vague verb examples 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳貼文

Coddiwomple (verb) to travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague destination ... DOX | Meaning & Definition for UK English | Lexico.com. More information. ... <看更多>
I don't think that vagueness is at all a satisfactory way to describe the usage of would in any of the examples that the excerpt quoted. ... <看更多>
#1. Vague Words Tables - Blinn College
Blinn College – Bryan Writing Center. Summer 2017. Vague Verb or. Noun. Alternatives / Replacements. Do accomplish, complete, conclude, end, finalize, ...
#2. Vague expressions - 當代英語文法 - 劍橋線上詞典
We usually give examples of members of the group or category (underlined below) and then add a vague expression, e.g. necklaces, ...
#3. Vague Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
Save This Word! ... This shows grade level based on the word's complexity. adjective, va·guer, va·guest. not clearly or explicitly stated or expressed: vague ...
#4. What is the verb for vague? - WordHippo
Find more words! Another word for, Opposite of, Meaning of, Rhymes with, Sentences with, Find word forms, Pronounce, Translate from English, Translate to ...
#5. Vague Words - Editor's Quill
Vague : The weather is nice. Specific: A breeze blows by. Even more specific: A breeze brushes back my hair. Real Life Examples The following examples come from ...
#6. Writing - Using Precise Verbs - Steemit
Forms of the verb "to be" – such as am, are, is, was, were, being, and been – are the most commonly used vague verbs. The word "are," is the form of the verb to ...
#7. Vague definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
vaguely adverb [ADVERB with verb]. He looked vaguely around the room as he spoke, his mind elsewhere. ; vagueness uncountable noun ...a girl wandering in the ...
#8. The best 419 vague sentence examples
How to use vague in a sentence. Example sentences with the word vague. The most voted sentence example for vague is She rolled her eyes at the vag...
#9. VAGUE (adjective) definition and synonyms - Macmillan ...
Some aspects of the law were somewhat vague and ill-defined. Witnesses gave only a vague description of the driver. vague promises: The politicians made vague ...
#10. Definition and Examples of Vagueness in Language
As an adjective, the word becomes vague. Although vagueness often occurs unintentionally, it may also be employed as a deliberate rhetorical ...
#11. replace vague verbs with specific ones | English Writing Teacher
When revising, I ask students to encircle each main verb (not helping verbs). Then, on a separate paper, students make a list of the verbs, ...
#12. Vague language - BBC World Service | Learning English ...
The word stuff refers to more than one object. It is a non-count noun. There's loads of stuff in the attic - can you have a look and see if any of it's yours?
#13. 58 Synonyms & Antonyms for VAGUE | Thesaurus.com
Find 58 ways to say VAGUE, along with antonyms, related words, ... See definition of vague on Dictionary.com ... adjectivehaving more than one meaning.
#14. Replacing To Be Verbs - St. Louis Community College
In the revisions below, we rearranged the sentences to emphasize the subjects, chose bolder verbs, and cut needless words. Vague & Wordy It is my intention to ...
#15. Replacing Dull Verbs with Vivid Verbs - Thoughtful Learning
Replacing Dull Verbs with Vivid Verbs Verbs give sentences their power, ... of what the subject is doing, while dull verbs give a general, vague view.
#16. Avoid using vague nouns - The Writing Center
Examples ; Consumer demand is rising in the area of services. · Consumers are demanding more services. ; Strong reading skills are an important factor in students' ...
#17. Style/Grammar: Vague Description - My Dashboard
For example, first-person narratives may use vague descriptions to illustrate when a ... or replace them with more specific adjectives, adverbs, and verbs.
#18. be vague - Translation into Arabic - examples English
Translations in context of "be vague" in English-Arabic from Reverso Context: In ... Translation of "be vague" in Arabic. Verb ... Display more examples.
#19. vaguely adverb - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage ...
Definition of vaguely adverb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and ...
#20. Use simple words, concise sentences - Microsoft Style Guide
Choose simple verbs without modifiers. Whenever you can, avoid weak or vague verbs, such as be, have, make, and do. Examples ...
#21. Writing with Strong Verbs - Really Learn English
The state of being verbs; Verbs followed by adverbs; Vague verbs ... In all of these examples, the meaning of strong verbs can be described as the basic ...
#22. What does vague mean? - Definitions.net
Webster Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: · Vagueverb. wandering; vagrant; vagabond · Vagueverb. unsettled; unfixed; undetermined; indefinite; ...
#23. Vague Expressions In English - YouTube
#24. Strong Verbs - Writing Commons
Strong verbs make your writing more concise, help you avoid vague descriptions, ... For example, we can evaluate the verbs in the excerpt above:.
