More shows to come! Excitement unending!
On August 28, 2020, Symphony Theatre will premiere a performance that is sure to warm the heart—“Tearless Sky”.
同名主题曲 – 《没有泪的天空》在易桀齐和伍冠彦的编曲下,由饰演杜小梦的钟洁希填词并演唱 。美籍音乐家兼演员的李安生 在美国得过音乐奖,也为《红楼梦》话剧创作了主题曲与插曲,深获好评。 此次,为本话剧操刀制作填词,以磁性声线献唱插曲《在一起》,并以中英双语演唱《永恒》。男主角林霆坚,真情真爱以动人歌声勇敢表达《幸福女孩》。
想要购买话剧入门票🤩?请点击这里 :
【联络号码】016-336 6701(Ms. Tan)
Want to purchase tickets? 🤩 Visit the following link:
Contact number: 016-336 6701 (Ms. Tan)
More shows to come! Excitement unending!
On August 28, 2020, Symphony Theatre will premiere a performance that is sure to warm the heart—“Tearless Sky”.
How would they respond when facing the conflicts in love and the call of destiny?
And does settling with a kindred soul really mean happiness?
🌧 “Tearless Sky”, a touching stage play based on a classic romance novel, stars well-known artist Jessie Chung. Symphony Theatre artists John Lee and Terry Lim also star in the play alongside many experienced actors.
🤩 Lead actor Terry Lim portrayed Jia Baoyu in the stage play “The Dream of Red Mansions” after coming first in a global audition. His portrayal of Jia Baoyu has been praised by the audience, and he is known for his superb acting skills. John Lee is an American musician and actor. He is an award-winning musician and has written two songs for the stage play “The Dream of Red Mansions”, garnering favourable reviews. Two songs written by him will also appear in the stage play “Tearless Sky”. Both actors are performing arts and music majors.
The title song, “Tearless Sky”, is composed by Yi Jet Qi and Ng Cheon Chet, while Jessie Chung, who portrays Du Xiaomeng, wrote the lyrics and performed the song. John Lee is an actor and award-winning American musician who composed the theme song and soundtrack for the stage play “The Dream of Red Mansions”, garnering favourable reviews. For this upcoming play, he produced and performed the soundtrack song “Be With Me” and performed two versions of “Eternally” in both Mandarin and English with his mesmeric vocals. Male lead Terry Lim, in a daring and romantic manner, provides the love song “Happy Girl” with his marvellous voice.
Jeffrey Beh, director of “Tearless Sky”, has starred in movies, dramas, short films and music videos. Paul Lee, the assistant director, is a dual citizen who grew up between the U.S. and Taiwan. He is also a character actor and learned the craft of cinematography and directing under a few renowned instructors in the U.S. Director Jeffrey Beh and Assistant Director Paul Lee both majored in performing arts and music, and have directed many dramas, short films and commercials.
💘Synopsis: Jessie Chung plays a lively, cheerful girl who returns a lost item to its owner (John Lee) and loses her job due to showing up to work late. After many twists and turns, she finally finds a job as a caregiver and meets a rich young man (Terry Lim). The two begin to break the ice...
Growing up is going from ignorance to understanding, from holding on to letting go.
As we know not if we might live to see tomorrow,
We can only live life with no regrets when we learn to give and bless.
In doing so, a tearless sky is created that truly belongs to each one of us.
💕Symphony Theatre presents to all theatre lovers a brand-new masterpiece, “Tearless Sky”. It is a fast-paced, hotblooded stage play. Equipped with high-end audio equipment and an LED stage to display spectacular, vivid backdrops created through 3D technology, the audience gets a chance to enjoy an immersive feast of the senses. So far, six performances of “Tearless Sky” have been scheduled. It will premiere on August 28 at Symphony Theatre. Stay tuned for more updates!
Performance dates: 🏹🏹🏹
First show: August 28, 2020
Second show: August 29, 2020
Third show: August 30, 2020
Fourth show: September 4, 2020
Fifth show: September 5, 2020
Sixth show: September 6, 2020
Duration: 2 hours 30min
Time: 8 p.m.
Venue: Symphony Theatre
Performed in Mandarin with English surtitles
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過984的網紅the Candyman糖果人,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Rich Johnathan- the 🍬 Candyman糖果人 (Demo Version Audio) ft. @brianimanuel 每天望著窗外滴落小雨滴滴答答 想著上級跟我在那豪洨哼哼哈哈 我看你在那放屁還差不多 我灑幾張歐元在空中飄 歐 晚上回到家又聽到鄰居在那趴趴趴 是在炫技還...
rich man中文 在 Jessie Chung锺潔希 Facebook 的最讚貼文
🤩More shows to come! Excitement unending! 💝Right after “Meant to Be”, Symphony Theatre presents to you another performance that is sure to warm the heart — “Tearless Sky”.
