... <看更多>
Measuring encyclopedic content in silent gesture: Gesture not as vague as once ... approach to semantic similarity, focusing on verb usage specifically. ... <看更多>
#1. Vague Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
vague · 1 : not clear in meaning : stated in a way that is general and not specific The instructions she left were vague and difficult to follow. · 2 : not ...
vague 的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. not clearly expressed, known, described, or decided: 2. not clear in shape, or not clearly…。了解更多。
#3. What is the verb for vague? - WordHippo
What is the verb for vague? ... (archaic) to wander; to roam; to stray. ... Use our App! WordHippo Mobile © 2021 ...
#4. Vague Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
vague · not clearly or explicitly stated or expressed: vague promises. · indefinite or indistinct in nature or character, as ideas or feelings: a vague ...
Verb Edit · (archaic) to wander; to roam; to stray. quotations ▽. 1603, Philemon Holland (translator), The Philosophie, commonly called, the Morals. [ ...
#6. Vague definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
They have only a vague idea of the amount of water available. Waite's memory of that first meeting was vague. vaguely adverb [ADVERB with verb].
#7. Vague Words Tables - Blinn College
Vague Verb or. Noun. Alternatives / Replacements. Do accomplish, complete, conclude, end, finalize, finish, finish up, prepare, ready, terminate.
#8. 你问我答/ Vague, ambiguous, obscure 用三个形容词说“模糊不清”
听众Zheng Lei 想知道形容词“vague、ambiguous” 和“obscure” 之间的不同之处。 ... programme and find out the difference between these four verbs ...
#9. Vague Past Tense - verb conjugation for - PastTenses
past tense of vague is vagued. Vague verb forms. Infinitive, Present Participle, Past Tense, Past Participle.
#10. Reverso Conjugator English - vague
Conjugate the English verb vague: indicative, past tense, participle, present perfect, gerund, conjugation models and irregular verbs.
#11. VAGUE English Definition and Meaning | Lexico.com
English dictionary definition of VAGUE along with additional meanings, ... Translate vague into Spanish ... Which of these words can be a verb?
#12. VAGUE (adjective) definition and synonyms - Macmillan ...
Definition of VAGUE (adjective): not clearly or fully explained; feeling or memory: not complete or accurate; shape: not clear or easy to see.
#13. 字彙
V. 字彙. 詞類 註解 vacant adj. vague adj. vain adj. valuable adj. van noun vanish verb vapor noun. = vapour (British English) variety.
#14. synonyms for make vague - Thesaurus.com
WORDS RELATED TO MAKE VAGUE. blur. verbcloud, fog. becloud · bedim · befog · blear ...
#15. Bloom's Taxonomy of Measurable Verbs
Benjamin Bloom created a taxonomy of measurable verbs to help us describe and ... to give maximum structure to instruction, it should be free of vague.
#16. Vague Past Tense: Verb Forms, Conjugate VAGUE
The past tense of VAGUE is VAGUED. See all forms of the verb VAGUE with easy examples.
#17. Troublesome Terms | University Communications
Too vague. Use a more specific verb such as cover, examine, include, or explore. This course explores the history and development of freedom of speech.
#18. Vague Terms, Indexicals, and Vague Indexicals - jstor
that vague terms, if they are a special sort of indexical, ... interpretations in Verb Phrase ellipsis.3 Consider the sentence: 'John likes ...
#19. 10 Subject-Verb Agreement Rules | The Touro College
Subject-verb agreement sounds easy, doesn't it? ... With money, if the amount is specific, use a singular verb; if the amount is vague, use a plural verb.
#20. Vague verbs: a curricular problem - Clio et cetera
... one which has significant consequences for our teaching. Let's start with some definitions. I am calling a 'vague verb' one that could be…
#21. vague - Englisch-Arabisch Übersetzung - PONS Online ...
Übersetzung Englisch-Arabisch für vague im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen ... make vague or ambiguous VERB ...
#22. Avoid using vague nouns - The Writing Center
Try to avoid using the following vague, all-purpose nouns, which sometimes lead to wordiness, especially when used in prepositional phrases. factor aspect ...
#23. Program Learning Outcomes
Learning outcomes should have two parts: an action verb and a content area. ... or “create” are more helpful for assessment than vague verbs such as “know,” ...
#24. English verb 'vague' conjugated - Verbix
English verb 'vague' conjugated · Indicative. Present. I, vague. you, vague. he;she;it, vagues. we, vague. you, vague. they, vague. Perfect. I, have vagued.
#25. DoDM 5110.04, Volume 1, June 16, 2020 SECTION 6
writer should avoid vague, one-word subjects and use instead specific ... The passive voice substitutes the actor with the object, using the verb “to be” ...
