Pernah tak kita follow imam baca doa iftitah yang baca laju? Kita tak baca lagi pertengahan doa iftitah, tapi imam dah mula baca Surah Fatihah.
Pernah kan? Lagi-lagi time solat tarawih.
Sebenarnya bukan sebab imam tu baca doa iftitah secara laju, tapi dia baca doa iftitah versi pendek.
Ini bacaan doa iftitah versi pendek:
اللهُ أَكْبَرُ كَبِيرًا، وَالْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ كَثِيرًا، وَسُبْحَانَ اللهِ بُكْرَةً وَأَصِيلًا
Maksudnya: “Allah Maha Besar dengan segala kebesaran, segala puji bagi Allah dengan pujian yang banyak, Maha Suci Allah, baik waktu pagi dan petang”
(Riwayat Muslim, no. 150)
Jangan kata benda ni bidaah pula. Ni memang bacaan doa iftitah Rasulullah SAW.
Lagi satu, bacaan doa iftitah ni ada banyak versi. Asalkan bacaan tu ada dalam hadis, maka kita boleh amalkan.
Antara bacaan doa iftitah yang pendek juga ialah:
الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ حَمْدًا كَثِيرًا طَيِّبًا مُبَارَكًا فِيهِ
Maksudnya: “Segala puji bagi Allah dengan pujian yang banyak, pujian yang terbaik dan pujian yang penuh keberkatan di dalamnya”
(Riwayat Muslim, no. 129)
Ya, bacaan doa iftitah ni beza terus dengan doa iftitah yang kita lazim baca, tapi ianya tetap sunnah dan Rasulullah SAW pernah membacanya sebelum baginda membaca Surah Fatihah.
Kalau nak baca doa iftitah yang kita belajar selama ni pun boleh. Tak ada masalah.
Jadi, jangan marah imam pula ya kalau imam tu baca doa iftitah laju. Mungkin dia baca versi pendek punya.
Credit Hamid Addin
Fb .
The Imam read the prayer of iftitah!
Have we ever followed the Imam to read the prayers of iftitah who read fast? We haven't read the middle of our prayers yet, but the imam has started reading Surah Fatihah.
Ever, right? More time for tarawih prayer.
Actually it's not because the imam read his prayers quickly, but he read the short version of iftitah prayer.
This is a short version of iftitah prayer reading:
God is great, and thank god very much, and God will be blessed tomorrow
It means: "Allah is great with all greatness, praise be to God with many praise, glory be to God, good morning and evening"
(Muslim history, no. 150)
Don't say this is heresy. This is the reading of the prayers of Rasulullah saw.
Another one, this iftitah prayer reading has many versions. As long as the reading is in the Hadith, then we can practice it.
Some of the short iftitah prayers are also:
Thank God very much good blessed with him
It means: "praise be to God with lots of praise, the best praise and the praise that is full of blessings in it"
(Muslim history, no. 129)
Yes, the reading of this prayer prayer is different directly with the prayers that we usually read, but it is still Sunnah and Rasulullah saw has read it before his majesty read Surah Fatihah.
If you want to read the prayer prayers that we've been learning all this time. No problem.
So, don't be mad at the Imam if the imam read the prayers quickly. Maybe he read the short version.
Credit Hamid addin
tarawih prayer 在 Coach Don Facebook 的最佳解答
Ramadan tips:
For Sahur the best food to eat are the ones that can provide sustainable energy.
a combination of slow and fast acting carb with slow acting protein will be awesome. Eg. Mango n milk juice with oats.
Milk - great source of protein. contain casein which is a type of slow digesting protein. really good to prevent muscle loss in absence of food (while fasting)
Mango - very high fructose content. Fructose, unlike other types of sugar.. takes more time to be digested. so ur body will get slow release of energy
Oats - complex carbs and fibre. fibre is awesome to make u feel full longer n helps with ur digestive track health. the complex carbs in it will also help with giving steady energy
this is also why the traditional Sahur meal of milk n dates work like a charm. Milk - protein/casein
dates - high fructose
Also don't forget to work out this Ramadan. Best time wld be after a light meal of juice during iftar after Marghrib prayer.
after workout immediately follow with recovery protein shake with some carbs in it.. then moving on to ur Ishak prayer n Tarawih..
And then the final meal of carbs + protein n fibres😁😁😁😁😁
Have fun and stay healthy guys!
tarawih prayer 在 Pai Syahira Facebook 的最佳解答
Khas untuk kaum wanita yang ada kekangan untuk ke masjid.
Solat Tarawih bererti solat dengan rasa senang dan kelapangan hati selepas solat fardhu Isya'.
Mudahnya nak beribadah.. jangan sedih kalau tak dapat ikut buat terawih di masjid.
● Mungkin kita ada anak yang masih kecil, jadi agak sukar nak bawak si kecil bersama ke masjid.
● Mungkin kita ibu bekerja yg sudah seharian bekerja di pejabat dan pulang menyambung tanggungjawab di rumah pula.
