【美國防部對台灣接連表態:台灣是印太戰略的重要關鍵 + 不是中國一部份】
美國海軍上將、即將接任印太司令部司令的約翰・阿奎利諾(John C. Aquilino)將軍,日前在參院軍委會的提名聽證會上,對印太區域現況做出重要的表態。
更重要的是,國防部對這個聽證會的新聞下標是這樣:「防衛台灣是區域及國家安全的關鍵」(Defense of Taiwan Vital to Regional, National Security, Admiral Says)
➤ 國防部新聞:https://reurl.cc/nnxe6e。
不久之前,即將交接的現任司令戴維森(Philip Davidson)才在參院做出直接的表態,示警中國的威脅,並表示將助台提升自我防衛能力。看起來,美國在印太區域的戰略將會延續,且這些近期的軍事佈署都是直接針對中國而來。
➤ 觀測站報導:https://reurl.cc/Xex763。
美國國防部3月15日的這篇文章(https://reurl.cc/qmKoby) ,裡面對台灣地位做了一個非常清楚的表態:「中國領導人們談論在中國的統治下統一台灣,但台灣從來都不是中國的一部份。」(Chinese leaders talk of unifying Taiwan under Chinese rule, but Taiwan was never part of China.)
過去三十年來,美方對台灣地位闡述最大的突破點,大概就是前國務卿蓬佩奧(Mike Pompeo)去年在修伊特秀(Hugh Hewitt Show)訪問時說道:「台灣非中國一部分,過去35年美國兩黨政府所遵循的政策也承認這件事。美國對台承諾跨越黨派,兩黨都了解台灣是民主典範。」這應該是美國行政部門首次有人這樣「公開」且明確地說。
✏️ 補充:美國的戰略模糊辯論
✏️ 補充:印太司令部司令提名人
阿奎利諾現年58歲,自2018年5月,經川普政府的提名擔任太平洋艦隊司令,再經由拜登政府提名擔任印太司令部司令。最近印太司令部全力爭取《太平洋嚇阻提案》(Pacific Deterrence Initiative),向國會爭取更多預算加強太平洋區域防衛。根據2021年的國防授權法,國會已核准2021年2.2億元,目前阿奎利諾正在爭取下年度4.6億元的預算。
🔹 2/4馬侃號(USS John S. McCain, DDG-56)航行通過台灣海峽
🔹 2/24柯蒂斯威爾伯號(USS Curtis Wilbur, DDG-54)航行通過台灣海峽
🔹 3/10約翰・芬恩號(USS John Finn, DDG-113)航行通過台灣海峽
阿奎利諾在聽證會最後時講到:「美國的命運與我們在境外的情事密不可分。全球和平與繁榮取決於我們在印太地區的參與」(America's fate is intertwined with events beyond our shores. Global peace and prosperity depend on our presence in the Indo-Pacific.)
✨ 觀測站推特:https://twitter.com/ustaiwanwatch
✨ 贊助觀測站:https://ustaiwanwatch.soci.vip/
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過13萬的網紅約書亞樂團 Joshua Band,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#歡迎追蹤並且分享我們的音樂 讓家偉大 / Make Our Home Great 詞曲 Lyrics Composer:趙治德 Samuel Chao 演唱 Singers:Viola Wu 吳芳儀, Catherine Hu 胡斯華, Peace Teo 張和平, James Hu 胡斯漢, ...