#26. What does writing clearly and concisely mean? Writing clearly ...
Vague words tend to be abstract and can conceal your meaning. ... In the active voice, the subject performs the action of the verb.
#27. Tomo on Twitter: "Venn diagram: Vague #Japanese verb 焼く ...
The vague German verb “braten” is similar to the Japanese one.
#28. Personal Pronouns, Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement, and ...
Vague or Unclear Pronoun References ... nominative (the subject of a verb), objective (the object of a verb or preposition), or possessive.
#29. (PDF) How Vague Can your Patent Be? Vagueness Strategies ...
below lists the verbs collocating with this modal verb in my corpus. … Figures - uploaded by Ismael Arinas. Author ...
#30. Features of academic writing: Hedging - UEfAP
... that an important feature of academic writing is the concept of cautious language, often called "hedging" or "vague language". ... Certain lexical verbs.
#31. List of Verbs for Formulating Educational Objectives - AAPA
The behaviour is characterized by the use of an action word or verb. Avoid the use of vague verbs such as. “understand”, “know”, “appreciate”, “familiarize” ...
#32. Eliminating Wordiness - Writing Resources - Hamilton College
Navigation · Use the Key Noun · Use Active Voice rather than Passive Voice Verbs · Avoid Unnecessary Language · Use Nouns rather than Vague Pronouns as Subjects.
#33. Weasel word - Wikipedia
A 2009 study of Wikipedia found that most weasel words in it could be divided into three main categories: Numerically vague expressions (for example, "some ...
#34. Examples of Learning Outcomes: Good and Bad
Vague. Have a deeper appreciation for good communication practices. Does not start with an action verb or define the level of learning; subject of learning ...
#35. Coddiwomple (verb) to travel in a purposeful manner towards ...
Aug 1, 2017 - Coddiwomple (verb) to travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague destination.
#36. Verb to vague - English conjugation
Search for spelling of vague. Search for a verb spelling. vague does not exist. This may be a spelling mistake. Here is a list of possible verbs:.
#37. Guidance on writing intended learning outcomes - University ...
then choose an action verb that says clearly what you expect the students to be ... 'be aware of' as these are too vague to convey the exact nature of the ...
#38. Vague Language and Its Social Role - Academy Publication
Abstract—Vague language in other words denotes phrases and words that are ... clause final ellipsis, vague clauses, general extenders, general verbs, ...
#39. How To Use the Spanish Verb Haber - ThoughtCo
"Haber," the most common auxiliary verb in Spanish, ... by Spanish students: as a vague verb usually translated as "there is" or "there are.
#40. gnaw verb - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes
Definition of gnaw verb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and ...
#41. Avoid vague pronouns - Parts of Speech - LibGuides - Royal ...
9. Verbs · Verb tenses · Avoiding incorrect shifts in verb tense ... Make sure that your pronouns aren't vague or ambiguous. Examples:.
#42. Drafting Legal Documents, Principles of Clear Writing
Passive verbs have a form of the verb to. ... But abstract words can be vague and open to different interpretations.
#43. Use simple words, concise sentences - Microsoft Style Guide
Choose simple verbs without modifiers. Whenever you can, avoid weak or vague verbs, such as be, have, make, and do. Examples ...
#44. Vague - Skidmore College
... you've put so many clauses between the subject and verb that the sentence is hard to follow. If you find that your writing is vague or unclear.
#45. Vague Meaning | Best 19 Definitions of Vague - YourDictionary
To wander; to roam; to stray. verb. 0.
#46. An ontological analysis of vague motion verbs, with an ...
D'Odorico, Tommaso (2013) An ontological analysis of vague motion verbs, with an application to event recognition. PhD thesis, University of ...
#47. Attributive adjectives in Tswefap: Vague predicates in a ...
verbs have degree arguments, while gradable adjectives are vague <e,t> predicates. The fact that gradable predicates in Tswefap differ in semantic type ...
#48. Conjugation of verb vague - Le Conjugueur
French verb conjugation for vague and synonym for verb vague. Conjugate verb vague at all tenses. Conjugation au masculin à la voix active avec l'auxiliaire ...
#49. Obscure - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | Vocabulary.com
If something is obscure, it's vague and hard to see. Be careful if you're driving in ... Obscure can also be used as a verb. If you get really nervous when ...
#50. Replacing To Be Verbs - St. Louis Community College
A Writing Center handout on the grammar of replacing "to be" verbs. ... Vague & Wordy ... Change one or more of the nouns in the sentence into a verb. Vague ...
