Senarai Agama Yang Mengaku “Jelmaan Jesus Akhir Zaman” Di Malaysia
Banyak media yang menfokuskan kepada gerakkan ajaran sesat dalam Islam yang mana ada individu pernah mengaku sebagai imam Mahdi, rasul melayu dan sebagainya. Akan tetapi tahukah kita bahawa di Malaysia ini sudah banyak agama-agama baru yang mula masuk dan bertapak membawa ideologi yang hampir sama iaitu mengajar bahawa pimpinan mereka itu adalah jelmaan Jesus di akhir zaman.
Ini kerana di dalam Bible terdapat ayat yang mengatakan, pada akhir zaman Tuhan (Jesus) akan turun ke bumi buat kali kedua antaranya disebut dalam Matius 24: 44, Ibrani 10: 25, Wahyu 20: 22. Dari ayat tersebut maka ramai individu di dalam Kristian yang mendakwa diri mereka adalah Jesus kedatangan kedua di dunia. Jika mahu disenaraikan ia terlalu banyak, cuma saya akan fokuskan skop gerakkan yang telah masuk di Malaysia sahaja:
1) Unification Church (1954)- Korea Selatan
Unification Church adalah sebuah gerakkan agama dari Korea Selatan yang diasaskan oleh Sun Myung Moon. Sun Myung Moon mendakwa dirinya adalah jelmaan Adam ketiga dan Isterinya Hak Ja Han adalah Hawa ketiga. Mereka sinonim dengan gelaran Heavenly Parent atau True Parent untuk memberi restu dan keberkatan kepada pasangan suami isteri di dunia ini.
Sun Myung Moon juga mendakwa dirinya adalah Jesus akhir zaman untuk menyelesaikan tugas Jesus yang dahulu belum sempurna antaranya Jesus belum berkahwin dan tidak mampu memberi restu dan keberkatan (3 great blessing) kepada umat manusia. Maka tugas itu disempurnakan oleh beliau.
Ajaran Sun Myung Moon yang pernah mendakwa sering berutus surat dan berjumpa dengan nabi Muhammad, Jesus, Buddha, Kong Fu Tze, Musa dan pelbagai lagi, sebenarnya gerakkan ini sudah tiba di Malaysia sejak tahun 1996 lagi. Mereka memiliki badan-badan pertubuhan besar yang bertapak di Petaling Jaya dengan banyak melakukan program di atas nama kepimpinan dan keamanan. Seorang warga Korea Selatan yang sudah bertapak di Malaysia menjadi wakil Juru Penyelamat Antarabangsa Malaysia yang dilantik oleh Unification Church khusus untuk Malaysia. Gerakkan ini sudah memasuki dari segenap sektor, dari sekolah rendah, Universiti dan juga ke dalam pimpinan negara.
2) Providence Church (1980)- Korea Selatan
Providence Church adalah gerakkan agama baru dari Korea Selatan juga dan ia diasaskan oleh Joshua Jung Myung Seok. Jung Myung Seok merupakan bekas ahli Unification Church akhirnya keluar dan membuat aliran sendiri.
Joshua Jung mengisytiharkan bahawa dirinya adalah “Lord of the Second Coming" (Tuhan Kedatangan Kedua) seperti yang dilakukan oleh Sun Myung Moon. Kenyataannya bahawa seseorang harus "percaya kepada kata-katanya jika mahu selamat" jelas menunjukkan bahawa seseorang perlu menerima kata-katanya sebagai jalan demi menuju keselamatan.
Ajaran ini juga sudah tiba di Malaysia dan sudah ada blog yang mempromosi ajaran ini khusus di Malaysia. Akan tetapi gerakkan ini suram dan tidak aktif disebabkan Jung Myung Seok di tahan dalam penjara dan baru dibebaskan pada tahun lepas.
3) World Mission Society Church of God (1985)- Korea Selatan
Aliran World Mission Society Church of God ini diasaskan oleh seorang wanita yang bernama Jang Gil-jah. Ajaran ini juga berasal dari Korea Selatan yang mana mereka mendakwa Pastor Ahn Sahng-hong adalah Jesus kedatangan kedua. Manakala Jang Gil-jah pula adalah God The Mother.
