范范真是「好範兒」,另一個事業巔峰就是為台灣大眾示範了好何謂言多必失。她日前顯然本想藉著撂英文顯示高尚以博得同情,哪知不自量力的低級英文一po出,成為負面示範,刺激全民探討英文、重拾學英文的樂趣。截圖是 Dub & Ko Language Services(來源:臉書)提供批改范瑋琪英文的範例,造成大轟動,雖然轟動的背後難免有政治立場煽風點火,但就學習語言來說,仍也是極佳的學習範例。祝這個抓緊時事脈動的英文改寫和翻譯服務事業蒸蒸日上。不過,有一個英文寫作規則必須指出。最後一句的改寫:
She who talks much, errs much.
一、Webster's Dictionary of English Usage (1989) 262頁
Comma between subject and predicate.
It is no longer cricket 〔按:n. 正人君子之舉;合度的行為〕 to separate the subject and predicate with punctuation. “How,” asks Simon 1980 rhetorically, “can one possibly separate the subject... from the predicate ... by a comma?” The comma between subject and predicate is an old convention that has fallen into disuse and disfavor. It was common in the 18th century:
What Methods they will take, is not for me to prescribe —Jonathan Swift, “A Proposal for Correcting, Improving and Ascertaining the English Tongue,” 1712
The words for all that, seem too low —Murray 1795
The first thing to be studied here, is grammatical propriety —Murray 1795
This comma is now universally frowned on and tends to be found only as a vice of comic-strip writers, advertisers, and others who are not on their guard. You should avoid the practice.
二、The Sense of Styles, Steven Pinker (有中譯本《寫作風格的意識》)
Still, a few common errors are so uncontroversial—the run-on sentence, the comma splice, the grocer's apostrophe, the comma between subject and predicate, the possessive it's—that they have become tantamount to the confession “I am illiterate,” and no writer should be caught making them. As I mentioned, the problem with these errors is not that they betray an absence of logical thinking but that they betray a history of inattention to the printed page. In the hope that an ability to distinguish the logical and illogical features of punctuation may help a reader master both, I'll say a few words about the design of the system, highlighting the major bugs that have been locked into it.
可是,有幾個常見錯誤不那麼具爭議性,像連寫句(兩個主句間沒有連接詞或誤用標點)、用逗號連接兩個完整句子、複數名詞誤加撇號、主詞和述語之間誤加逗號,以及屬格誤加撇號(例如it’s〔它的〕),假如連這些都用錯了,恐怕就稱不上是個讀書識字的人,任何作者不容許在這裡犯錯。像我曾說的,犯上這種錯誤,問題不在於欠缺邏輯思考,而是對書面文字的歷史漠不關心。我期望能把標點的邏輯與非邏輯元素分開,讓讀者兩者都能掌握;我會談一下標點系統的設計,指出隱藏在系統中的一些缺失。 (江先聲譯)
subject主詞 在 翻譯這檔事 Facebook 的最佳貼文
范范真是「好範兒」,另一個事業巔峰就是為台灣大眾示範了好何謂言多必失。她日前顯然本想藉著撂英文顯示高尚以博得同情,哪知不自量力的低級英文一po出,成為負面示範,刺激全民探討英文、重拾學英文的樂趣。截圖是 Dub & Ko Language Services(來源:臉書)提供批改范瑋琪英文的範例,造成大轟動,雖然轟動的背後難免有政治立場煽風點火,但就學習語言來說,仍也是極佳的學習範例。祝這個抓緊時事脈動的英文改寫和翻譯服務事業蒸蒸日上。不過,有一個英文寫作規則必須指出。最後一句的改寫:
She who talks much, errs much.
一、Webster's Dictionary of English Usage (1989) 262頁
Comma between subject and predicate.
It is no longer cricket 〔按:n. 正人君子之舉;合度的行為〕 to separate the subject and predicate with punctuation. “How,” asks Simon 1980 rhetorically, “can one possibly separate the subject... from the predicate ... by a comma?” The comma between subject and predicate is an old convention that has fallen into disuse and disfavor. It was common in the 18th century:
What Methods they will take, is not for me to prescribe —Jonathan Swift, “A Proposal for Correcting, Improving and Ascertaining the English Tongue,” 1712
The words for all that, seem too low —Murray 1795
The first thing to be studied here, is grammatical propriety —Murray 1795
This comma is now universally frowned on and tends to be found only as a vice of comic-strip writers, advertisers, and others who are not on their guard. You should avoid the practice.
二、The Sense of Styles, Steven Pinker (有中譯本《寫作風格的意識》)
Still, a few common errors are so uncontroversial—the run-on sentence, the comma splice, the grocer's apostrophe, the comma between subject and predicate, the possessive it's—that they have become tantamount to the confession “I am illiterate,” and no writer should be caught making them. As I mentioned, the problem with these errors is not that they betray an absence of logical thinking but that they betray a history of inattention to the printed page. In the hope that an ability to distinguish the logical and illogical features of punctuation may help a reader master both, I'll say a few words about the design of the system, highlighting the major bugs that have been locked into it.
可是,有幾個常見錯誤不那麼具爭議性,像連寫句(兩個主句間沒有連接詞或誤用標點)、用逗號連接兩個完整句子、複數名詞誤加撇號、主詞和述語之間誤加逗號,以及屬格誤加撇號(例如it’s〔它的〕),假如連這些都用錯了,恐怕就稱不上是個讀書識字的人,任何作者不容許在這裡犯錯。像我曾說的,犯上這種錯誤,問題不在於欠缺邏輯思考,而是對書面文字的歷史漠不關心。我期望能把標點的邏輯與非邏輯元素分開,讓讀者兩者都能掌握;我會談一下標點系統的設計,指出隱藏在系統中的一些缺失。 (江先聲譯)
subject主詞 在 翻譯這檔事 Facebook 的精選貼文
前文「修潤英文」說「主詞和動詞之間不可加逗號」,有位常用英文交談的網友說,這逗號加了應該也是innocuous mistake(無害的小錯),這使我決定再查證標準現代英語書寫規則。說「現代英語」很重要,因爲在幾百年前,包括美國憲法寫成的年代,作者在文章中隨意加逗號,包括主詞和動詞之間,是如喝水般容易,彷彿逗號不用錢。好啦,今天也一樣不用錢。
有本名著《語言本能》被洪蘭蹂躪的Steven Pinker幾年前的新作The Sense of Style(寫作風格的意識),至少有三段文字描述Pinker對這條鐵律的看法,顯然對違犯此規則者毫不寬待。這本書我大力推薦,譯者是江先聲,但奉勸儘量讀英文版。江譯有不錯的亮點,也有不少令人皺眉的地方。以下他的翻譯一字未改。
// But in general the divisions between the major parts of a clause, such as subject and predicate, are comma-free zones, no matter how complex the syntax.
But as we shall see in chapter 6, using a comma to separate a subject from its predicate or a verb from one of its complements is among the most grievous sins of mispunctuation.
Though the comma which demarcates a supplementary phrase may be omitted when the pronunciation zips right through it, the converse is no longer true: a comma may not separate the elements of an integrated phrase (such as a subject and its predicate), no matter how badly its narrator may want to take a breath at that juncture.
subject主詞 在 Liz栗子【人在旅途上】旅遊美食與學習 - Facebook 的推薦與評價
你知道「主詞」、「動詞」、「受詞」..這些常用詞性的英文嗎? #主詞英文縮寫 #受詞英文 #動詞英文 · s. subject 主詞/ v. verb 動詞/ o. object 受詞/ n. noun 名詞. ... <看更多>