【#轉角書摘:這是我的名字 🇺🇸】
當時她被媒體以匿名的「無名艾蜜莉(Emily Doe)」稱呼,出現在各新聞中,而犯下罪刑的特納,則被描述成游泳健將、甚至是有望代表美國參加奧運的明日之星,被法官輕判監禁六個月,更僅需服刑一半就能獲釋。法官還在判決書中將他描述成:「有遠大前程」的年輕男性,輕判是為避免傷害他的未來。
野人文化 #性侵 #史丹佛 #史丹佛性侵案 #香奈兒米勒 #布羅克透納 #emilydoe #sexualassault #rape #stanforduniversity
sexualassault 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
As we celebrate 3 years of the Donttellmehowtodress campaign, here’s a recap as to how it all started. 🎉🎉🎉
Head over to TikTok to join our #donttellmehowtodress hashtag challenge and stay tuned for the digital version of the original exhibition very soon!
Thank you everyone who has shared your own story, lent your voice, or donated to the campaign so far. With your continued support, we can empower more women and girls to speak up and get the justice they deserve. We can help push the needle towards better policies to hold perpetrators accountable. We can all become active bystanders and look out for each other. We can raise our children to be respectful and know how to ask for and give consent. We can make a difference. ❤️
#respect #victimblaming #sexualassault #metoo #timesup
sexualassault 在 Natalie Kniese Facebook 的最佳貼文
#SexualHarassment at the Workplace
It’s time we addressed this issue.
A recent survey by the Women’s Aid Organisation (WAO) found that the majority of people surveyed (62%) reported experiencing some form of sexual harassment at the workplace.
This is a very disturbing statistic.
Having experienced this myself, I wanted to share how #PublicSpeaking & #EffectiveCommunication #Skills can help in a confrontation with your harasser.
*** The views & information provided in this video is for general informational purposes only. All information is provided in good faith, however I make no representation or guarantee of any kind. It is always advised to speak to a professional or seek legal counsel.
Awam: 016-2374221 / www.awam.org.my
#MeToo #Harassment #SexualAssault #SexualAbuse #Awareness #Feminism #NoMeansNo #Consent #WhyIDidntReportIt #EmploymentLaw #HumanRights
#Malaysia #KitaJagaKita
#NatalieKniese #NKCommunications #BuildingPowerfulSpeakers #PublicSpeakingCoach