World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) tidak mempunyai kitab suci selain Bible. Mereka hanya memakai Bible yang digunapakai oleh Kristian Protestan pada hari ini. Mereka mendakwa bahawa semua dotrin di dalam WMSCOG adalah berasaskan kepada Bible dan ia perlu dilihat kepada kaedah tafsir yang dibawa oleh Kim Joo-cheol yang merupakan pastor tertinggi mereka.
WMSCOG mengenali Ahn sebagai “Christ Anh Sahng-hong”, sebagai kedatangan kedua Kristus, ia juga Tuhan Bapa dan dikenalpasti dengan Roh Kudus. Selain itu, WMSCOG juga percaya kepada konsep Tuhan Bapa dan Tuhan Ibu, serta mendakwa bahawa kebenaran ini tersembunyi dalam penafsiran yang jelas di dalam Bible.
Gerakkan ini sudah berkembang pesat di seluruh dunia. Di Malaysia pernah timbul kontroversi di UniSZA Terengganu pada tahun 2017 berkenaan dakyah mereka di Universiti tersebut. Mereka berkembang di Kolej dan Universiti yang majoriti cina. Apabila pihak kami menghubungi pihak WMSCOG di Petaling Jaya mereka mengatakan memiliki 15 buah gereja di seluruh Malaysia.
4) The Church of Almighty God (1991)- China
Gerakkan Church of Almighty God ini juga merupakkan aliran baru yang mendakwa seorang wanita cina dari China adalah jelmaan Jesus akhir zaman. Pengasas kepada gerakkan ini adalah Zhao Weishan. Ramai yang mendakwa bahawa wanita misteri itu adalah isteri kepada Zhao Weishan yang bernama Yang Xiangbin.
The Church of Almighty God percaya bahawa tuhan yang maha kuasa adalah Jesus yang dikembalikan pada zaman kini dan dilahirkan di negara China, sebuah negara yang menurut mereka ia simbolik kepada masa kini tempat di mana Naga Merah jahat berada. Kisah berkenaan Naga Merah itu disebut dalam Perjanjian Baru, buku Wahyu. Naga Merah yang jahat itu disimbolikkan dengan Parti Komunis China dan di mana ia tempat kedatangan kedua Jesus.
Menurut kepercayaan The Church of Almighty God, sekarang ini adalah zaman umat manusia fasa ketiga iaitu zaman pemerintahan (kerajaan). Fasa pertama adalah Zaman Hukum yang mengikuti Perjanjian Lama (zaman nabi Musa). Manakala fasa kedua adalah Zaman Rahmat yang bermula dari kelahiran Jesus sehinggalah zaman sebelum lahirnya tuhan yang mahakuasa di China pada abad ke 20. Setelah itu zaman ketiga adalah zaman tuhan dari China akan membawa kepada zaman pemerintahan.
Gerakkan agama Church of Almighty God di Malaysia masih lagi berada di fasa awal. Mereka sudah memiliki wakil penghubung di Malaysia. Jika menghubungi wakil tersebut maka dia akan serahkan kepada individu lain yang akan membuat perjumpaan secara berkumpulan di tempat yang akan ditentukan dan di situ akan disampaikan ajaran keagamaan tersebut. Majoriti mereka adalah dari masyarakat cina.
Usaha mereka sangat besar dan meluas. Jika dikatakan mereka mahu menyebarkan agama ini kepada orang melayu, mereka sudah memiliki bahan yang sudah tersedia di dalam bahasa Indonesia yang memiliki banyak laman sesawang di dalam bahasa Indonesia. Penulisan artikel dan video sudah siap diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia.
5) Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day (1830)- USA
Mormon atau dikenali sebagai Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day merupakan sebuah gerakkan keagamaan di USA yang diasaskan oleh Joseph Smith. Perkataan Mormon asalnya diambil daripada nama salah seorang rasul terdahulu yang diimani oleh penganut ajaran ini. Nama itu juga diberi bersempena kitab suci mereka iaitu Kitab Mormon. Berdasarkan nama tersebut agama mereka dinamakan sebagai Mormonisme.
Kes berkenaan dengan ajaran ini berlainan sedikit, Joseph Smith tidak mendakwa dirinya sebagai jelmaan Jesus kedua tetapi beliau mendakwa telah bertemu dengan Jesus dan John The Baptist secara jaga di US dan diberi mandat untuk menjadi rasul akhir zaman untuk membimbing umat Kristian akhir zaman.
