Axiom Performance Centre provides Female specific personal training as well. Check out Axiom Performance Centre for a personalized training regardless of your gender, age, previous injuries conditions or fitness goals!
One of the services we provide at Axiom is Female Specific Personal Training.
Lifestyle - Menses cycle are considered as the female body is able to handle different amounts of carbs at different times of the month. This means low carb is not always the the answer for women.
Nutrition - Women have higher omega-3 requirements as the female body is always trying to create a conducive environment to bear a child. When a women has a lot of fat on the hips and legs, its usually a sign of omega-3 deficiency.
Training - Women have a higher pain threshold than men and thus are able to workout for longer periods of time. Women are also better at multi-tasking than men, meaning there should always be more variety in a females workout program then men!
To find out more about Axiom's Female Specific Personal Training come and drop by our centre today!