「under peace官網」的推薦目錄:
- 關於under peace官網 在 US Taiwan Watch: 美國台灣觀測站 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於under peace官網 在 Soven麵 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於under peace官網 在 台灣共識 台灣成真 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於under peace官網 在 約書亞樂團 Joshua Band Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於under peace官網 在 約書亞樂團 Joshua Band Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於under peace官網 在 潘瑋柏官方頻道Will Pan Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於under peace官網 在 UNDER PEACE - 品牌 的評價
- 關於under peace官網 在 UNDER PEACE 的評價
- 關於under peace官網 在 under peace優惠碼2023-精選在臉書/Facebook/Dcard上的焦點 ... 的評價
- 關於under peace官網 在 under peace優惠碼2023-精選在臉書/Facebook/Dcard上的焦點 ... 的評價
under peace官網 在 Soven麵 Facebook 的最佳貼文
平常工作 我都盡我所能的用沒做動物實驗的品牌
而歐美國家 有些是品牌沒做 但是母公司有 或是交給別人做 像是進中國就一定要讓中國做
其他 我只能靠有沒有進中國來判斷了 但也沒有一個準
目前跟官方求證過 或是官網有公告沒做 而且台灣買得到的
Chantecaille 香緹卡
一個高端 有素質的貴婦品牌 每年都會有公益限量 產品基底用的不是水而是五月玫瑰露 我還喜歡它們的東西都不會做的太大 腮紅 打亮這種東西 真的都有辦法用完 而不是用膩
品牌強調的是DNA科技 一開始認識它是因為sos急救晚安凍膜 後來喜歡上它是因為常常我要在臉上試各式各樣的產品 有時候臉會不小心爛掉😂 但是只要一用就可以立刻恢復穩定 最近我收到它們的 #青春煉金修護油 過敏人最怕的就是悶 這個保養油的質地非常清爽但有效 隔天起床也不會滿臉油光 當然更不要說冒痘痘長粉刺 也是一個比較高端的品牌
Celvoke Taiwan
在我的版上提到太多次了 你們不要嫌膩 以前大家聽到標榜有機、純素、礦物這類的詞 第一個聯想的就是 無聊 不顯色 無感 沒效 我會這麼推就是因為它顛覆的這些觀感 我喜歡精華液、粉條、遮瑕、睫毛膏、眼線液 真的好喜歡好喜歡,在週年慶還買了一波 真的希望大家有空可以去摸看看
BECCA Cosmetics
講到這個牌子 怎麼可以不提它的紫色飾底乳 還有under eyes 自從被黑人老闆買下來之後 它們家的打亮就越來越強 也因此(((應該啦 under eyes也出了橘色 不再只有一個色號 健康膚色也能用 飾底乳用完好膨 去黃去綠的效果超棒 常常擦完 客人就問剛剛用了什麼
3INA Taiwan
這是一個西班牙平價品牌 在2年前還沒進台灣就曾經在網路爆紅過 因為它們像色票一樣齊全的產品 #超印色染唇釉 我真的超推 腮紅也非常喜歡 有微微的光澤 可淡可濃 而且價格親民 試完色就直接放在化妝箱一軍了
還有 #好萊塢的秘密 台灣代理商還有進一個牌子 #bodyography 也都是我常用的品牌 魔力粉底刷之前不知道推幾次了
另外還有一些台灣買得到 但是我還沒機會購入的 essence, the body shop, 頭髮的東西可以買Kevin Murphy
Jason's 超市有一區也是專門在賣無動品牌的日用品
如果你也有一些口袋名單 歡迎跟我交流
如果你覺得這可以讓世界更美好 歡迎分享讓更多人知道
新的一年 我們先像世界小姐般的開始吧
World peace(((甜笑 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
#chantecaille #derminstitute #celvoke #3ina
under peace官網 在 台灣共識 台灣成真 Facebook 的最佳解答
You don't know what is #TaiwanMassacre228 ! ! !
你所不知道的 台灣 #228大屠殺 ! ! !
#台灣共識 #臺灣成真 #FormosaTaiwanUnion #FreeHugs
#周玉蔻粉絲團 #彭文正李晶玉 #轉型正義聯盟 #黃國昌粉絲團
#只要還有一口氣 #都要對得起自己 #WorldCountryTaiwan
1️⃣ 二二八Taiwan228Massacre Part1
被出賣的台灣 FormosaBetrayed #美麗島事件 短輯 https://youtube.com/watch?v=DYS1HnAFlIQ
2️⃣二二八Taiwan228Massacre Part2
日本 NHK 報導2017 2/28 https://youtube.com/watch?v=YF4zt7H5UzI
3️⃣ 二二八Taiwan228Massacre Part4
民視 #228屠殺 專訪, 公視 #228走過七十年 https://youtube.com/watch?v=mklWCK4QKUI
4️⃣#被出賣的台灣 #裏切られた台湾 #FormosaBetrayed
作者 George Henry Kerr 電影完整HD版 https://youtube.com/watch?v=lejZClAW3gY
5️⃣Formosa Calling
1947年紐西蘭籍,當時在台灣擔任聯合國救災及重建署官員的謝克頓Allen J. Shackleton,另中文名為 薛禮同 的著作 #福爾摩沙的呼喚 #FormosaCalling,為 #目前全球僅見的兩本親身見證228大屠殺重要英文著作。 版權開放in English官網 https://goo.gl/xtTiGi
6️⃣二二八Taiwan228Massacre Part6
1947年紐約時報對 二二八 大屠殺的報導 March 29, 1947 - New York Times by Tillman Durdin
purchase this article individually for 💵$3.95 and download a high-resolution PDF. 以下全文 #FreeHugs 翻譯 ,如需全原始報紙照片等請自行到官網付費下戴。 NewYorkTimes http://goo.gl/95qhWD
以下是1947年3月29日,#紐約時報 對發生在台灣的大屠殺事件的報導。
Foreigners say the Chinese slaughtered demonstrators without provocation Nanking, March 28, Foreigners who have just returned to China from Formosa corroborate reports of wholesale slaughter by Chinese troops and police during anti-Government demonstrations a month ago.