Smith mendakwa beliau telah dikunjungi oleh malaikat Moroni dan beliau dikhabarkan tentang kewujudan kitab Mormon yang merupakan kitab suci tambahan selain Bible. Setelah itu Smith juga mendapat arahan daripada Tuhan menyuruhnya untuk mewujudkan semula gereja Kristian yang sebenar dan Kitab Mormon tersebut merupakan panduan dan cara-cara untuk mewujudkan doktrin yang betul untuk memulihkan gereja. Bagi Smith, gereja pada hari ini sudah menyeleweng dari ajaran Jesus yang asal. Mormon juga membawa kepercayaan yang bukan triniti tetapi tiga Tuhan. Iaitu Tuhan Bapa, Jesus dan Roh Kudus sebagai individu yang berasingan.
Aliran ini telah berkembang di seluruh dunia. Pada tahun 1977, dua orang misionari kanan mereka ke Malaysia. Mereka berusaha membina gereja LDS pertama di Malaysia di pinggir bandar Kuala Lumpur. Keanggotaan gereja mereka pada awalnya terdiri dari warga negara Amerika, Australia yang bekerja di negara ini dan juga masyarakat kaum Cina di Malaysia.
Setelah itu mereka juga telah membuka gerja mereka di Sabah dan Sarawak. Dan kini jumlah keahlian mereka telah mencecah 10,000 orang.[1] Mereka memiliki gereja di Malaysia antaranya berada di Pulau Pinang, Johor Bahru, Melaka, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Sabah dan Sarawak.
Ajaran baru yang memiliki individu klaim dirinya sebagai jelmaan “Jesus akhir zaman” semakin merebak. Malah mereka sudah mensasarkan Malaysia untuk menyebarkan fahaman mereka. Walau mereka mendakwa diri mereka adalah dari Kristian tetapi ramai agamawan Kristian yang menentang aliran-aliran tersebut.
Selain dari cabang-cabang ini, kami juga memiliki hampir 30 buah lagi agama baru yang sudah ada di Malaysia. Jika sahabat-sahabat memiliki maklumat berkenaan dengan gerakkan ini maka bolehlah hubungi kami untuk berkongsikan maklumat.
[1] Lihat Bradford Hillam di laman sesawang The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Newsroom, Facts and Statistics; Worldwide church; Asia; Malaysia -
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world mission society church of god 在 旅行熱炒店Podcast Facebook 的精選貼文
[Meeting Martin Luther King Jr. in Boston]
Having lived in Boston for several years, I'm very used to a conversation with questions like "where are you from", "what do you do", etc at social events or church. Now, let's imagine that I lived in the year of 1953, just a few years after world war II. On an ordinary weekday morning, when I was on the Green Line B branch (which then was numbered "route #62") along Commonwealth Avenue toward downtown, I started a conversation with an African American guy who got up at the BU central stop. I quickly got into the typical Bostonian conversation:
"Hi, what's your name?"
"Martin." He said.
"I'm Jerome. Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you, too."
"Are you a student at BU?"
"Ya. I go to the divinity school."
"That's cool. What do you study there?"
"I'm a doctoral student in systematic theology."
"Wow, that sounds very hard-core. So did you come to Boston to attend this program?"
"Ya. I'm from Atlanta, Georgia. I moved here two years ago after getting my bachelor of divinity."
"So are you a pastor?"
"Yes, I am."
"Cool. So where are you heading right now?"
"I'm going to downtown to meet my finacee. She's a music student at New England Conservatory. We're going to get married in Alabama next month."
"Wow, congratulations!"
That's true. I met the civil right activist-to-be Martin Luther King Jr. in the city of Boston, where it's never a surprise to randomly run into a doctor or a professor on the street. In a few minutes, I heard more about his story. While living in the south most of his life, he did spent 4 years in Boston, where he attended Boston University and got his PhD in systematic theology. While racial segregation (which came to existence after the civil war) was still prevalent in the south, Boston was the first city where I felt he was free to do everything without discrimination. He really enjoyed this city. And instead of living in the dorm of BU, he rented an apartment at 397 Mass Ave, right next to today's Orange Line Mass Ave station.
Boston was also the city where he met his wife Coretta Scott. They got married in June 1953. And he was incredibly young as a doctoral student -- he skipped two grades in high school and completed college at the age of 19. By the time he started doctoral study in Boston (at the age of 22), he already obtained his first seminary degree. By the way, he was also the assistant pastor at Twelfth Baptist Church, an African-American congregation near Dudley Square.
