Some times you just need no reasons .. but for everything else always remember to constantly be hydrated .. stay safe everyone .
@stanley.malaysia @stanley_brand @keen_malaysia @keen @garmin @garminmalaysia @montanic_adventure
#bakizainal #GoProAmbassador #stanley #stanleycup #keen
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Hurry !! Create your entree video now!!
Pick up your GoPro, Phone, Camera, IPad, sticks anything and make a video that is between 30 secs to 60 sec in length. Telling me how special your mom is and if you had a chance to do anything for her or say anything to her what would it be?
Remember you can shoot using anything but you would need to edit your video using Quik App.
Afterwards post your video on Instagram and don’t forget to tag me and the given hashtags below
1 lucky, creative, beautiful entree will win for their mom prizes from Sisley & Stanley worth RM1000 ..
Contest ends 5/5/2021 at 2359
Let your mom knows how special she is this coming Mother’s Day :)
@montanic_adventure @sisleyparisofficial @stanley.malaysia @stanley_brand @gopro @gopromysg
#bakizainal #goproambassador #gopro #goprofamily #giveaway #sisleyparis #stanleymalaysia #stanleycup
stanleycup 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
When your always on the road, one great companion to have is a tumbler to either keep you warm or cool you down. Specially during this month of Ramadan. I for one can count on the Stanley Legacy series.
I have them in all 3 sizes with Quadvac Insolation it keeps my drinks good and cold ready for my “breaking fast” and no matter where I am filming it keeps my coffee nice and warm just the way I like it .. plus with its easy warp carrying system I can clip it to my bag, my cargos or just even sling it onto my fingers.. truly convenient.. I think you should gran 1 too ..
@stanley.malaysia @stanley_brand @montanic_adventure @ripcurlmy
#bakizainal #stanleycup #stanley #tumbler #stanley #stanleymalaysia #coffee #builtforlife #travelbuilt #stanleyness #montanic #montanicadventurestore @ The Edison George Town, Penang