These witnesses estimate that 10,000 Formosan were killed by the Chinese armed forces. The killings were described as "completely unjustified" in view of the nature of the demonstrations.
The anti-Government demonstrations were said to have been by unarmed persons whose intentions were peaceful. Every foreign report to Nanking denies charges that Communists or Japanese inspired or organized the parades.參與反政府示威的是一群手無寸鐵,以和平為意念的百姓,所有外電報導都否認有共產黨或日本人鼓動或組織示威遊行。
Foreigners who left Formosa a few days ago say that an uneasy peace had been established almost everywhere, but executions and arrests continued. Many Formosan were said to have fled to the hills fearing they would be killed if they returned to their homes.幾天前剛離開福爾摩沙的外國人士表示,各地已經確立緊張的表面平靜,但是槍決與逮捕仍然持續進行。許多福爾摩沙人已經逃到山中,他們擔心一旦回到家中就會遭到殺害。
An American who had just arrived in China from Taihoku said that troops from the mainland arrived there March 7 and indulged in three days of indiscriminate killing and looting. For a time everyone seen on the streets was shot at, homes were broken into and occupants killed. In the poorer sections the streets were said to have been littered with dead. There were instances of beheadings and mutilation of bodies, and women were raped, the American said.
Two foreign women, who were near at Pingtung near Takao, called the actions of the Chinese soldiers there a "massacre." They said unarmed Formosan took over the administration of the town peacefully on March 4 and used the local radio station to caution against violence.
Chinese were well received and invited to lunch with the Formosan leaders. Later a bigger group of soldiers came and launched a sweep through the streets. The people were machine gunned. Groups were rounded up and executed. The man who had served as the town's spokesman was killed. His body was left for a day in a park and no one was permitted to remove it. 中國人被善待還被邀請到福爾摩沙人領袖的家中共進午餐,但是稍後,更大群的軍人到達,用機關槍對街上人民掃射,許多人被集合起來集體槍決,鎮上的發言人被殺害,他的屍體被丟棄在公園中一整天不准收屍。
A Briton described similar events at Takao, where unarmed Formosans had taken over the running of the city. He said that after several days Chinese soldiers from an outlying fort deployed through the streets killing hundreds with machine-guns and rifles and raping and looting. Formosan leaders were thrown into prison, many bound with thin wire that cut deep into the flesh.
The foreign witnesses reported that leaflets signed with the name of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek promising leniency, and urging all who had fled to return, were dropped from airplanes. As a result many came back to be imprisoned or executed. "There seemed to be a policy of killing off all the best people," one foreigner asserted. The foreigners' stories are fully supported by reports of every important foreign embassy or legation in Nanking.
Formosans are reported to be seeking United Nations' action on their case. Some have approached foreign consuls to ask that Formosa be put under the jurisdiction of Allied Supreme Command or be made an American protectorate. Formosan hostility to the mainland Chinese has deepened. Two women who described events at Pingtung said that when Formosans assembled to take over the administration of the town they sang "The Star Spangled Banner."