Now the conversation continued. Martin and I started talking about Christian church and theology.
"Which church do you go to?" He asked.
"The XXX church. It's an evangelical church."
"Ah, Christian evangelism." From his eyes, you could tell there was probably something in his head.
"What do you think about it?"
"Well, I'm a pastor, and I do build my ministry on the teaching of Jesus. But I hope your church is not like one of the typical American churches today. I think really miss the point of the gospel."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, they've been focusing too much on individuals being saved and ignoring the injustice in this society. They miss their mission to liberate the oppressed."
"Well, isn't a Christian church supposed to share the gospel and convert sinners to God?"
"Yup, but doesn't the gospel free us? How can you say you're sharing the gospel while so many people in this country are oppressed and suffering from inequality?"
"You're right, but this should be the outcome of salvation, instead of the salvation itself..."
"(Sigh.) I think the some churches really need to shift focus." He breathed before continuing. "Old faiths like the bodily resurrection, virgin birth and miracles that contradict the science may not be necessary for Christianity today. Churches are called to realize the Kingdom of God on earth by exercising justice and mercy..."
Now I could sense where on the "church spectrum" he was. He was vastly influenced by Walter Rauschenbusch's social gospel, a theological thought popular in the early 20th century that called for a return to the "Kingdom of God" doctrine. Church's primary calling, in social gospel's perspective, is to bring God's kingdom on earth by applying Jesus' teaching to solve social issues and rescue the oppressed. Along with Mohandas Gandhi's nonviolent approach, it shaped King's theology and fueled the later movements he led.
And It was also interesting to see theologically how liberal his was. He casted his doubt on some essential doctrines that most Christian denominations held true back then. If you are from an evangelical background, this may get on your nerves. (But keep in mind that he lived before the age of neo-orthodoxy, and people often abandoned traditional views when running into doctrines that contradict scientific knowledge.) And this is probably why while many pastors today would say King's accomplishment was fueled by the Christian faith, but avoid talking too much about his view on doctrines.
Let's get back on the train scene. At the Park Street underground station in downtown Boston, I said bye to the newly met friend Martin and saw him disappearing in the crowd. I could tell he's a brilliant and eloquent person, but might not expect two years later he'd be the person would be a key leader in the Montgomery bus boycott, nor decades later he'd deliver his famous speech in Washington. I might not agree with everything he said, but I'd definitely remember this conversation with Martin, a person that was once like me, who lived to Boston short-term to pursue a degree and was shaped by the personality of this city.
[Afterthought] As a member of an American evangelical church (and also a foreigner of a minority group), the story of Martin Luther King Jr. continues to puzzle me. His view on certain doctrines are likely to be condemned as unorthodox by evangelical churches, but meanwhile, as the "saved" people, do we eager to live out and advocate the biblical justice in daily life as he did? Or we're always being "gospel-centered" while ignoring the all-inclusive nature of the biblical gospel?
(In pictures: Martin Luther King Jr.'s school, apartment and church in Boston.)
world mission society church of god 在 Sam Tsang 曾思瀚 Facebook 的最佳貼文
A Joint Open Statement by Pastors:
A Declaration for the Sake of the Christian Faith(already signed by hundreds of pastors in China)
We are a group of Chinese Christians, chosen by the Most High God to be His humble servants, serving as pastors for Christian churches throughout various towns and cities.
We believe and are obligated to teach the world that the one true and living Triune God is the Creator of the universe, of the world, and of all people. All men should worship God and not any man or thing. We believe and are obligated to teach the world that all men, from national leaders to beggars and prisoners, have sinned. They will die once and then be judged in righteousness. Apart from the grace and redemption of God, all men would eternally perish. We believe and are obligated to teach the world that the crucified and risen Jesus is the only Head of the global church, the sole Savior of all mankind, and the everlasting Ruler and supreme Judge of the universe. To all who repent and believe in Him, God will give eternal life and an eternal Kingdom.
In September, 2017, the State Council issued the new “Regulations on the Administration of Religious Affairs” and began implementing these regulations in February, 2018. Ever since then, Christian churches across China have suffered varying degrees of persecution, contempt, and misunderstanding from government departments during public worship and religious practices, including various administrative measures that attempt to alter and distort the Christian faith. Some of these violent actions are unprecedented since the end of the Cultural Revolution. These include demolishing crosses on church buildings, violently removing expressions of faith like crosses and couplets hanging on Christians’ homes, forcing and threatening churches to join religious organizations controlled by the government, forcing churches to hang the national flag or to sing secular songs praising the State and political parties, banning the children of Christians from entering churches and receiving religious education, and depriving churches and believers of the right to gather freely.
