墨爾本持續封城中~ 許多海產店平常都賣給餐廳,現在開始賣給散客🐟 餐廳沒開,想吃日本料理就自己做~😋
買了將近一公斤的鮪魚跟鮭魚生魚片,加上北海道扇貝,就是要讓自己吃到怕🤣 六個月前也是跟同家店購買同樣的量,果然整個冬天都沒有很想念生魚片😹
York 還買了瓦斯槍,因為他特愛炙燒生海鮮🔥 買的時候還故意不跟我說,怕我說不行。結果包裹來的當天剛好我在家,我還看不懂那個是什麼還問他🤣
壽司米裡面加醋、醬自己調、魚自己切,省了好多人工費💸 這樣吃起來一個人平均不到 NT$350,實在很划算😬
不過連續兩晚暴飲暴食的下場就是昨晚睡到半夜消化不良胃痛🙉 今早只好乖乖吃白饅頭跟稀飯🍚
Ps 話說我開 podcast 的話,會有人想聽嗎?🎧 手上有四十幾集當時預錄給教育電台十分鐘中英文交換介紹不同國家的節目😊 如果有人有興趣的話我再研究看看 🙋 好奇有人聽過我的聲音嗎?哈哈哈哈哈哈 🤣
#在家煮飯 #墨爾本美食 #日式料理
It's been 6 months since our last sashimi craze so here we go again 🍣🐟 Ordered almost 1 kilo of sashimi graded tuna & salmon and finished it within 2 days😁
Of course by day 2, I woke up with a severe tummy ache cz I had too much seafood😝 8 Hokkaido scallops from Japan in one go, I think I am good with raw seafood until next year🤣
York also bought a blow torch from eBay🔥 Aburi nigiris indeed are better than pure sashimi😋 Our meal for this night costed us around $17 per person, bargain✌️
Ps. Been purchasing all our sashimi grade seafood & NZ mussels from Oceania Seafoods Select 😊 They do free shipping around Melbourne for over AUD$100 🚚
#stage4lockdown #homejapanesefood
stage4lockdown 在 Travel with Winny 一起跟昀去旅行 Facebook 的精選貼文
這次從墨爾本烘培店 Brioche by Philip 買的麵包就是這樣🥖 一早起來讓人有選擇讓愛也是種甜蜜的負擔啊~😍 據說這是墨爾本名店~
沒辦法~ 誰叫它們AUD$30澳幣以上才可以運送,運費又要 AUD$5 📦 然後 AUD$50 就可以免運費,當然要買到五十塊以上啊🤣 結果結論就是買了十一個烘培物!!!
本來想說拿去凍,想吃再拿到烤箱低溫烤😬 沒想到因為沒吃過他們家的東西,跟 York 就決定每個切四分中一吃吃看。不到半小時就全部都被我們試吃過一遍😹 等於每個人吃了 2.5塊麵包欸🙉🙉🙉
唉~ 我們真的是沒節制+大胃王二人組😳
請動動手指跟蹤 IG ➡️ www.instagram.com/travelwithwinny 👶 感謝客官🙏
#澳洲生活 #封城stage4 #墨爾本
This is what happens when you try to purchase enough till you get free shipping 🤣 11 baked goods delivered fresh in the morning 😍
It was either at least AUD$30 + $5 for delivery or AUD$50 free delivery, of course we had to purchase up to AUD$50😬
We originally planned to freeze it and defrost using oven, however within half an hour we ended up trying half of everything 🤣 Which equates to us having 2.5 baked goods EACH!!!
Sigh..We really have problems controlling ourselves 🙁 Happy belly 💕
#melbourne #briochebyphilip #stage4lockdown
stage4lockdown 在 Travel with Winny 一起跟昀去旅行 Facebook 的最佳貼文
不知道大家有沒有吃過印尼泡麵 Mi Goreng 嗎?🍜 其實我一直覺得泡麵不健康,就連學生時期或是去巴厘島旅遊都沒有吃過🤣
今天是我第一次吃印尼炒麵 Mie Goreng 跟印尼炒飯 Nasi Goreng 😳 封城期間有免費外送,就想說試試看🍴 確實好吃、不貴、又飽😋 但對我來說不是一個每天都能吃的食物🤣
也另外叫了印尼米糕 Lontong,真的就是一粒粒米黏起來的米糕🍙 沒什麼味道,應該是要沾醬汁食用的😬
下次想叫它們的辣螃蟹看看 🦀 話說網上好多印尼泡麵煮法以及教學,真的那麼神奇嗎???🤔
#印尼食物 #澳洲封城生活 #墨爾本
This is actually my first proper mi-goreng and nasi-goreng 😳
Yeap, I didn't even have it when we went to Bali nor had it as midnight snacks cz I felt like it was unhealthy🍜🍚😬
Ordered Nasi Goreng & Mie Goreng Kampung ➡️ Indonesian fried rice & noodles with chicken satay and fried egg🍳
Added lontong which is Indonesian rice cake to try as well🍮 That rice cake was odd😕 Literally like rice stuck together, need to eat it with sauce 🤣
Thank you D'Penyetz & D'Cendol Melbourne for the virgin experience 😘 Converted? Maybe 😛 It was yum but probably won't have it everyday 🤔 Might try their chilli crabs next time🙉🦀
#indofood #melbourne #stage4lockdown