● Solat Tarawih dikerjakan setelah mengerjakan sembahyang Isyak dan waktunya berpanjangan sehingga akhir malam. Jadi bolehlah ibu berehat atau menunggu si kecil tidur dahulu... sangat bersesuaian dengan diri mereka yang sudah keletihan menguruskan rumah dan keluarga.
Bagi yang baru nak berjinak solat tarawih dirumah, boleh rujuk gambar di bawah ye:
* Niat (Rujuk gambar)
* Lakukan solat 2 rakaat 1 salam, dan diakhiri dengan solat sunat witir.
*Baca Surah Al- Fatihah dan ayat pilihan
* Segala bacaan di luar solat, seperti salawat, doa dan periwayatan khalifah tidak termasuk amalan solat tarawih, tetapi hanya selingan antara solat. Tidak ada larangan untuk bersalawat atau berdoa, jika cara dan adab melakukannya baik. Dan ia tidak menjejaskan solat tarawih jika ditinggalkan.
Solat Witir adalah salah satu solat sunat yang sangat dituntut untuk dikerjakan.
Hukum solat Witir adalah Sunnat Muakkad. Jumlah maksima solat witir itu ialah 11 rakaat (6 salam), sebaik-baiknya 3 rakaat (2 salam) dan sekurang-kurangnya satu rakaat sahaja.
Jika berniat hendak melakukan qiyamullail, boleh tangguhkan solat witir selepas selesai qiyamullail tersebut kerana solat witir adalah penutup kepada solat2 sunat yang lain.
* Niat (Rujuk gambar)
*Lakukan 3 rakaat 2 salam,
Iaitu 2 rakaat 1 salam dan 1 rakaat 1 salam.
*Zikir selepas witir (Rujuk gambar)
* Doa Solat Witir
"Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku berlindung dengan keredhaanMu daripada kemurkaanMu,dan aku berlindung dengan kemaafanMu daripada balasanMu,
dan aku berlindung denganMu seperti pujiMu sendiri ke atas diriMu.
Maka segala pujian dan sanjungan sehingga Engkau redhai..
Sangat lah mudah..tiada alasan untuk tidak dapat buat solat tarawih kerana tidak dapat ke masjid. Selepas anak-anak dah tidur dan selepas berehat, bolehlah kita mulakan. Jom sama-sama berubah kearah yang lebih baik..kalau tahun lepas langsung tak dapat buat solat tarawih, tahun ni kita usaha buat.
Sahabat Hijrah Anda
Specially for women who have constraints to go to the mosque.
Tarawih prayer means prayer with ease and joy after Isya's fardhu prayer.
Easy to worship.. don't be sad if you can't follow terawih in the mosque.
● Maybe we have children who are still small, so it's quite difficult to bring the little one together to the mosque.
● Maybe we are working mothers who have been working in the office all day and come back to continue our responsibilities at home.
● Tarawih prayer is done after performing Isyak prayer and the time lasts until the end of the night. So mom can rest or wait for the little one to go to bed... very suitable with those who are tired of managing home and family.
For those who just wanted to perform tarawih prayers at home, please refer to the picture below:
* Intention (Refer to the picture)
* Perform 2 rakaat 1 prayers, and end with a prayer of circumcision.
* Read Surah Al-Fatihah and the verse of choice
* All readings outside prayers, such as salawat, prayer, and the recital of khalifah does not include the practice of tarawih prayers, but only the interlude between prayers. There is no ban on praying or praying, if the way and manners do it well. And it doesn't affect tarawih prayers if left behind.
Prayer of Witir is one of the prayers that is highly claimed to be done.
The law of Witir prayer is Sunnat Muakkad. The maximum total of the witir prayer is 11 rakaat (6 salam), the best is 3 rakaat (2 salam) and at least one rakaat.
If you intend to perform qiyamullail, you can postpone the witir prayer after completing the qiyamullail because the witir prayer is the cover of other circumcision prayers.
* Intention (Refer to the picture)
* Do 3 rakaat 2 greetings,
That is 2 rakaat 1 greetings and 1 rakaat 1 greetings.
* Zikir after witir (Refer to the picture)
* Prayer of Witir Prayer
′′ O Allah, I take refuge in Your grace from Your anger, and I take refuge in Your forgiveness from Your return,
and I take refuge with You like Your own praise to You.
So all praise and flatter until You accept it..
It's very easy.. there's no reason to not be able to perform tarawih prayers because I can't go After the kids are asleep and after resting, we can start. Let's change together towards the better.. if last year we couldn't do tarawih prayers at all, this year we work hard.
Your Hijrah FriendTranslated
tarawih prayer 在 HOW TO PERFORM TARAWEEH PRAYERS? Namaz-tarawih ... 的推薦與評價
HOW TO PERFORM TARAWEEH PRAYERS? Namaz-tarawih (or taraweeh prayer) is the desired (sunnah) prayer performed during the month of Ramadan after the... ... <看更多>