#25. Vague Language and Its Social Role - Academy Publication
clause final ellipsis, vague clauses, general extenders, general verbs, ... According to them, vague language is an example of relational language and can ...
#26. What Are Strong Verbs? - Definition & Examples - Study.com
Weak Verb: He 'is getting' a new baseball card. Did he buy it or was it given to him? Improve your writing by replacing verbs that are vague and ...
#27. Bloom's Taxonomy of Measurable Verbs
Benjamin Bloom created a taxonomy of measurable verbs to help us describe and classify observable ... List. Discuss. Dramatize. Diagram. Design. Justify.
#28. 2.2 Communicating with Precision – Technical Writing ...
Below are some guidelines and examples to follow for using precise wording. 1. Replace abstract nouns with verbs. Verbs, more than nouns, help convey ideas ...
#29. 10 Techniques for More Precise Writing
1. Use Active Voice · 2. Avoid Vague Nouns · 3. Use Words, Not Their Definitions · 4. Avoid Noun Strings · 5. Convert Nouns to Verbs · 6. Reduce Verb Phrases to ...
#30. 1 Translation result for vague in Spanish - Nglish de Britannica
Example sentences of. vague adjective. •The instructions she left were vague and difficult to follow. •He gave only a vague answer.
#31. Vague Words | Kim W. Justesen - Writer/Teacher/Presenter
Nouns that are broad and undefined fall into the vague category. These are words like stuff, things, people, everyone, no one, guys, girls, men, ...
#32. Action Verbs Can Power Your Resume | Monster.com
Weak, vague, or overused verbs can actually diminish the excellent work you did at your ... Monster created a list of action verbs for resume awesomeness.
#33. What are some examples similar to this vague statement ...
Originally Answered: Can you give an example similar to this vague statement referring ... Here Complex acts as NOUN not ADJECTIVE, houses isn't NOUN rath.
#34. Revising for Connection > Vague "This" Subjects
The next example demonstrates a more common problem relating to vague subjects. Read the original; then try adding a noun or phrase to clarify the subject; ...
#35. Weasel word - Wikipedia
A 2009 study of Wikipedia found that most weasel words in it could be divided into three main categories: Numerically vague expressions (for example, "some ...
#36. Clear sentences | Technical Writing | Google Developers
Choose strong verbs. Many technical writers believe that the verb is the most important part of a sentence. Pick the right verb and the rest of ...
#37. 10 Subject-Verb Agreement Rules | The Touro College and
Here is a brief list of 10 suggestions for subject-verb agreement. ... amount is specific, use a singular verb; if the amount is vague, use a plural verb.
#38. What does writing clearly and concisely mean? Writing clearly ...
deliberately and precisely, constructing your sentences carefully to eliminate deadwood, ... Vague words tend to be abstract and can conceal your meaning.
#39. What is an example of a vague sentence? - AnswersToAll
For example, the verbs “mutter” or “crawl” ... the verb “move” is vague because this ...
#40. Avoid vague pronouns - Parts of Speech - LibGuides - Royal ...
Pronouns replace or refer to a specific noun. Make sure that your pronouns aren't vague or ambiguous. Examples: When the truck stopped next to ...
#41. Automatic Detection of Vague Words and Sentences in ...
Table 1: Example human-annotated vague words and sen- tences. Vague words are italicized. ... Noun. 47.64. Noun. 35.24. Adjective. 25.07. Verb. 20.53. Verb.
#42. Use “vague” in a sentence - TranslateEN.com
The Word “vague” in Example Sentences, “vague” in a easy simple English ... A simple sentence with “vague” contains a subject and a verb, and it may also ...
#43. Eliminating Wordiness - Writing Resources - Hamilton College
Passive voice creates sentences in which the subject noun receives rather than does the action and the ... Use Nouns rather than Vague Pronouns as Subjects.
#44. "sound vague" translation into German - Bab.la
Translation for 'sound vague' in the free English-German dictionary and many ... Translations; Monolingual examples; Collocations; Similar translations ...
#45. How to Eliminate "To-Be" Verbs in Writing - Pennington ...
The “to be” verbs are vague. For example, “That school is great.” Clarify the sentence as “That school has wonderful teachers, terrific students, ...
#46. Ambiguous vs Vague with Sentence Examples - EnglishBix
There is a considerable amount of confusion between the words ambiguous and vague. Because, both carry almost the same meaning which are obscure and not.
#47. List of Verbs for Formulating Educational Objectives - AAPA
List of Verbs for Formulating Educational Objectives ... list recite select trace describe name recognize ... Avoid the use of vague verbs such as.
#48. What's the difference between vague and precise verbs ...
