Alkisah sebuah hidangan isteri.
Mak saya suka memasak tapi mak bukan seorang suri rumah, mak seorang engineer. Ada satu malam, mak balik sangat kepenatan tapi masih perlu memasak untuk saya dan abah.
Mak hanya mampu masak ayam kunyit, sayur kailan ikan masin dan nasi. 3 hidangan itu diletakkan di meja makan di mana ayah duduk goyang kaki menunggu makan.
Ayah meminta diri untuk solat Maghrib dulu sebelum makan. Ketika itu saya mencuba hidangan mak. Alamak, ayam kuncit terlalu masin, kailan separuh masak dan nasi hanyit.
Namun saya diam.
Selepas Isyak, ayah menjamu makanan masakan mak. Sambil makan, ayah bertanya bagaimana sekolah hari ini.
Saya tidak berapa ingat apa jawapan saya.
Ketika makan, mak mohon maaf pada ayah atas masakannya. Tapi ayah menjawab, “Sangat sedap sayang. Abang suka semua hidangan ini.”
Malam itu, sebelum tidur, saya pergi bersalam dengan ayah yang masih di ruang tamu dan bertanya betul ke ayah suka masakan mak tadi yang saya sendiri terasa susah nak telan.
“Anakku, mak dah penat sepanjang hari kerja. Mak dah penat. Hidangan kurang enak tak melukakan Mie dan ayah tapi kata-kata kasar akan menghiris perasaan,” kata ayah.
Mendengar kata-kata ayah, saya tersentak.
Lalu saya masuk bilik untuk bersalam dengan mak dan bertanya…
“Mak rasa ayah tadi kata suka masakan mak hari ini, mak percaya ke?”
“Anakku. Itu tak penting. Yang penting ayah jaga hati mak dan selepas makan, ayah tolong mak cuci pinggan. Ayah kamu itu orang besar, tapi benda-benda kecil sebegini yang buat mak sentiasa rasa bahagia kerana terasa ayah betul-betul sayang kat mak,” jawab mak.
Itulah perkara yang berlaku ketika kecil dan saya mengingati sehingga hari ini.
Kini saya sudah berkahwin, anak sudah tiga – dan melihat kembali kenangan manis ayah dan emak, saya semakin memahami fikiran mereka pada masa itu.
Mak dan ayah dan tindak-tanduk mereka menunjukkan mereka menerima segala kelemahan antara satu-sama lain dan meraikan perbezaan tersebut supaya hubungan erat dan kukuh sentiasa berkekalan. Mereka meraikan segalanya antara mereka, dan berusaha bersama untuk memastikan pasangan mereka sentiasa gembira dan bahagia.
Wahai anakku,
Hidup ini terlalu singkat untuk sebarang kekesalan. Jangan hidup dalam kekesalan. Hargailah segala yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang kesayangan kita, walaupun kadangkala kita tidak beberapa menyukainya. Mereka lakukan dengan kasih sayang, maka balaslah niat itu juga dengan kasih sayang dan kesyukuran bahawa ada yang masih sanggup melayan kita dengan baik.
Ingatlah masa yang berlalu tidak akan berpatah balik.
The story of a wife's meal.
My mom likes to cook but mom is not a housewife, mom is an engineer. There was one night, mom came back so tired but still had to cook for me and dad.
Mom can only cook turmeric chicken, vegetable when salted fish and rice. The 3 meals were put at the dining room where dad sat rocking legs waiting for a meal.
Dad asks himself for Maghrib prayers before eating. At that time I tried mom's meal. Oh my god, the chicken is too salty, when is half cooked and the rice is hanyit.
But I am silent.
After Isyak, dad is eating mom's food. While eating, dad asked how school was today.
I don't really remember my answer.
While eating, mom apologizes to dad for the cooking. But dad replied, ′′ So yummy baby. I love all these dishes."
The other night, before bedtime, I went to shake with dad who is still in the living room and asked me right about my mom's cooking just now that I felt hard to swallow.
