Semperit Susu
250 butter ( sis guna anchor )
1 1/2 cawan susu pekat
4 cawan tepung jagung
2 sudu besar tepung kastard
1/2 sudu teh esen vanilla
Whisk butter , susu pekat & esen vanilla hingga rata . Masukkan tepung jagung & tepung kastard kacau rata dengan menggunakan senduk kayu. Dah nampak cantik sebati , bolehlah tekan acuan semperit atas tray sehingga habis.
Bakar oven suhu 150° api atas bawah selama lebih kurang 15-20 minit @ hingga masak mengikut kesesuaian oven masing2.
* Doh lembik boleh di tambah tepung jagung agak2 sampai doh cantik & senang di tekan acuan & kalau keras , tambah susu pekat sedikit untuk melembutkan adunan biskut / doh.
Selamat mencuba😘
Resipi Dapur Bidadari🍓
Milk Cast
250 Butter (sis uses anchor)
1 1/2 cups of condensed milk
4 Cups of corn flour
2 tablespoons of custard flour
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla vanilla
Unsalted Butter, condensed milk & Vanilla Vanilla to the flat. Insert Corn Flour & custard flour stir-up with a wooden spoon. Already look beautiful, you can press the cast on the tray until the end.
Burn Oven Temperature 150° fire top down for about 15-20 minutes @ until cooking according to oven fitness.
* a sissy can be added to corn flour, you think it's beautiful and easy to press the mold & if it's hard, add a little condensed milk to soften the biscuit / dough mix.
Good luck trying 😘
Angel Kitchen recipe 🍓Translated