference (5/3/2019), we gather here to support Julian P. Assange and to support human rights in forms of information transparency and freedom of the press.
Julian Assange is the founder and the spokesperson of Wikileaks, a website that uncovered and published unlawful engagements of the US army in 2010, and Assange was later indicted by the US government for it. Last month, Assange was arrested by the UK police and is now in the process of being extradited to the US for his trials.
Since its launch, WikiLeaks has published over 10 million entries of data and analysis, specializing in war, spy, corruption, and relevant official confidential documents. Assange has said in an interview that “WikiLeaks is a giant library of the world's most persecuted documents.”
Green Pary Taiwan believes it is essential that freedom of the press is protected and the governments are held accountable for their actions.
Wikileaks has published a large amount of sensitive information that embarrassed the authorities involved, but in the process, it helps promote the protection of human rights across the globe. Their endeavors were recognized by The Economist and Amnesty International, among others. New York Daily News even listed Wikileaks as one of the five “pioneering Web sites that could totally change the news.” These awards and recognitions highlight how much Wikileaks has contributed to increasing information transparency and world peace.
Green Party Taiwan believes that the public power needs to be overseen and that the making of public policies should be transparent. That is why we are here today to support Julian Assange. As the UK and the US are role models of democracy, we hope that both countries will lead by example and take actions in protecting freedom of speech and freedom of the press.
Meanwhile, we ask that Mr. Julian Assange take initiatives in facing the rape charges against him in Sweden. While the Green Party values freedom of speech, we also value each person’s boldly autonomy.
We also hope that Wikileaks will keep its distance from Russia, as it has been accused of assisting Russia in interfering with other countries‘ internal affairs, posting threats to human rights by empowering an authoritarian regime. How to protect “information transparency” from becoming a tool of authoritarian interference is an urgent issue that needs attention. We hope that citizens across the globe will increase their media literacy in this age of digitization to sustain global peace.
Today’s press conference is held by Green Party Taiwan as well we Miss Linda Arrigo, a former leader of Green Party Taiwan, and we are honored to be able to voice our opinion in advocacy of human rights, which is a core belief of the Green Party. The Green Party in Australia and in the US have also voiced their support for Julian Assange. We hope this press conference would invite more attention to issues surrounding Wikileaks’s future as well as damages that are being done to freedom of speech in Taiwan, such as fake news and misinformation. We hope such attention would create positive momentum to improve Taiwan.