We believe that these unjust actions are an abuse of government power and have led to serious conflicts between political and religious parties in Chinese society. These actions infringe on the human freedoms of religion and conscience and violate the universal rule of law. We are obligated to announce bad news to the authorities and to all of society: God hates all attempts to suppress human souls and all acts of persecution against the Christian church, and he will condemn and judge them with righteous judgment.
But we are even more obligated to proclaim good news to the authorities and to all of society: Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, the Savior and King of mankind, in order to save us sinners was killed, was buried, and rose from the dead by the power of God, destroying the power of sin and death. In His love and compassion God has prepared forgiveness and salvation for all who are willing to believe in Jesus, including Chinese people. At any time, anyone can repent from any sin, turn to Christ, fear God, obtain eternal life, and bring great blessing from God upon his family and country.
For the sake of faith and conscience, for the spiritual benefits of the authorities in China and of society as a whole, and ultimately for the glory, holiness, and righteousness of God, we make the following declaration to the Chinese government and to all of society:
1. Christian churches in China believe unconditionally that the Bible is the Word and Revelation of God. It is the source and final authority of all righteousness, ethics, and salvation. If the will of any political party, the laws of any government, or the commands of any man directly violate the teachings of the Bible, harming men’s souls and opposing the gospel proclaimed by the church, we are obligated to obey God rather than men, and we are obligated to teach all members of the church to do the same.
2. Christian churches in China are eager and determined to walk the path of the cross of Christ and are more than willing to imitate the older generation of saints who suffered and were martyred for their faith. We are willing and obligated under any circumstance to face all government persecution, misunderstanding, and violence with peace, patience, and compassion. For when churches refuse to obey evil laws, it does not stem from any political agenda; it does not stem from resentment or hostility; it stems only from the demands of the gospel and from a love for Chinese society.
3. Christian churches in China are willing to obey authorities in China whom God has appointed and to respect the government's authority to govern society and human conduct. We believe and are obligated to teach all believers in the church that the authority of the government is from God and that as long as the government does not overstep the boundaries of secular power laid out in the Bible and does not interfere with or violate anything related to faith or the soul, Christians are obligated to respect the authorities, to pray fervently for their benefit, and to pray earnestly for Chinese society. For the sake of the gospel, we are willing to suffer all external losses brought about by unfair law enforcement. Out of a love for our fellow citizens, we are willing to give up all of our earthly rights.
4. For this reason, we believe and are obligated to teach all believers that all true churches in China that belong to Christ must hold to the principle of the separation of church and state and must proclaim Christ as the sole head of the church. We declare that in matters of external conduct, churches are willing to accept lawful oversight by civil administration or other government departments as other social organizations do. But under no circumstances will we lead our churches to join a religious organization controlled by the government, to register with the religious administration department, or to accept any kind of affiliation. We also will not accept any “ban” or “fine” imposed on our churches due to our faith. For the sake of the gospel, we are prepared to bear all losses—even the loss of our freedom and our lives.
