免费上门测量/估价 挑选布料服务。
除了窗帘,他们也有做Roller Blind/Zerba Blind哦😄 欢迎询问☎️
Are you looking for a Curtains, Wallpapers, Blinds Specialist to provide you with made-to-measure to decorate your home or office? For this, the curtains, wallpapers, blinds from COVEN CURTAIN STUDIO can turn your home or office into a fashionable one, matching your personality and sense of style.
Buy Curtains & Blinds for your Home /Office
🌷 provide :
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💯 LOWER purchase price cost
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Specialist in :
Curtain Roller Blind Venetian Blind Vertical Blind Roman Blind Bamboo & Timber Blind Curtain Track
Come to find out Their service and product and contact at :
☎Whatsapp : 016 2196060
📱Wechat : Peggy_coven
thezizz 在 JC Chee 朱畯丞 Facebook 的精選貼文
See us live in action 👟⚽️ on this Sunday, May15, 11am - 1pm @ The Zizz Sales Gallery.
Final of Divo Bola @ #TheZizz, don't miss the actions.
Datang melihat kami bermain futsal 👟⚽️ secara langsung pada 15Mei @ The Zizz Sales Gallery, 11pg-1ptg.
Jangan lepaskan peluang untuk menonton Perlawanan Akhir Divo Bola di #TheZizz.
這個星期日,5月15日,上午11點至下午1點,記得到 The Zizz Sales Galary 現場看我們五人踢球 👟⚽️。
千萬不要錯過在 #TheZizz 觀看足球決賽的機會。
#faceofyouth #divobolathezizz #divothezizz
thezizz 在 JC Chee 朱畯丞 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Perlawanan Futsal Bersama Bintang 👟⚽ akan diadakan di Damansara Damai pada 3 APRIL 2016 sehingga 5 MEI 2016 dan juga pendaftaran mengikut terma dan syarat, pemenang 🏆 akan mendapat hadiah yang lumayan. Jangan tunggu lagi 🤔😄!
Futsal Tournament With The Superstars 👟⚽️ 將於2016年4月3日至2016年5月5日,在Damansara Damai舉辦,需符合條款与條件,優勝者 🏆 將贏取豐富的獎品獎金。趕快別等了 😱😄!
Futsal Tournament With The Superstars 👟⚽ will be held in Damansara Damai on 3 APRIL 2016 until 5 MAY 2016, and with the terms and conditions, the winners 🏆 will walk away with attractive prizes. What are you waiting for 😳😄?
#thezizz #divo #futsal #tournament