Rags to Riches Because of the Grace of Generous Giving
““No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You can’t serve both God and Mammon.” (Matthew 6:24 WEB)
If you are a born-again Christian, then Jesus is your Lord.
You know what that means? It means you belong to Him, and pledge to serve Him in whatever He asks of you.
When this is true, you can’t be serving money as another master.
God is not against us having money, if not the Scriptures wouldn’t say that He gives us power to get wealth and that He wants us to prosper in all things.
God wants you to be well-supplied with money, but money is supposed to be a tool that enables you to serve Jesus.
The moment you end up making decisions solely based on whether it suits your monetary interest, out of greed or stinginess, you have made Mammon your master.
If you serve Jesus, many times He will lead you to do things that aren’t going to make you any money.
In fact, the Holy Spirit may lead you to give money, time and effort.
This will be difficult to do if you’ve made money a master in your heart.
You’ll feel that tugging in your heart and end up hardening your heart in defiance.
However when you obediently serve Jesus by giving your resources to those He directs you to, He always adds much more back to you.
“Remember this: he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly. He who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Let each man give according as he has determined in his heart; not grudgingly, or under compulsion; for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, that you, always having all sufficiency in everything, may abound to every good work.” (2 Corinthians 9:6-8 WEB)
This is the Biblical principle of sowing and reaping which is still for us today under Grace.
When you sow, you can expect a harvest. If you don’t sow, you have no basis to expect any harvest.
If you don’t give, you’re still saved, but you’re not going to be rich, because your reluctance to give shows your unbelief in Jesus. You need faith to receive God’s blessings.
Jesus’ finished work at the cross has prepared the fertile ground, enabling you to receive a good harvest when you sow by faith.
Sowing is the way God designed for His blessings of provision to be delivered to His children.
The world teaches you to be selfish and hoard wealth in order to get richer.
God’s way of financial increase is the opposite: the more you give cheerfully by faith, the more money is added to you, so that you can give even more.
Ask Abba God to grow you in this grace of giving—through generous giving, you will increase more and more.
It is a privilege to give and be one of God’s channels of blessings. Rich believers are generous givers.
What is generous? It is relative depending on your current financial situation.
But the idea is that you’re not being stingy and you’re not thinking about yourself.
A generous heart comes from a place of love, where you just want the recipient to be happy and blessed, to feel the love of Jesus.
Are you experiencing a financial famine? Pray for an opportunity to sow some financial seeds so that you will receive a bountiful harvest.
Eventually as you keep growing in this grace, you’ll reach that point as apostle Paul says where you’re ALWAYS sufficient in everything and able to abound in EVERY good work.
“God Every Morning” tier and above patrons on Patreon receive daily devotionals by email, all my eBooks, daily teachings via WhatsApp in our GEM Bible Study chat group.
These rewards are for patrons only because they sow into our ministry, enabling us to keep sharing fresh revelations about the Gospel of Jesus Christ at least twice a day to thousands of people.
I’m currently doing a teaching series called “Younger and Younger” for the patrons, and they are excited about the youth renewal coming their way. It is the work of the Holy Spirit.
One of our patrons, Alwin, just shared his youth renewal testimony: “After embarking on the Younger and Younger devotional for the day, yesterday I managed to run about 3.2km which normally I can't. I realise that that's the kind of distance I ran during my days of youth and I am seeing that God is multiplying my days to be more youthful, healthier and strong. Praise Jesus! Thank you, brother Milton for obeying Jesus and taking us on this journey.”
I also produced a new resource called “Eternal Youth Audio Declarations” which is a 10 min recording filled with youth renewal teachings and declarations to help the patrons hear their way to youth renewal—all the patrons who actively participate are going to return to the days of their youth!
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#Jesus #Grace
scriptures about taking your place 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的最佳貼文
God Wants You to Receive Your Breakthrough Now!