📡以获取更多最新资讯,请守住洁希脸书或联络Symphony Theatre 负责人梁小姐 012-642 0336📡 📡💖
🤩More shows to come! Excitement unending! 💝Right after “Meant to Be”, Symphony Theatre presents to you another performance that is sure to warm the heart — “Tearless Sky”.
💌How would they respond when facing the conflicts in love and the call of destiny?
And does settling with a kindred soul really mean happiness?
💘Synopsis: Jessie Chung plays a lively, cheerful girl who returns a lost item to its owner (John Lee) and is fired by her boss after arriving to work late. After many twists and turns, she finally finds a job as a caregiver and meets a rich young man (Terry Lim). The two begin to break the ice...
🌧 “Tearless Sky”, a touching stage play based on a classic romance novel, stars Jessie Chung, a performing actress in high demand. Symphony Theatre newcomers John Lee and Terry Lim also star in the play directed by Jeffrey Beh and Paul Lee, alongside many experienced actors.
🌈 Jeffrey Beh, director of “Tearless Sky”, has starred in movies, dramas, short films and music videos. Paul Lee, the assistant director, is a dual citizen who grew up between the U.S. and Taiwan. He is also a character actor and learned the craft of cinematography and directing under a few renowned instructors in the U.S. Director Jeffrey Beh and Assistant Director Paul Lee both majored in performing arts and music, and have directed many dramas, short films and commercials.
Growing up is going from ignorance to understanding, from holding on to letting go.
As we know not if we might live to see tomorrow,
We can only live life with no regrets when we learn to give and bless.
In doing so, a tearless sky is created that truly belongs to each one of us.
💕Symphony Theatre presents to all theatre lovers a brand-new masterpiece, “Tearless Sky”. It is a fast-paced, hotblooded drama that takes on theatre in an unorthodox way, incorporating film techniques on stage. Equipped with high-end audio equipment and an LED stage to display vivid backdrops, the audience gets a chance to enjoy an immersive feast of the senses. So far, six performances of “Tearless Sky” have been scheduled, with the premiere set on July 24 at Symphony Theatre. Stay tuned for more updates!
📅📆 Performance dates:
First show: July 24, 2020
Second show: July 25, 2020
Third show: July 26, 2020
Fourth show: July 31, 2020
Fifth show: August 1, 2020
Sixth show: August 2, 2020
⏳Time: 8 p.m.
🎀Venue: Symphony Theatre
Performed in Mandarin with English subtitles
📡 For more news and information, stay tuned on Jessie’s Facebook or contact Symphony Theatre representative Ms. Leong (012-642 0336). 📡 📡💖
rich man中文 在 BR aka Buzz Rhyme aka 吵架王 Facebook 的最佳解答
【About the Album】
在90年代的東岸,Jay-Z與Nas正為了Biggie所遺留下來的王冠爭得你死我活,而我也從不否認《Illmatic》和《Reasonable Doubt》是整個嘻哈史上極為傑出的兩張經典之作;但,比起這兩張唱片,我更常把Big L在1995年發行的首張專輯《Lifestylez ov da Poor & Dangerous》拿出來聽。
對我來說,《Lifestylez ov da Poor & Dangerous》雖然比不上《Reasonable Doubt》那樣炫麗奪目,但是它的音樂中擁有陰沉與詭譎的恐怖氛圍;《Lifestylez ov da Poor & Dangerous》雖然不像《Illmatic》那般受到學術界重視(國外有許多學術文章與幾本專書特別探討了《Illmatic》的內容),但是Big L有趣且毫無破綻的「多音節押韻(compouding)」更為吸引我。
專輯名稱「Lifestylez ov da Poor & Dangerous」的靈感,來自於對美國1984到1995年所播出電視系列節目《Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous》的嘲諷,有別於該節目專門呈現富豪與名人的紙醉金迷到極點的奢華生活,Big L特別以Poor & Dangerous凸顯出一般人所不知曉、電視上所看不到的黑人真實生活。
