我們 Sam Lin 全家要祝福大家新年快樂!
再過幾天新年2019 就要來到 🤗 記得從美國大學畢業第一次來到台灣就是在聖誕假期,就此展開一段音樂冒險之旅⋯到如今已經四年了。哇我還在這裡~感謝各地方的粉絲朋友加油,感謝各媒體報導支持,感謝同行音樂人指教,感謝心靈導師的勸勉,感謝天父賜我平安力量、更感謝家人安慰陪伴祈禱🙏 特別在2018 一起錄製家庭音樂影片 Sam Lin’s family video 扶持我往前跨越一步⋯再過幾天就是2019 新年& 新我 New Year & New Me 願您我勇敢創新,為夢想努力,展開行動,仰望出路⋯ 讓我們用排行榜詩歌來祝福每一位😇
We Sam Lin’s family wish you a happy new year! 2019 is in just less than two days! ^_^ I remember it being Christmas time when I arrived in Taiwan just after I graduated college, and thus began this risk-taking journey of my music career… Wow, since the day I jumped into this crazy adventure, it’s been 4 years…and I’m still here. I want to thank you. Thank you fans, from all over the world. Wherever you are, you’ve followed and cheered me on as I slowly made it to today. Thank you media for your support. Thank you, those of you in the music industry who have supported and mentored me in any way. Thank you counselors of my soul. Thank you Heavenly Father for Your peace and strength every step of the way. Most importantly, thank you dad, mom, and little sister for your comfort, hand-holding, prayers, and especially for our 2018 family videos that have opened new doors for me and us altogether. In just a couple days, everything will be new, a new year and a new me. Let us take courage in creating new things, going hard after our dreams, being proactive in everything that is worth it, and pushing open through doors that are waiting to be opened. Allow my family to bless you with some top worship songs!