“She spoke to him according to these words, saying, “The Hebrew servant, whom you have brought to us, came in to me to mock me, and as I lifted up my voice and cried, he left his garment by me, and ran outside.” When his master heard the words of his wife, which she spoke to him, saying, “This is what your servant did to me,” his wrath was kindled. Joseph’s master took him, and put him into the prison, the place where the king’s prisoners were bound, and he was there in custody. But Yahweh was with Joseph, and showed kindness to him, and gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison.” (Genesis 39:17-21 WEB)
Sometimes we can use the Scriptures to justify and mask our unbelief.
We keep telling ourselves that we may be in a bad place now but God’s favor will come to save us soon.
We keep delaying that deliverance to a future time, never really boldly trusting Jesus for a deliverance now!
That’s actually because we don’t know that it’s always God’s will to set us free and receive His blessings now.
We’re afraid that if we place all our faith in being delivered now, we’ll be greatly disappointed when nothing happens—that’s called unbelief.
Our circumstances and feelings don’t determine whether God and His favor is with us or not.
His word promises that He is always with us through the indwelling Holy Spirit and He is always for us, never to leave nor forsake us.
Because the Spirit of liberty and life is always with you, God’s favor is always upon you, working things for your good even when you can’t see anything changing in the natural.
“for he says, “At an acceptable time I listened to you, in a day of salvation I helped you.” Behold, now is the acceptable time. Behold, now is the day of salvation.” (2 Corinthians 6:2 WEB)
Dear brethren, God’s heart is to heal you now—He wants you freed from the demonic oppression that has bound you.
As much as you hate that sickness, poverty, depression, addiction or whatever is keeping you bound, God hates it too because it is harming you—the one He loves.
God is urgent about it. When the father saw the prodigal son returning from a distance, he didn’t just stand there tapping his foot in disapproval. He ran without any composure or dignity, towards his beloved son and embraced him with lots of kissing.
““He arose, and came to his father. But while he was still far off, his father saw him, and was moved with compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him.” (Luke 15:20 WEB)
When you imagine an aloof God who doesn’t mind you suffering just a bit longer, that wrecks your faith for the “now deliverance”.
If you have faith in Jesus, you can receive your breakthrough right now.
If not, the delay is just the journey which God is taking you through to cast out unbelief and bring you to a place of unpolluted faith.
The due season and appointed time of your breakthrough is the simply the God-foreseen moment when you have faith in Jesus for your miracle and speak it forth into your life.
Unbelief is like a poison—one drop can make the entire well of water unusable.
The New Covenant of Grace is all about receiving God’s blessings through faith and not through earning it by performance.
Will you take a bold step of faith and trust Him that your time of favor and breakthrough is now?
At this link you can read more Christ-centered Bible Studies, devotionals, sermon notes and find ways to partner with our ministry to help us reach even more people with the Gospel ===> https://smart.bio/miltongohblog
#BibleStudy #Faith
scriptures about taking your place 在 Firdaus Wong Wai Hung Facebook 的最佳解答
[MRM Reply To FMT's Reader Comment]
Dear Mr. Ravinder Singh
I begin with the greetings of peace and Salam.
My name is Firdaus Wong and I am the person of whom you referred to in your article "Defying one's religious teachings to belittle another's".
First of all, as Muslims, we are taught in the Qur'an that, if we receive news from a person who errs, we should investigate and clarify it first, lest we may end up inadvertently harming others in our ignorance. (Refer to chapter 49:hujaraat, Verse 6). So it would have been a much more appropriate measure and a better conduct for us to have a decent conversation and clarified my point and Dr. Zakir Naik's, instead of posting a public article on Free Malaysia Today, immediately jumping to the erroneous conclusion and false accusation that I have defended an individual who defied his own religion.
In today's age of social media and email, we live in a world today that communication is easy and rather effortless, that it would have been much civilized and easier to contact me in person instead of releasing a such controversial and derogatory article.
