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📰 今天我們來讀讀【華爾街日報】
🖐🏽 五分鐘來關心國際時事— 中國內蒙古 🇨🇳
📰 China Cracks Down on Mongols Who Say Their Culture Is Being Snuffed Out
Inner Mongolia’s ethnic minority fears Beijing’s education policies are phasing out local history and literature, erasing its culture
📌 這篇文章是關於中國管治蒙古族人(Mongol),標題用了兩個很形象的片語:crack down on 和 snuff out,phase out是個很常用的片語。教育 (education)、歷史 (history)、文學 (literature) 和文化 (culture) 是基本詞彙。
HONG KONG—Chinese authorities are searching for protesters in Inner Mongolia after a new policy aimed at pushing Mandarin-language education across the region sparked widespread unrest among the country’s ethnic Mongols, with many angered by what they saw as a move to erase their culture.
📌 這段告訴讀者在内蒙古 (Inner Mongolia) 推動普通話教育 (Mandarin-language education) 引發廣泛不安定 (spark widespread unrest),中國當局 (Chinese authorities) 正在尋找 (search for) 示威者 (protester)。
Thousands of students in Inner Mongolia have taken to the streets during the past week to rally against the government’s three-year plan to push Mandarin-language education across the northern region and phase out local history, literature and ethnic textbooks in favor of national coursebooks, according to rights group Southern Mongolian Human Rights Information Center.
Parents are also refusing to send their children to school in defiance of the new policy, said the New York-based human-rights center in a report earlier this week, while unverified videos of demonstrators protesting outside schools have circulated on Chinese social media.
📌 這兩段進一步交代示威的細節:幾千名學生團結反對 (rally against) 政府推動普通話教育的三年計劃 (three-year plan)。他們擔心國家教程書 (national coursebook)取締種族教科書 (ethnic textbook)。父母也拒絕 (refuse)送子女到學校。
Under President Xi Jinping, the Chinese Communist Party has intensified efforts to promote Mandarin and push the country’s ethnic minorities to adopt a uniform Chinese identity. In Inner Mongolia, where the number of schools that teach in Mongolian has dwindled over the years, the latest move to roll out Mandarin-language instruction has raised fears that it could be the end for a minority language already at risk of fading away.
📌 中國共產黨 (the Chinese Communist Party) 增强 (intensify) 努力推廣 (promote) 普通話和推動國内的少數民族 (ethnic minorities) 採取劃一的中國人身份 (uniform Chinese identity)。
“The Mongolians consider this as the ‘final blow’ to their culture and identity,” said Enghebatu Togochog, director of the human-rights center. Language is one of the last strands tying Mongols to their traditional way of life, which has steadily eroded under Chinese rule, he said.
The Inner Mongolia propaganda department didn’t immediately respond to a faxed request for comment.
📌 蒙古人認爲這是對他們的文化和身份的最後一擊 (final blow),因為語言 (language) 是與傳統生活方式 (traditional way of life) 的聯繫。
Local authorities have moved swiftly to quell the protests. On Wednesday, police in Tongliao, a city in eastern Inner Mongolia, took the unusual step of publishing photos through an official social media account of 90 people who were suspected of “picking quarrels and stirring up trouble,” terms often used to describe protests.
📌 地方政府 (local authorities) 已經迅速 (swiftly) 壓制 (quell) 示威。警方罕見地在官方社交媒體帳戶(official social media account)發佈 攪局 (stir up trouble) 人士的照片 (publish … photos) 。
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Eva Xiao
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🎁 領獎期限: 09/12 20:00
xiao普通話 在 蕭叔叔英式英文學會 Uncle Siu's British English Club Facebook 的最佳解答
服務態度 Hong Kong style
九記霸氣哥哥(廣東話):「唔要冰點凍畀你呀,xiao jie?」
澳牛霸氣哥哥:「有~ 聽朝吖。」
xiao普通話 在 陶傑 Facebook 的最佳解答
今日的香港,還有英美大學校園,大陸新移民子女和海歸,抗拒洋人洗腦,民族尊嚴非常堅固。即使怎樣學英文,也不太願意取英文名,都還 XYZ 的保有中國普通話拉丁譯音:楊小明 Yang Xiao-ming,趙紅 Zhao Hong。對於要他們的洋同學或香港同學捧場,形成溝通上很大的挑戰。
不過不要緊,中國的護照可能還不獲太多國家免簽證承認,但中國人的 Cash 全球搶著要。因此我有信心,梵蒂岡也急於與中國建立邦交,必遷就中國,十年之內,新約聖經的「耶穌」,在紐約倫敦教堂白人黑人持見的英文版,會在中國政府嚴正要求下,改為 Yēsū。
中國政協副主席梁振英,在穿過一襲橫店電視劇 Feel 的中國古裝之後,忽然表白,說自己很愛國,故從無英文名字,子女也沒有。
但旋即被揭發其妻不只有英文名 Regina,連姓也是英國人的 Higgins。而梁副主席的特首繼任人林鄭月娥,也有一個英文名叫 Carrie。
But anyway,thanks to 梁副主席的話題,今天我只想探討一下香港人取英文名的「文化」。
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