繁體字翻譯 by #StevenHong #民主台灣神FreeHugs自由擁抱228Taiwan魂聯盟
7️⃣二二八Taiwan228Massacre Part7
🎼The end this video 望春風 Spring Breezes 台灣民謠 by 🇺🇸青年交響樂團 Baylor Orchestra
🇳🇫#Formosa #福爾摩沙 # Taiwan # 臺灣 # Tâioân # تايوان # Тайвань # 台湾 # 대만 # ताइवान # Ταϊβάν # Taïwan # ĐàiLoan # GinaWu
🇳🇫 👭# FreeHugs粉絲團 #免費擁抱 #FreeHugs👬
🎞Click more videos 看更多精彩影片點撃
under peace官網 在 約書亞樂團 Joshua Band Youtube 的精選貼文
讓家偉大 / Make Our Home Great
詞曲 Lyrics Composer:趙治德 Samuel Chao
演唱 Singers:Viola Wu 吳芳儀, Catherine Hu 胡斯華, Peace Teo 張和平, James Hu 胡斯漢, Joy Sung 宋怡萌, Carlo Fumagalli 吳勝雄
English lyrics translated by Joy Sung and Jon Pettigrew
配唱製作人 Vocal Producer:曹之懿 Isabelle Tsao
製作協助 Production assistance:劉淑莉 Lily Liu
走過生命風浪 駐足在祢的家
Through every storm of life, we’ve learned to stand as one
學會彼此轉向 學會放下
Learned to live with love and grace, learned to embrace
Under the power of the cross
是祢灌溉 是祢建造
You called us to You and set us apart
You turned our lives around
You built a home where we belong
我雖微小 祢卻偉大
Not in our own strength, but by Your power
有祢在家就沒有人 還需要懼怕
In Your presence, there is no fear, we know that You are here (I know this is home)
是祢的愛 讓家偉大
In Your love Lord, build this family
祢榮耀發出光芒 唯有祢 是盼望
Our hope will stand forever, as You shine, on our home
天父的心湧出 一條生命河流
There’s a river full of life, flowing from Your heart
醫治破碎心靈 使我甦醒
And every broken heart, You heal and restore
Lord shine Your light upon this land
Pre-Chorus 2
是祢牧養 是祢打造 教會一磚一瓦
A shepherd to us, building our homes, we are all living stones
Lord build Your kingdom here on earth
我雖微小 祢卻偉大
Not in our own strength, but by Your power
無論旅程再困難 因祢我仍剛強
You guide us through our darkest nights, we trust in Your great love
是祢的愛 讓家偉大
With Your love Lord, build this family
Unite our generations
我和你 神的家
With one heart, for Your house
Your Word brings transformation
Spirit bring us together
我屈膝 以謙卑回應
Here we bow, humble ourselves and pray
As You raise up this family
直到列國都轉向祢 轉向祢
We’ll see the nations turn to You - turn to You
Unite our generations
As we stand together
Unite our generations
我和你 神的家
With one heart, for Your house
編曲 Arrangement:趙治德 Samuel Chao
節奏編寫協助 Rhythm arrangement assistance:洪德耀 Derek Hung
管樂編寫 Wind instrument arrangement:趙治德 Samuel Chao
管樂製譜 Wind instrument composition:鄧世偉 Shih-Wei Teng
長號 Trombone:鄧世偉 Shih-Wei Teng
小號 Trumpet:劉承執 Cheng-Chih Liu
薩克斯風 Saxophone : 魯湘永 Jimmy Lu
管樂錄音師 Wind instrument recording engineer:錢煒安
管樂錄音室 Wind instrument Studio:112F Recording Studio
和聲編寫 Choir arrangement:陳州邦 Ben Chen
和聲 Choir:陳州邦 Ben Chen、曹之懿 Isabelle Tsao
錄音師 Vocal recording engineer:李宛叡 Rayya Li
混音 Mixing Engineer:孫立衡 Peter Sun
錄音室 Studio:異象工場 Vision Production
奉獻 Asia for JESUS/ 約書亞樂團事工
約書亞樂團instagram : https://www.instagram.com/joshua_band/
under peace官網 在 約書亞樂團 Joshua Band Youtube 的最讚貼文
讓家偉大 / Make Our Home Great
詞曲 Lyrics Composer:趙治德 Samuel Chao
演唱 Singers:Viola Wu 吳芳儀, Catherine Hu 胡斯華, Peace Teo 張和平, James Hu 胡斯漢, Joy Sung 宋怡萌, Carlo Fumagalli 吳勝雄
English lyrics translated by Joy Sung and Jon Pettigrew
配唱製作人 Vocal Producer:曹之懿 Isabelle Tsao
製作協助 Production assistance:劉淑莉 Lily Liu
走過生命風浪 駐足在祢的家
Through every storm of life, we’ve learned to stand as one
學會彼此轉向 學會放下
Learned to live with love and grace, learned to embrace
Under the power of the cross
是祢灌溉 是祢建造
You called us to You and set us apart
You turned our lives around
You built a home where we belong
我雖微小 祢卻偉大
Not in our own strength, but by Your power
有祢在家就沒有人 還需要懼怕
In Your presence, there is no fear, we know that You are here (I know this is home)
是祢的愛 讓家偉大
In Your love Lord, build this family
祢榮耀發出光芒 唯有祢 是盼望