Regardless, what's done is done, and moving forward, I write to you with the intent of correcting and clarifying the errors made in your writings; in full acknowledgement and respect that you write the article in sincere intent of clarifying the truth, and not a mere cheap attempt at riding on the bandwagon of Dr Zakir Naik's current popularity just to gain public attention and likes.
What you have said regarding the teachings of Islam, that there is no compulsion in religion, and that we should not belittle others, is exactly correct.
In the Quran chapter 2:Al-Baqarah Verse 256 Allah tells us "there is no compulsion in calling others to religion", and in chapter 49:Al-Hujaraat, chapter 11, Muslims are warned never to scoff and look down on others - "O you who believe! Let not a group scoff at another group, it may be that the latter are better than the former; nor let (some) women scoff at other women, it may be that the latter are better than the former, nor defame one another, nor insult one another by nicknames. How evil is it, to insult one's brother after having Faith [i.e. to call your Muslim brother (a faithful believer) as: "O sinner", or "O wicked", etc.]. And whosoever does not repent, then such are indeed those who have evil"
Having said that, Dr. Zakir Naik has never belittled or scorned other religions, and neither has he forced others to join the religion of islam. Your article itself has failed to provide any evidence to substantiate this claim.
In fact, if you have watched his videos, when people convert to islam in his public events, it is out of their own sincere willingness. Being a man of integrity, I am sure you have seen at least some of his videos on YouTube, and perhaps have some proof to substantiate your claims.
When Dr Zakir mentions that God does not have son, he quotes it directly from the Qur'an. So how can you say he defies the Qur'an by quoting directly from it?
Your own statement has defied and contradicted your own logic.
Unless, what you are actually trying to say is that, the Qur'an itself is taking negatively about other religions and that islam itself is a bad religion for preaching this negativity.
And where, in his quoting of these characteristics of God, does he speak of in a belittling, negative or derogatory manner of other religions?
What Dr. Zakir Naik does, as with the obligation of every Muslim, is simply promote the religion of Islam transparently as how God has Revealed in His Final, undistorted Revelation, the Holy Qur'an, and through the teachings of His Final Messenger, Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم. He does this in full respect of other religions, quoting from their own religious scriptures on what their true teachings are, not simply what their culture or tradition dictates. He never makes derogatory remarks on others, in the same way that, if we were to clarify our country's Laws to other countries which contradict what our country has legislated, we never did that with the intent of belittling or degrading their Law, simply stating our differences and an attempt to convince the other party that perhaps our point may be stronger and worthy of consideration to be implemented. But if you are not convinced and still feel your law is more worthy of implementation, and that you wish to remain in your ways, then by all means, I will not penalize or disrespect you - and hence what is meant by "there is no compulsion", and "to you, your religion, and to me mine".
But this does not negate our duty to propagate and promote the message of Islam.
As Muslims we propagate islam, because we are passionate about our religion and what we are convinced of as the Truth, because that gives us happiness and contentment in this life and a positive outlook on the life to come. And in knowing this beautiful way of life, it would be utterly selfish for us to reserve this message to ourselves, and hence we propagate the religion islam as we wish for others the same goodness that we have been blessed with, and that is why we are commanded by Allah not to be stingy of this faith :
"Invite mankind to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better." (Chapter 16:An-Nahl, Verse 125)
Your claims that "Zakir seems to have come on a political mission to get PAS and Umno to form a coalition" is completely baseless, speculative and provocative. You have no right to judge his intent as political, and this statement seems to be an unprofessional attempt of character assassination to instigate undeserved hatred against Dr Zakir.
When Dr Zakir makes the claim that it is better for them to form a coalition, this is not with political intent, rather reiterating the beautiful unity and harmony God asks the Muslims to achieve, to be United and cooperate on the terms of faith and not the terms of flags, borders, political parties or organizations.
"And hold tightly, all of you together, to the Rope of Allah (i.e. this Quran, this religion), and be not divided among yourselves, and remember Allah's Favour on you, for you were enemies one to another but He joined your hearts together (through faith)" (Chapter 3:al imran, Verse 103)
Regarding your statement,
Shouldn’t the pious Muslim be more concerned over his brethren who are not following the teachings of the Quran and go on a jihad to bring them back to the right path instead of trying to get more people to convert to Islam?