#51. William Strunk's The Elements of Style
compendium of specific tips — about singular and plural verbs, parentheses, the "that" — ... As a transitive verb, the word is vague and self-important.
#52. What Are Strong Verbs? - Definition & Examples - Study.com
Weak Verb: He 'is getting' a new baseball card. Did he buy it or was it given to him? Improve your writing by replacing verbs that are vague and ...
#53. Bloom's Taxonomy of Measurable Verbs - CSUN
Benjamin Bloom created a taxonomy of measurable verbs to help us describe and ... maximum structure to instruction, it should be free of vague or ambiguous.
#54. How Not to Write Learning Objectives
with an action verb and describes what the learner will be doing when ... What the experts say about vague language in performance objectives.
#55. vague memory - WordReference.com 英汉词典
vague memory - WordReference.com 英汉词典. ... I have a vague memory of doing something stupid last night. ... {Verb + 得/不+ ...} --> {能+ Verb + ...}
#56. Vague Patch Notes: The verbs of MMOs - Massively ...
Vague Patch Notes: The verbs of MMOs ... RACE GIANT BIRDS is a verb in the game that you can take advantage of any time the urge strikes you ...
#57. Vague verbs confuse - Be a Confident Communicator
Try re-stating these vague-verb sentences with more descriptive verbs. Vague verb. Active verb. She upsets me.
#58. Action Verbs Can Power Your Resume | Monster.com
Weak, vague, or overused verbs can actually diminish the excellent work you did at your last job, so choose action verbs that more accurately reflect what you ...
#59. Purdue Online Writing Lab
One way to revise a string of nouns is to change one noun to a verb. ... When possible, avoid using forms of be as the main verbs in your sentences and ...
#60. Obscure - Definition for English-Language Learners from ...
obscure, vague, and ambiguous mean not clearly understandable. obscure often suggests a meaning that cannot be easily understood because it has not been ...
#61. Common Sentence Faults | Write Site | Athabasca University
A sentence must have a subject and a verb and be a complete thought. ... With the vague use of this, that, or which when referring to the ...
#62. Nominalization (Vague, Wordy Sentences) - Get It Write
Nouns can be made from both verbs and adjectives, but here we are examining nouns that derive from actions. Consider this sentence: Last week, ...
#63. An ontological analysis of vague motion verbs, with an ...
This research presents a methodology for the ontological formalisation of vague spatial concepts from natural language, with an application to the automatic ...
#64. Learning Objectives - Eberly Center - Carnegie Mellon ...
Using action verbs enables you to more easily measure the degree to which ... Some learning objectives that are typically vague but are often used include:.
#65. Pronoun-antecedent agreement (video) | Khan Academy
#66. Agile User Story Splitting by Vague Words + MVP to Enhanced
Are there many ways of performing an activity/verb that are not well understood? Could you start with only one of the split-out stories, and ...
#67. Strong Verbs - Writing Commons
Strong verbs make your writing more concise, help you avoid vague descriptions, and can keep your readers interested. When you don't use a variety of strong ...
#68. Associations to the word «Vague
An indefinite expanse. VAGUE, verb. To wander; to roam; to stray. Dictionary definition. VAGUE, adjective. Not ...
#69. 'Merkel' Has Become A Verb In German Youth Vernacular - NPR
... like gay marriage, is deemed as deliberately vague. ... It's a verb which, according to the German dictionary publisher Langenscheidt, ...
#70. Keeping it vague: a study of vague language in an American ...
Adverbs modify verbs and adjectives, usually making them more defined; vague adverbs broaden the definition of the action or descriptions.
#71. Humorous verbs - so specific that they're vague - YouTube
#72. Student Learning Outcomes
Avoid vague and non-observable verbs. ... Use a more specific verb. ... SLO can be revised in a much more effective way by simply using the right verb.
#73. Passive Voice: When to Use It and When to Avoid It
The passive form of the verb is signaled by a form of "to be": in the sentence above, "was formulated" is ... You want to be vague about who is responsible:.
#74. It's kind of my favourite stuff (vague language) - Lesson Plan
In this lesson, students learn how to use some vague language in English ... and learn to describe objects using sense verbs and adjectives.
#75. Taboo words in academic writing - Scribbr
Avoid using language that is too informal, vague, exaggerated, ... It's also better to replace phrasal verbs with their one-word ...
#76. English College and Career Readiness Standards - ACT
Revise vague, clumsy, and confusing writing that creates obvious logic problems ... Recognize and correct inappropriate shifts in verb tense between simple ...