′′ My child, mom has been tired all day working. Mom is tired. A bad dish doesn't hurt Noodle and dad but a bad word will cut the feeling," dad said.
Hearing dad words, I'm breathing.
Then I went to the room to shake with mom and ask...
′′ Mom thinks dad said he likes mom's cooking today, do you believe me?"
′′ My son. That's not important. The most important thing is that dad takes care of mom's heart and after eating, dad helps mom to wash Your dad is a big man, but small things like this that make mom always feel happy because dad really loves mom," answer mom.
That's what happened when I was little and I remember today.
Now I'm married, three kids - and look back on the sweet memories of dad and mom, I'm more understanding of their thoughts at the time.
Mom and dad and their horns show they accept each other's weaknesses and celebrate the difference so that a close and strong relationship lasts. They celebrate everything between them, and work together to keep their partner happy and happy.
Oh my son,
Life is too short for any annoyance. Do not live in annoyance. Appreciate everything our loved ones do, even though we don't like them sometimes. They do it with love, then reply to the intention also with love and gratitude that there are those who are still able to treat us well.
Remember the time that passes will never turn back.Translated
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[News] 6 months after its Launch, how is PBA-LPBA doing?
It has already been 6 months since the PBA (Professional Billiards Association) and its very first global tour PBA-LPBA launched, with the slogan of “billiards player as a proud job.” After successfully finishing its 1st TOUR from the 5th TOUR, it has now begun its 6th TOUR. Professional Billiards is gaining popularity day by day, and the “SK rent-a-car PBA-LPBA Championship” has started on 16 December at the Sono Calm Goyang in Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do.
Despite the problems with the players’ suspension, as soon as the TOUR started, the long-cherished desire of Korean Billiards society, it became more and more popular. As the 6th professional sport event of Korea, it is getting settled and stabilized.
With the professional golf tour PGA (Professional Golfers Association) and LPGA (Ladies Professional Golf Association) as role models, PBA is planning to hold 8 PBA Division 1 TOURs, 10 PBA Division 2 Tours (PBA DREAM TOUR), and 8 LPBA TOURs. PBA Division 1 TOUR consists of regular tours with total prize money of KRW 250 million and winner prize money of KRW 100 million per each tour, and the final tour with total prize money of KRW 400 million and winner prize money of KRW 300 million, and only the top 32 ranked players can participate in the final tour. PBA Division 2 TOUR consists of 10 regular tours with total prize money of KRW 40 million and winner prize money of KRW 10 million per each tour. In the PBA Division 1 Tour, there are 120 registered players and 8 wild card players, total 128 players, and in the Division 2 Tour, total 243 players are participating.
PBA TOUR for the ladies, LPBA TOUR consists of 7 regular tours with total prize money of KRW 30 million and winner prize money of KRW 15 million per each tour, and the final tour with total prize money of KRW 40 million and winner prize money of KRW 20 million. 4
In the case of LPBA, the number of players is nearly half as low as that of the PBA players. Until the 4th LPBA TOUR, there were 60 registered players and 4 wild card players, total 64. From the 5th LPBA TOUR, the entry was expanded to total 68 players, with expanding the number of wild card players to 12 players. Although the size of LPBA is quite smaller than the PBA’s regarding its players and performance, it is said that it definitely has the potential for becoming popular like the LPGA. PBA Secretary General Young-jin Kim explained that “we are expecting a bigger growth in the LPBA as the performance of the LPBA players is getting better and better, and there are sponsors showing interest in sponsoring individual players.”
If the TOUR gets settled, and if it is possible for the PBA to be keep up its good work and popularity, it is more likely for the professional billiards to achieve success. LPBA player Han-sol Seo said “before PBA, I had to have other jobs to earn my livings such as part-time jobs. Now, however, I can earn my living by just playing billiards.” Things cannot be always perfectly done at its first step, but with about 20,000 billiards clubs and 1,200 million billiards family, the first step forward of professional billiards seems quite successful.