本名Lamont Coleman的Big L,在樂界最為著名的便是他「Horrorcore」之風格。「Horrorcore」,顧名思義便是像恐怖片、驚悚片的那種氣氛,在專輯中的〈Danger Zone〉這首歌曲尤其明顯:
I beat chumps til they head splits, then break em like bread sticks
I sex chicks, I'll even fuck a dead bitch
Always sprayin Tecs, because I be stayin vexed
Some nigga named Dex, was in the projects layin threats
I jumped out the Lincoln, left him stinkin
Put his brains in the street
Now you can see what he was just thinkin
普遍的黑幫饒舌大多是在強調自己有多威猛,或是吹噓自己有多大尾,然而Horrocore風格的饒舌歌手卻是用另一種方式講故事,他們用比暴力更上一層樓的「恐怖」,或是血腥驚悚的歌詞來演繹出黑街的另一種樣貌。在這段歌詞中,Big L不僅顯示自己有多狠,同時他的暴力甚至有點變態,像是他用「then break em like bread sticks」來形容他怎麼弄死對手,bread sticks是一種義式的小點心,中文大多以麵包條稱之,而在這邊Big L向大家表示自己幹掉那些人就像是折斷麵包條一樣輕鬆。這一種敘述方式很容易讓人聯想到他折斷敵人的肢體或是軀幹。
這一種風格正是所謂的「Horrorcore」。「Horrorcore」並非由Big L所創,但普遍認為是他將這種風格發揚光大。
Big L的饒舌功力也很高,Nas以及Jay-Z都曾公開表示對於Big L的押韻還有flow非常佩服,Nas甚至講出:「要是我和他battle,我覺得我完全沒有勝算」。而在歌曲〈I Don't Understand It〉中,有一段多音節的押韻我個人很喜歡:
I don't understand, man, how rappers cold transform
One minute you're hardcore and raw
That's what you was known for, but not no more
Big L一口氣、毫不拖泥帶水地噴吐出複合式的押韻,從cold transform到hardcore and raw,然後又接到known for還外加了一個no more作結。到了同一首歌的第三段歌詞,Big L又唱了:
And I wonder how the hell they records sell
They raps are stale and frail
They're false like fairy tales
再一次由多音節的高難度韻腳結合對於文字遊戲掌握的高超功力,從records sell到stale and frail再到fairy tales,一氣呵成。這樣的押韻在這張專輯中屢見不鮮,要舉例的話真的舉不完。
很可惜的是,在《Lifestylez ov da Poor & Dangerous》發行後,在唱片銷售上的表現實在不怎麼樣(根據Nielsen SoundScan的資料顯示,到2000年為止,這張專輯也才賣出了"20萬"張),而在美國告示牌的流行榜也只拿下了第149名,於節奏藍調/嘻哈榜上更是連前20名都沒闖進去;同時,Big L也與哥倫比亞唱片公司衝突不斷(1998年Hip Hop Connection上一篇由Mike Lewis所撰寫的文章中就提到,Big L在生前曾表示:「在哥倫比亞唱片那裡,讓我感覺像是跟一群不懂我音樂的陌生人共事」)。也因此在1996年,哥倫比亞唱片結束了與Big L的合約。
我幾乎每個禮拜都會把《Lifestylez ov da Poor & Dangerous》拿出來聽個兩三遍,然而我總是會想到在1999年,紐約哈林區的139街上,Big L的臉部與胸部遭人駕車連開九槍。之後,這樣一個才華洋溢的街頭吟詩者、一個能以言語製造他人恐懼的悍將、一個年僅24歲的黑人青年就這樣倒下了。
的確如同他的專輯名稱「窮困與凶險的生活方式」,Big L用自己的生命驗證了這一層道理,但,我總覺得這樣的代價實在太大。不過換一個角度想,若不是生活在這樣的街頭,他們能創作出這樣的歌曲嗎?對於這個問題我始終沒有解答。
rich man中文 在 the Candyman糖果人 Youtube 的最佳解答
Rich Johnathan- the 🍬 Candyman糖果人 (Demo Version Audio) ft. @brianimanuel
我灑幾張歐元在空中飄 歐
我也把技能開最大 開殺戒 大殺特殺
#diss #rap #battle #rapper #rapping #rapofchina #rap #hiphopmusic #hiphopsavedmylife #disstrack #fuckyou #lifesastruggle #中國有嘻哈 #中國新說唱 #饒舌 #嘻哈 #中文饒舌 #中文嘻哈 #饒舌音樂 #嘻哈

rich man中文 在 BONBON SUET Youtube 的最讚貼文
將要碰壁的一刻,你要做一個決定,換一個立場,還是轉身逃跑?Songs for a New World 以歌曲捕捉這一瞬間,探討生命、愛和抉擇,屬於今天的故事和人物,再以音樂開展新世界。作曲及填詞Jason Robert Brown將觀眾由1492年西班牙船艦的甲板上,帶到紐約第五大道,遇上立志用籃球脫貧的年輕男子,再見證終日幻想能嫁個有錢人的女子,終於如願以償卻發現沒靈魂的一段婚姻。Songs for a New World 是個組曲音樂劇 (Song Cycle),17首歌曲蘊含著17個故事。自1995年於外百老匯首演後,已經於全球上演數百場。
It's about one moment. It's about hitting the wall and having to make a choice, or take a stand, or turn around and go back. These are the stories and characters of today, the Songs For A New World. This moving collection of powerful songs examines life, love and the choices we make. Brown transports his audience from the deck of a 1492 Spanish sailing ship to a ledge 57 stories above Fifth Avenue to meet a startling array of characters ranging from a young man who has determined that basket-ball is his ticket out of the ghetto to a woman whose dream of marrying rich nabs her the man of her dreams and a soulless marriage. Songs for a New World, a theatrical song cycle, which played Off-Broadway in 1995, and has since been seen in hundreds of productions around the world.