Simple logic: If your house is not well kept, how are you going to make it well kept by bringing more “property” into it and strewing it all over the place?
Firstly it is quite apparent by your statement that you are not aware of the multitude Islamic initiatives and organizations currently in existence and in operation, both in the country and globally - all in the intent of continuously educating, correcting ourselves and helping each other towards righteousness. Thousands, millions of Muslims collaborate and benefit each other through these initiatives.
Having said that, This does not negate our obligation to propagate the religion and expand ourselves. Rather, both efforts come hand in hand.
Mr Ravinder, as an educated person I'm sure you know, an organization that does not expand itself, is doomed for failure. So should a company stop expanding just because it has a few troubled employees? Should a country stop scientific advancement and research because many of its citizens are lacking in scientific knowledge?
But the reality is, the Muslims, just like any other organization, no matter how excellent or perfect our self-improvement initiatives are, there will always be shortcomings in individuals, and it is the nature that God created us differently as a test to ourselves and to others.
"It does not matter if God has a son or not"
You speak of our religion as an outsider, without proof. On the contrary, referring to our Qur'an, it DOES matter; in the teachings of Islam, the trait of having a son is a sign of imperfection that is not befitting of the Majesty and Perfection of God.
"They say: God has begotten a son! Glory be to Him: He is the Self-sufficient: His is what is in the heavens and what is in the earth; you have no authority for this; do you say against Allah what you do not know? Say: Those who forge a lie against Allah shall never be successful." (Chapter 10:Yunus, Verse 68-69).
"Don’t ask others to partake of your religion by promising them the joys of heaven and threatening them with the fires of hell."
Well, Mr Ravinder, this is essentially the message of the Qur'an, not the personal whims of Dr Zakir Naik. Mr Ravinder, for the benefit of myself and the beloved Malaysian readers of FMT, please clarify : are you trying to tell Muslims to stop following the commandments of our own religion? Are you challenging the reference of the country's official religion? Are you hypocritically belittling the official religion of the soil which you live in?
"Nobody has gone to heaven or hell and come back to tell about these places. As such, all talk about heaven and hell is hearsay, and hearsay carries no weight."
Mr Ravinder, by your statement here you have demonstrated a lack of understanding in the purpose of revelation. What are books of revelation? Why do books of revelation exist?
Books of revelation are divine scriptures revealed from God Almighty to help give guidance to mankind; as the Creator, He Knows human beings more than they know themselves and hence Sends Revelation to guide mankind to the truth according to His Wisdom. Of all books of Revelation, the final and undistorted one is the Qur'an. Hence it is part of Muslim faith to take the Qur'an as undisputed truth from the Creator, affirmed by reason, rational thinking, and scientific research. And it is within this definite proof, that the existence of heaven and hell is substantiated and proven, by proof of testimony.
Hence the implications of your claim that these beliefs as "heresay" is in fact an attack on islam, that our beliefs are false and based on speculation without basis, which again as I mentioned earlier, is a blatant attack on the official national religion of our country.
I find it ironic that your article emphasizes on defiance and belittling of others, when your article actually implicated belittling Dr Zakir Naik, Muslims and the religion of Islam in general, and defies the customs of our national religion.
In conclusion, it is with these messages therefore, Mr Ravinder, that you should see that your article is false and only serves to stir controversy, provocation and an attack on Islam, and not just the individual person of Dr Zakir Naik. It is with this also I request this article to be deleted, and a public apology issued on behalf of your good self and another apology on behalf of FMT for releasing such provocative and derogatory articles.
When all is said and done however, I continue to respect you as a human being and humbly request we meet in person to discuss this as civilized men in seeking the truth.
Thank you for your time; and may God Guide us all the Truth and keep us steadfast and sincere on the Path of righteousness.