Explanation: Precise verbs differ from vague verbs because these refer to very specific actions or states. For example, the verbs "mutter" or " ...
#49. Nominalization (Vague, Wordy Sentences) - Get It Write
Instead of drawing the reader's attention to the act of interviewing, the writer has reduced the verb “to interview” to the noun phrase “an ...
#50. Spoken Grammar: Vague Language and EAP
around six' and 'Oh, seven thirty or thereabouts' as examples of vague- ... named in the proper noun) co-occurring with a general verb, which.
#51. Eliminate vague words and expressions - Writing in Plain ...
Or the slang verb for physical removal, the dog managed to weasel out of ... As we look at these examples, I'm not saying the statement is ...
#52. Playing Hide-and-Seek with Verbs - The Writing Cooperative
Read the following examples. They show how revealing hidden verbs can shorten and energize sentences: BEFORE: Her constant tardiness caused [set-up verb] ...
#53. Vague - Urban Dictionary
Insert specific example of vague here. Show your work. by Madmann October 07, 2005.
#54. Common Sentence Faults | Write Site | Athabasca University
Fragments; Comma Splice; Run-on or Fused Sentences; Subject-Verb ... With the vague use of this, that, or which when referring to the ...
#55. Features of academic writing: Hedging - UEfAP
... the concept of cautious language, often called "hedging" or "vague language". ... EXAMPLES. Compare the following: It may be said that the commitment to ...
#56. What are some examples of vague words? - Philosophy
What is a strong verb example? Strong Verbs Examples Other examples of strong verbs would be: Blow > blew (past tense), blown (past participle) Break > broke ( ...
#57. Word Choice - UNC Writing Center
When your instructors write things like “awkward,” “vague,” or “wordy” on your ... Here's an example: “Having finished with studying, the pizza was quickly ...
#58. Powerful writing with precise language and visual imagery
4 Avoid vague writing; 5 Robust vocabulary; 6 Precise nouns. 6.0.1 Examples. 7 Precise adjectives. 7.0.1 Examples. 8 Precise verbs.
#59. Vague verbs: a curricular problem - Clio et cetera
I am calling a 'vague verb' one that could be… ... Over time, historians have developed (for example) a number of causal models that can be ...
#60. Obscure - Definition for English-Language Learners from ...
obscure, vague, and ambiguous mean not clearly understandable. obscure often suggests a meaning that cannot be easily understood because it has not been clearly ...
#61. Purdue Online Writing Lab
1. Replace several vague words with more powerful and specific words. · 2. Interrogate every word in a sentence · 3. Combine Sentences.
#62. Four key features of academic style - University of Melbourne
For example, this passage contains some informal words (going, good, tell, though, really), a rhetorical question (How good…?), a contraction (can't), a vague ...
#63. Collocations | Vocabulary | EnglishClub
With examples and quizzes. ... There are several different types of collocation made from combinations of verb, noun, adjective etc. Some of the most common ...
#64. Coddiwomple (verb) to travel in a purposeful manner towards ...
Coddiwomple (verb) to travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague destination ... DOX | Meaning & Definition for UK English | Lexico.com. More information.
#65. Ambiguity, Polysemy and Vagueness - Glottopedia
There are numerous examples of lexical ambiguity. ... as the gerund form of a verb in a verb phrase, or as an attribute of a noun phrase.
#66. Vague doesn't mean passive | linʛuischtick
The passive voice is famous for its vagueness. ... The presence of a verb “to be” in these sentences, plus the vagueness, might fool you ...
#67. 1: Example of an affirmative vague description in a critical ...
Download scientific diagram | 1: Example of an affirmative vague description in a ... verb stop which is a usual example of a presuppositional expression.
#68. Interactive aspects of vagueness in conversation - Homepages
lysed examples of vague additives, i.e., approximators, downtoners, vague category ... explicit noun phrase) or on the basis of semantic features.
#69. For or Since: What Is the Difference? - VOA Learning English
Here are three example sentences that use similar vocabulary, but use different verb tenses. (Past) Last year, I traveled for three weeks. ( ...
#70. Keeping it Vague - Digital Commons @ WOU
Adverbs modify verbs and adjectives, usually making them more defined; vague adverbs broaden the definition of the action or descriptions.
#71. Obscure - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | Vocabulary.com
If something is obscure, it's vague and hard to see. Be careful if you're driving in ... obscure Add to list Share ... Obscure can also be used as a verb.
#72. Program Learning Outcomes
Examples : Using the Best Action Verbs for Program Learning Outcomes ... or “create” are more helpful for assessment than vague verbs such as “know,” ...