#77. Translate "vague" from French to German - Interglot Mobile
French to German translation results for 'vague' designed for tablets and mobile ... vaguer Verb (vague; vagues; vaguons; vaguez; vaguent; vaguais; vaguait; ...
#78. Dingsbums und so: Beliefs about German vague language
Research has shown that vague language, which includes vague items (general nouns, general verbs, general extenders, vague clauses, clause final ellipsis ...
#79. Semantics and Pragmatics of Vague Probability Expressions
Two experiments assessed the membership functions that German speakers assign to 12 adverb phrases and 17 modal verb forms that express probability.
#80. Noun-related Particles - Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese
2 The Inclusive 「と」 particle; 3 The Vague Listing 「や」 and ... just allows us to modify verb and adjective clauses like noun clauses.
#81. How Abstract Nouns Steal Vigor from Your Writing - Redwood ...
Through a process called nominalization, we morph verbs (and sometimes ... This verb is vague, and it steals the energy from the more ...
#82. write-it-right.pdf - OPM
Often times, we start with a verb describing what is being performed. ... The item that is vague or subjective is the first one ("Reviews and analyzes broad ...
#83. stative verbs &1797
The lexical form of most stative verbs (3ms qal perfect) has a vowel other than ... c. complementary, completing or explaining a "vague verb" (5) "be able", ...
#84. Four key features of academic style - University of Melbourne
Using a passive verb ... a contraction (can't), a vague category (etc.) ... Certain verbs are considered too imprecise for academic writing, in that they do ...
#85. Writing Course Goals/Learning Outcomes and Learning ...
Verbs such as “identify”, “argue,” or “construct” are more measurable than vague or passive verbs such as “understand” or “be aware of”.
#86. Ismael Arinas How Vague Can Your Patent Be? Vagueness ...
This verb collocates also in 182 occasions with adverbs such as advantageously, easily, generally, optionally, or readily. Of these collocations with vague ...
#87. Measuring encyclopedic content in silent gesture - AMLaP 2021
Measuring encyclopedic content in silent gesture: Gesture not as vague as once ... approach to semantic similarity, focusing on verb usage specifically.
#88. writing-learning-objectives.pdf
Verbs such as “know” and “understand” are vague. Avoid these words and use action verbs from the list provided. “Understanding” can have a myriad of meanings ...
#89. 2.2 Communicating with Precision – Technical Writing ...
Use active verbs whenever possible, and take the time to choose a single word ... Use measurable descriptors whenever possible; avoid vague terms like “big” ...
#90. "sound vague" translation into German - Bab.la
Translation for 'sound vague' in the free English-German dictionary and many other ... sound vague {verb} ... These descriptions may sound vague and alien.
#91. Legislative Drafting Style Manual - Utah Legislature
Whenever possible, a legislative drafter should use an action verb instead of a ... but that meaning is vague;; adding to or subtracting from a definitional ...
#92. Powerful Verbs in Your Academic and Scientific Writing | AJE
In another article, we argue against the overuse of vague verbs such as is or has. But what are the alternatives? In English, many nouns can be turned into ...
#93. What does Vague mean? - Definitions.net
Vagueverb. wandering; vagrant; vagabond. Etymology: [F. vaguer, L. vagari, fr. vagus roaming.] Vagueverb. unsettled; unfixed; undetermined; indefinite; ...
#94. What is passive voice? - Quick Answers
To avoid passive voice, you must be direct and precise in your verb choices. ... inappropriate to use, passive voice can make your writing seem vague.
#95. For or Since: What Is the Difference? - VOA Learning English
You could use for when you are talking about vague periods of time, like "for ... Regardless of the verb tense, the preposition for is still ...
#96. 10 common mistakes in student writing - Language - LibGuides
b) The sentence fragments is missing a subject or a verb. Another common fragment error occurs when the writer has failed to include a subject ...
#97. The Dynamics of Nominal Classification: Productive and ...
... verb is unclear: it is likely that these are senses of a single vague verb. When the subject of the verb is 'tea', the meaning 'cool' is more relevant, ...
#98. How To Write And Sell Great Short Stories - 第 25 頁 - Google 圖書結果
StrongVerbs I've mentioned that verbs are powerful Parts of Speech, but people constantly use vague ones. There are a multitude of exciting ones waiting to ...
#99. Biblical Interpretation in Early Christian Gospels: Volume ...
“The word” as Subject functions as the agent of the verb of existence (although it is vague regarding voice as well), being in existence in a particular ...
vague verb 在 Coddiwomple (verb) to travel in a purposeful manner towards ... 的推薦與評價
Aug 1, 2017 - Coddiwomple (verb) to travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague destination. ... <看更多>