Our hope will stand forever, as You shine, on our home
天父的心湧出 一條生命河流
There’s a river full of life, flowing from Your heart
醫治破碎心靈 使我甦醒
And every broken heart, You heal and restore
Lord shine Your light upon this land
Pre-Chorus 2
是祢牧養 是祢打造 教會一磚一瓦
A shepherd to us, building our homes, we are all living stones
Lord build Your kingdom here on earth
我雖微小 祢卻偉大
Not in our own strength, but by Your power
無論旅程再困難 因祢我仍剛強
You guide us through our darkest nights, we trust in Your great love
是祢的愛 讓家偉大
With Your love Lord, build this family
Unite our generations
我和你 神的家
With one heart, for Your house
Your Word brings transformation
Spirit bring us together
我屈膝 以謙卑回應
Here we bow, humble ourselves and pray
As You raise up this family
直到列國都轉向祢 轉向祢
We’ll see the nations turn to You - turn to You
Unite our generations
As we stand together
Unite our generations
我和你 神的家
With one heart, for Your house
編曲 Arrangement:趙治德 Samuel Chao
節奏編寫協助 Rhythm arrangement assistance:洪德耀 Derek Hung
管樂編寫 Wind instrument arrangement:趙治德 Samuel Chao
管樂製譜 Wind instrument composition:鄧世偉 Shih-Wei Teng
長號 Trombone:鄧世偉 Shih-Wei Teng
小號 Trumpet:劉承執 Cheng-Chih Liu
薩克斯風 Saxophone : 魯湘永 Jimmy Lu
管樂錄音師 Wind instrument recording engineer:錢煒安
管樂錄音室 Wind instrument Studio:112F Recording Studio
和聲編寫 Choir arrangement:陳州邦 Ben Chen
和聲 Choir:陳州邦 Ben Chen、曹之懿 Isabelle Tsao
錄音師 Vocal recording engineer:李宛叡 Rayya Li
混音 Mixing Engineer:孫立衡 Peter Sun
錄音室 Studio:異象工場 Vision Production
奉獻Asia for JESUS/ 約書亞樂團事工
約書亞樂團instagram : https://www.instagram.com/joshua_band/
under peace官網 在 潘瑋柏官方頻道Will Pan Youtube 的最佳貼文
◼︎ Moonlight (feat. TIA RAY 袁婭維)
詞/曲:潘瑋柏/Sibel Redzep/Dashawn White/Chaz Jackson
This is everything I wanted
Do it one more time
Gota give it up all night
Give it up all night
See the stars under the moonlight
Do it one more time
Gota give it up all night
Give it up all night
I don’t ever stare into the sunlight
Bossin up I’m about to take flight
I’m feeling like a champ under da strange times
Rollie on my wrist shout out to big time
Mama told me don’t take no for an answer I didn’t
Its new commas every time I deposit the digits
Mama look at what we got, we finally did it
You can’t tell me that we not, this gotta be living
And everything I do I wanna put a shine on it
Make or miss win or lose I put my name on it
Raise your hands up let it reach for the sky
I know that everything will be alright
We went from eating ramen noodles now its steak knives
Private planes runways to the westside
Bossin up I’m about to take flight
All gas no brake lights
Mama told me don’t be trippin over haters hatin
Its love and peace and respect, the motto all we chasin
Mama told me wipe your face up when dem tears be fallin
You know I always light it up, this gota be living
And everything I do I wanna put a shine on it
Make or miss win or lose I put my name on it
Raise your hands up let it reach for the sky
I know that everything will be alright
Do it one more time
Do it one more time
因為總是專注掌控一切 準備啟航
不管面對任何詭譎的局勢 我都像個冠軍
全力血拼 看著存摺數字又增加了逗點
媽媽 請妳見證我的出息 我們做到了
不接受任何質疑 因為我成功活出人生
成功失敗 贏或輸 刻上我的名字背書
高舉雙手 伸向天空
這一切 都會be alright
曾經三餐泡麵 現在能品嚐人生滋味
私人飛機 一路飛向西岸
催起油 跟不上我的尾燈
愛 和平 尊重 才是人生座右銘
我總是帶著笑容突破 因為我成功活出人生
成功失敗 贏或輸 刻上我的名字背書
高舉雙手 伸向天空
這一切 都會be alright
◼︎ 更多潘瑋柏相關資訊:
・潘瑋柏 Will Pan 官方Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/willpan23/
・潘瑋柏 Will Pan 官方微博:http://www.weibo.com/u/1752502537
・潘瑋柏 Will Pan 官方Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/willpan23
・華納音樂 (華語部) Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/WarnerMusicTaiwan/
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