#73. Words and Phrases to Avoid in Academic Writing - Scribbr
Avoid using language that is too informal, vague, exaggerated, ... It's also better to replace phrasal verbs with their one-word ...
#74. Resources – Passive Sentences - The Writing Place
Passive voice tends to be more vague and wordy, so by replacing passive ... of the verb (use), but the focus of the sentences changes from scientists to ...
#75. Personal Pronouns, Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement, and ...
A personal pronoun takes the place of a noun. An antecedent is the word, phrase, or clause to which a pronoun refers. In all of the following examples, ...
#76. Review Recognizing and Correcting Vague Pronouns
To correct a vague pronoun, replace the pronoun with its noun antecedent. ... definition sentence examples related words. Nouns: Verb: Adverb: Synonym:.
#77. Avoiding Vague Pronouns in Your Research Article | AJE
A pronoun is a word that is used as a replacement or substitution for a noun. Commonly used pronouns include I, we, they, he, she, it, they, these, those, ...
#78. Vague Pronouns And Agreement Flashcards | Quizlet
Acts as the subject of a sentence—it performs the action of the verb. Examples: He, I, it, she, they, we, and you.
#79. Excessive Use of Linking Verbs - Syntaxis
The most common linking verb is to be, whose basic forms are as follows: am, is, are, was, were, be, been, and being. Other examples of linking verbs include ...
#80. Use of would for "vagueness" - English Language Learners ...
I don't think that vagueness is at all a satisfactory way to describe the usage of would in any of the examples that the excerpt quoted.
#81. Vague - English definition, grammar, pronunciation, synonyms ...
Not clearly expressed; stated in indefinite terms. adjective. grammar. Not having a precise meaning. adjective. grammar. Not clearly defined, grasped, or ...
#82. How to Clarify Vague Pronoun Reference | JWU Professional
Remember, by definition, pronouns, which take the place of a noun, cannot refer to an idea expressed in an entire sentence or statement; ...
#83. Indefinite pronouns | LearnEnglish - British Council Learn ...
We use a singular verb after an indefinite pronoun: ... You could also add either, neither, both, all, any and various other pronouns to the list.
#84. Meaning of "vague" in the English dictionary - Educalingo
GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY OF VAGUE. noun. adjective. verb. adverb. pronoun ... The first definition of vague in the dictionary is not explicit; imprecise.
#85. 17 Weak Words to Avoid in Your Writing - Book Cave
When used with a verb, these two words are usually unnecessary. For example, “He sat down on the dirty floor” should instead be “He sat on ...
#86. Features of Academic Language | lnu.se
See this chart for examples of what it means to be vague or ... The basic rule is that a singular subject takes a singular verb while a ...
#87. 7 Words to Avoid in Writing to Be a Better Writer
By definition, the word “some” is vague, and as you know, vague writing is bad ... “Spot was running” is a good example of a verb weakened by “to be.”.
#88. Noun-related Particles - Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese
... is used to list one or more nouns except that it is much more vague than the 「と」 particle.
#89. What is passive voice? - Quick Answers
To avoid passive voice, you must be direct and precise in your verb choices. Passive voice is a verb form that creates a sense of indirect ...
#90. Passive Voice: When to Use It and When to Avoid It
Passive sentences can get you into trouble in academic writing because they can be vague about who is responsible for the action:.
#91. What Is a Weak Verb Sentence Structure? - Pen and the Pad
Weak verbs are vague action words. ... When weak verbs are used in sentences, they inhibit clarity and the power of active voice.
#92. Using the Active Voice | English Composition 1
For example, The outfielder throws the ball. The subject, “outfielder” actively performs the action of the verb “throw.” The passive voice emphasizes the ...
#93. English and Russian vague category markers in business ...
This article is concerned with the use of Vague Category Markers (VCMs, ... crosses off the noun проекты (projects) from the list of potential exemplars.
#94. vague: meaning, origin, translation - WordSense Dictionary
WordSense Dictionary: vague - ✓ meaning, ✓ definition, ✓ synonyms, ✓ translations, ... Verb. vague (third-person singular simple present vagues, ...
#95. vague - definition and meaning - Wordnik
adjective Not clear in meaning or expression; inexplicit. synonym: ambiguous. adjective Not thinking or expressing oneself clearly. adjective Lacking definite ...
#96. Pronoun-antecedent agreement (video) | Khan Academy
#97. 10 common mistakes in student writing - Language - LibGuides
Another common fragment error occurs when the writer has failed to include a subject or a verb or both. Example 1: A sentence fragment with no ...
#98. Writing Clear & Concise Sentences - University of Illinois ...
NOTE: An easy way to fix these constructions so they aren't vague anymore is to ask yourself “This WHAT?” and fill in with your response noun.
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