Signatories of the Joint Statement (116 people total)
First Group (29 people):
Pastor Wang Yi (Chengdu Early Rain Covenant Church)
Pastor Yang Hua (Guiyang Living Stone Church)
Pastor Jin Mingri (Beijing Zion Church)
PastorZhang Xiaofeng, Elder Sun Yi, Elder You Guanghui (Beijing Shouwang Church Governance Committee)
Pastor Huang Xiaoning (Guangzhou Bible Reformer Church)
Pastor Dou Shaowen (Zhengzhou Conerstone Church)
Elder Zhang Chuanlei (Guiyang Renai Reformed Church)
Elder Wen Hongbin (Chengdu Xishuipang Reformed Church)
Minister Yang Xibo (Xiamen Xunsiding Church)
Minister Jiang Jianping (Foshan Olive Tree Church)
Elder Xue Honggen (Chengdu Yudu Zhuen Reformed Church)
Elder Char Changping (Chengdu Shengmingzhiquan Church)
Minister Shi Shangbiao (Zhangzhou Feilizhijia Church)
Pastor Li Tao(Kunming Endian Church)
Pastor Shen Xianfeng (Wuhan Zhongfu Chenxing Church)
Elder Tang Bohu (Shanghai Caihong Reformed Church)
Pastor Cui Quan (Shanghai Wangbang Xuanjiao Church)
Pastor Su Yaorong (Taizhou Tianfu Reformed Church)
Minister Wang Teng (Taizhou Mingdao Reformed Church)
Pastor Wang Changyi (Tiazhou Tiantai Fuyin Church)
Pastor Ji Jianyang (Tiazhou Xianju Mengen Church)
Pastor Guo Chuanyu (ChangchunLinhezhifu Reformed Church)
Pastor Li Lianmin (Shenzhen Shajing Bible Reformed Church)
Pastor Zhuang Zhiyong (Shenzhen Huaqiang Bible Reformed Church)
Pastor Chen Jingtang (Shengzhen Guifangyuan Bible Reformed Church)
Pastor Huang Lei (Wuhan Shangxiatang Church)
Pastor Zhang Yong(ChangchunYangguangzhijia Reformed Church)
Second Group (87 people):
Pastor Gao Lijun (Wenzhou Wangkun Church)
Minister Cai Jingliang (Foshan Fangzhou Church)
Minister Xu Jianwei (Hebei Tangshan Church)
Minister Jiangtian (Chengdu Gospel Church)
Minister An Yankui (Taiyuan Xuncheng Reformed Church)
Elder Haoming (Deyang Qiuyu Qingcaodi Church)
Minister Li Zihu (Chengdu Ziuyu Enyue Church)
Minister Cheng Zhangchun (Chengdu Qiuyu Jianan Church)
Minister Cao Qingen (Chengdu Linxishu Reformed Church)
Minister Wang Tianmin (Shamen New Creation Church)
Elder Wang Zhaorong, Minister Wan Changchun (Bangbu Huoshi Reformed Church)
Pastor Li Jiale (Beijing Daohang Zhijia Church)
Pastor Huang Yizi (Wenzhou Pingyang Fengwo Church)
Pastor Lin Yage (Guiyang Mengen Church)
Pastor Wu Yiqi (Changchun Fuyin Zhiguang Reformed Church)
Minister Gu Hongfei (Beijing Aixuan Church)
Pastor Xu Zhibing (Jiangsu Guanyun Xiansi Duizhong New Church)
Pastor Peng Qiang (Chengdu Enfu Reformed Gospel Church)
Elder Zheng Zhaobei, Minister Ren Lichuan, Minister Jie Shoutuan (Chengdu Xishuipang Reformed Gospel Church)
Elder Jiang Guocheng, Elder Peng Yuan (Renshou Enhui Reformed Gospel Church)
Elder Liu Maolin (Linyi Enyue Reformed Church)
Elder Yan Xiaoxin (Rizhao Enzhao Reformed Church)
Elder Huowei (Linyi Enquan Reformed Church)
Elder Chen Shun (Linyi Enyuan Reformed Mission)
Elder Li Rongtai (Linyi Enlin Reformed Church)
Minister Yang Binchuan (Zaozhuang Zhuentang Church)
Pastor Liu Hongwei (Beijing Ganlanshan Church)
Minister Lin Hesheng (Chengdu Fanglin Church)
Minister Liu Zhiyong (Xi’an Jitaicun Cornerstone Church)
Minister Luo Ruisheng (Guangzhou Sui Guizheng Fuyin Tuanqi Huangshen Jiangdian)