作曲及填詞 Music and Lyrics:Jason Robert Brown
導演及歌唱指導Director and Singing Coach:李頴康* Wing-hong Li*
音樂總監及鋼琴 Music Director and Pianist:邵天慈 Tin-chi Siu
原子鏸 Marsha Yuan 劉榮豐 Rick Lau 黃雪燁 BonBon 魚旦Ronny Yuen
現場樂隊 Live Band:劉君豪 Isaac Lau 鄧應祈Ying-ki Tang 王梓豪Charlie Wong
編舞 Choreographer:陳雅珊 Shan Chan
佈景及服裝設計 Set and Costume Designer:王詩華(樹蛙)Suwa Wong
燈光設計 Lighting Designer:蕭健邦 Leo Siu
音響設計 Sound Designer:馮璟康 King-hong Fung
宣傳平面設計 Promotional Graphic Designer:鍾凱飛 Fei Chung
舞台監督 Stage Manager:吳紫靈 Kami Ng
導演助理 Assistant to Director:尹溥程* Edwin Wan*
助理監製 Assistant Producer:鄒棓鈞 Alastor Chow
監製 Producer:陳健迅 Seth Chan
With the kind permission of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts for joining the production
21 – 24 / 7 / 2016 8:15 pm
23 – 24 / 7 / 2016 3:15 pm
沙田大會堂文娛廳 Cultural Activities Hall, Sha Tin Town Hall
$260 $190
Presented in English with Chinese surtitles
Approximately 1 hour 30 minutes
門票由5月21日起於城市售票網公開發售 Tickets available at URBTIX from 21 May
[#] 優惠票數量有限,先到先得。
20% discount for
-Senior citizens aged 60 or above (limited offer)
-Full-time students (limited offer)
-People with disabilities and the minder
10% off for each purchase of 5-7 standard tickets;
15% off for each purchase of 8 or more standard tickets
票務查詢Ticketing Enquiries 3761 6661
信用卡購票Credit Card Booking 2111 5999
網上購票Online Booking www.urbtix.hk
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Mobile Ticketing App My URBTIX (Android and iPhone/iPad versions) Booking
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15% Discount at URBTIX Outlets only upon presentation of valid membership card:
CCDC Dance Inspirations
Members of Hong Kong Arts Administrators Association
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Chung Ying Theatre “Energy Fun Club plus”
The Radiant Theatre Member
JASON ROBERT BROWN 集作曲、填詞、指揮、編曲、配器師、導演和表演者於一身,被Philadelphia Inquirer 譽為「百老匯繼Stephen Sondheim 之後最聰穎和細膩的作曲家。」由Marsha Norman改編自同名暢銷小說的音樂劇The Bridges of Madison County,為他帶來第二個東尼獎最佳作曲獎。突破傳統敘事方式的外百老匯音樂劇The Last Five Years 於2015年上映電影版《留給最愛的情歌》,並由安娜.姬妲妮及謝洛美.佐敦主演。其他主要作曲及填詞音樂劇包括:Honeymoon In Vegas, 13, Parade (Drama Desk Awards及 New York Drama Critics’ Circle Awards 最佳新音樂劇及東尼獎最佳作曲獎) 及Songs for a New World。
JASON ROBERT BROWN is an equally skilled composer, lyricist, conductor, arranger, orchestrator, director and performer. He has been hailed as “one of Broadway’s smartest and most sophisticated songwriters since Stephen Sondheim” (Philadelphia Inquirer). The Bridges of Madison County, a musical adapted with Marsha Norman from the bestselling novel, earned him his second Tony Award for Best Original Score. A film version of his epochal Off-Broadway musical The Last Five Years has been released in 2015, starring Anna Kendrick and Jeremy Jordan. His major musicals as composer and lyricist include: Honeymoon In Vegas, 13, Parade (Drama Desk and New York Drama Critics’ Circle Awards for Best New Musical, Tony Award for Best Original Score), and Songs for a New World.
Presented by Musical Trio
Songs for a New World Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/859606444162851/
BONBON Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/wongsuetip.bonbon/