COP 25 氣候會議從智利改到西班牙馬德里後,我也很快改我的航班,時間上大約少了一半時間,也省了不少。
看到 Greta 可以坐船去,真的很羨慕,一則是我得工作,無法容許我花上幾周的低碳旅程,另外就是她可以從這找到低碳的理由與實踐,我雖然有做,但還不夠多,真的還有進步空間。
So happy to say that I'll hopefully make it to COP25 in Madrid.
I’ve been offered a ride from Virginia, USA, on the french 48ft sailing catamaran La Vagabonde.
The two Australians Riley Whitlum, Elayna Carausu and Nikki Henderson from England will take me across the Atlantic Ocean.
We sail for Europe tomorrow morning!