Minister Ye Xinde (Fujian Zhangpu Yilin Zhijia Reformed Church)
Minister Meng Yongguang (Gansu Lanzhou Chenxing Church)
Minister Wang Zisheng (Qingdao Jimiya Church)
Minister Huang Wenyou (Hong Kong Chinese Christian Church)
Minister Chen Huizhen (Zhangzhou Longhai Shima Xincheng Church)
Pastor Liu Yang (Xi’an Xinwang Ai Church)
Minister Sun Chao (Yunnan Qujing Feila Tiefei Church)
Pastor Xu Mei (Xi’an Enquan Church)
Pastor Dong Zhi (Beijing Hemujia Church)
Brother Liang Yongen (Dalian Shien Zhen Church)
Pastor Ju Dawei (Xi’an Halleluiah Church)
Pastor Zhao Yanwei (Zhengzhou Zhongai Church)
Pastor Ren Jinbiao (Hebei Botou Shihong Grace Church)
Pastor Huang Lei (Hunan Yueyang Shipan Shisheng Jingdu Church)
Pastor Sun Hong (Jilin Shengyue Zhendao Church)
Minister Zhu Lehai (Zhangjiajie Hope Christian Church)
Pastor Zhang Qianjin (Beijing, missionary)
Pastor Gao Quanfu (Xi’an Zhiguang Church)
Pastor Guo Zhi (Dongguan Reformed gospel Church)
Minister Chen Shengda (Wenzhou Boteli Church)
Minister Wang Lanqing (Shandong Linyi Tiancheng Shengyue Church)
Pastor Guo Yijun (Beijing Endao Reformed Baptist Church)
Minister Xu Fengchuan (Anhui Fuyang Nanzhao Xingqi Faguang Church)
Minister Huang Wenguang (Shenzhen Jehovah Yile Church)
Minister Li Jianxuan (Shenzhen Thanksgiving Church)
Minister Yin Xuguang (Beijing Shijing Shanshuguang Church)
Pastor Zhou Yunfeng (Xianyang Xin Wang Ai Yangwang Church)
Minister Yang Fuli (Shijiazhuang Hongdao Church)
Teacher Cheng Chaohua (Wenzhou Shenzhou Preaching Team)
Minister Qin Shengjie (Henan Balizhuang Church)
Teacher Wang Weixin (Wenzhou Yufutang Church)
Pastor Weng Xiangkun (Wenzhou Shenzhou Preaching Team)
Pastor Huang hanxin (Wenzhou Shenzhou Preaching Team)
Minister Wang Xiao (Henan Dongguocun Church)
Pastor Zhu Jiahao (Wenzhou Shenzhou Preaching Team)
Minister Xinyi Chuandao (Datong Lirenzao Church)
Minister Zhao Lihui (Datong Lirenzao Church)
Pastor Lin Jinlian (Wenzhou Shenzhou Preaching Team)
Pastor Yan Xiaojie (Wenzhou Shangjiang Church)
Minister Chen Jiafu (Chen Dawei) (Fuzhou Boteli Reformed Church)
Pastor Du Youchang (Jingmen Ganlanshan Church)
Pastor Wang Yongcheng, Elder Feng Guangxiong (Shen Ai Shi Ren Fengshou Church)
Pastor Ruan Dawei (Zhanjiang Gengxin Church)
Minister Guan Xinyuan (Jiangsu Liyang Family Church)
Minister Zhao Ruohan (henan Xihuo Church)
Minister Sun Chanli (Hubei Shiyan Rongguang Biliya Church)
Elder Li Youhong (Chengdu Shengming Zhi Quan Church)
Elder Yan Xixia, Elder Su Bingsen, Elder Li Yingqiang, Elder Tan Defu, Minister Zhang Xudong (Chengdu Early Rain Covenant Church)
All pastors, elders, and ministers of Chinese churches are welcomed to co-sign the joint statement. Please include your church’s abbreviation. Send emails to
王 怡牧师(成都秋雨圣约教会)
仰 华牧师(贵阳活石教会)
李 涛牧师(昆明恩典教会)
崔 权牧师(上海万邦宣教教会)
王 腾传道(台州明道归正教会)
黄 磊牧师(武汉下上堂教会)
张 勇牧师(长春阳光之家归正教会)
姜添 传道(成都福音堂)
郝 鸣长老(德阳秋雨青草地教会)
彭 强牧师(成都恩福归正福音教会)
阎小新长老(日照恩照归正教会 )
霍 伟长老(临沂恩泉归正教会)
陈 舜长老(临沂恩源归正布道所)
杨 斌传道(枣庄主恩堂教会)
刘 洋牧师(西安信望爱教会)
孙 超传道(云南曲靖非拉铁非教会)
徐 梅牧师(西安恩泉教会)
董 志牧师(北京和睦佳教会)
黄 磊牧师(湖南岳阳市磐石圣经基督教会)
郭 志牧师(东莞归正福音教会)
徐 峰传道(安徽阜阳男照兴起发光教会)
程超华教师(温州 神州布道团)
翁祥昆牧师(温州 神州布道团)
黄汉新牧师(温州 神州布道团)
王 枭传道(河南东郭村教会)
朱家好牧师(温州 神州布道团)
辛 义传道(大同利仁皂教会)
林金减牧师(温州 神州布道团)