Trendforce 全球十大豬屎屋營收排名,高通冠軍、輝達第二,發哥坐四望三哥博通;AMD 第五、聯詠第六,再來是 Marvell、Xilinx、瑞昱和 Dialog。
今年底明年初發哥天璣 2000 正面對槍高通驍龍 898/895,雖然以芯海戰術目前已經是世界最大手機晶片供應商,不過大家都很期待這個高階之戰;NVDA 沒什麼好評論,什麼鬼東西都有份;聯詠要注意面板價格下滑,導致跟著被砍價、毛利下降等問題,但股價已經有修正了;瑞昱的車用乙太 Wifi 晶片可以注意。
神山 GG 被星之卡比鎮在 614 之下,可以看看其他的權值強者。
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過14萬的網紅RagaFinance財經台,也在其Youtube影片中提到,杜指同納指走勢各異,Caterpillar 3M業績例差,微軟超強盈利 / LVMH Tiffany又黎過都係講 / AMD 350億 Xilinx 另一巨deal,Lisa Su, 6年股價20倍傳奇 - 5% Rules 成為 RF 鐵粉團的一分子!只需港幣 $40 一個月,即享獨家影片及...
- 關於xilinx股價 在 股癌 Gooaye Facebook 的精選貼文
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- 關於xilinx股價 在 MoneyDJ理財資訊- 【超微股價摔4%;PC市況、Xilinx併購案隱憂乍 ... 的評價
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- 關於xilinx股價 在 賽靈思薪水在PTT/mobile01評價與討論 的評價
- 關於xilinx股價 在 超微併賽靈思將瓜熟蒂落!兩家公司CEO都是台裔! - YouTube 的評價
xilinx股價 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的精選貼文
今天, 應該是最炫最酷的一家公司, Robinhood, 上市的一天. 它獲利了嗎? 我想沒有多少投資人會care. 最關心的, 應該是它的營收成長率, 還有股價.
在我們一直追逐科技成長股, 被他們的高營收成長率, 潛在的高報酬昏眩的時候, 會不會忘記他們醜得要命的財務報表?
而在今年, 大家追逐的這些趨勢股表現不佳的時候, 是不是也給了我們一些省思?
其實美股中, 還有很多財務報表漂亮, 但聽起來一點也不有趣(甚至很無聊)的公司, 但他們股價穩定, 長期下來, 也給了投資人很大的回報. 像之前介紹過的POOL, 過去幾年也是平均一年翻一倍的漲幅.
而在IPO中, 也有這類的好公司.
Carrier Global(CARR), 2020年4月上市的IPO, 算是工業類股, 漲了快5倍. 有在獲利. (開利冷氣應該有聽過?就是這家公司)
Academy Sports and Outdoors (ASO), 民生消費股, 也有獲利, 2020年10月上市的IPO, 目前也漲了3倍.
下面這篇文章挺好. 與大家分享. 就像文章作者所提的, 龜兔賽跑, 穩(漲)的烏龜, 不一定會輸.
也祝福大家找到&培養自己的能力圈, 穩穩獲利.
Jim Cramer: The Biggest Thing That Happened Thursday Was the Boring Stuff
No, it wasn't Robinhood or the mega-cap tech companies, it was names we depend on like Carrier Global.
By JIM CRAMER Jul 29, 2021 | 03:38 PM EDT
Stocks quotes in this article: HOOD, FB, PYPL, CARR, RTX, NUE, AGCO, ZM, ALGN, AAPL, EBAY, AMD, XLNX
One of the most glorious things I have seen involving the stock market in ages happened today.
Was it Vlad Tenev ringing the opening bell for his breakthrough, disruptive Robinhood (HOOD) , representing 22 million mostly young new investors? Was it the free-for-all decline in the stock of the "F" in FAANG, Facebook (FB) ? Or the clobbering that Paypal (PYPL) took after what looked to be a good quarter?
Nah. I was bumping into Dave Gitlin, CEO of Carrier Global (CARR) , and his charming daughter, a college student at the University of Wisconsin. They were calmly waiting for me to finish "Squawk on the Street" to say, "Hi," and I couldn't be more thrilled. Because unlike the much ballyhooed Robinhood deal, which seems like a bust, Carrier Global came public back in April 2020 at $12 and today, after tremendous earnings, not sales, but earnings, it made an all-time high at $53, after reporting a terrific number with tremendous HVAC sales, up 31%, and an earnings surprise of 55 cents vs. the 30 cents that Wall Street was expecting.
Carrier, which was spun off when United Technologies merged with Raytheon (RTX) had some tailwinds, like the need to have clean air inside, because of the pandemic and clear air outside because office buildings are responsible for 40% of carbon emissions. But the huge upside surprise and the gigantic buyback belonged to Dave and his team and I that's what I told his daughter. I made sure she knew how proud she should be about how this man made so much money for people. Twelve to 53 in 15 months time is the name of the game.
Look, I am not trying to take away from anything that Robinhood and its co-founder and CEO Vlad Tenev have created. Far from it. They have created billions for themselves and are now letting people participate in their great sales growth. You got a chance to pay a fortune per share and many Robinhoodies did, as tons of stock was allocated to the 22 million people who joined Robinhood, because of a bang up app that every young person seems to know.
I am simply saying that HVAC, yep heating, ventilation and air conditioning is one of the most boring businesses on earth and at times like today, with all of the hoopla of Robinhood it is easy to forget is how lots of money can be made being boring, and I like that. The most exciting thing that happened this year is Carrier helped provide refrigeration for vaccines. That's just fine with me.
Unlike Robinhood, Carrier hasn't brought anyone into the stock market. It's more laser-like focus on air conditioning once spun off from Raytheon means nothing to people. Just Wall Street gibberish. But you have probably walked by a Carrier machine thousands of times and never thought anything of it. Yet, you could have bought it for a song at six times earnings instead of 25 times sales.
The Carriers, with CEOs who pay themselves lavishly but perhaps not excessively, or the Nucor's (NUE) the steel company that's also well managed and sells at six times earnings, represent valuable properties, especially when the U.S. government is about to agree on a trillion dollar infrastructure bill and the country has more than 6% GDP. We don't know why they are re-opening trades or closing trades, delta-variant trades or building and bridge investments. Forgive me, though for comparing the company of Robinhood, with something that may stay special for a while vs. companies that get described as venerable, solid and built to last.
These companies are not rarities. You know people have to eat, right? You know that there would be famine without farming. So why not buy the stock of Agco (AGCO) , No. 2 farm equipment, which went from $40 to $130 in a year and a half without ever being expensive. Combines too boring? Again fine with me. Now that the masks are off -- or at least in some places, although Zoom (ZM) is still crushing it -- I, like many others, including my daughter, didn't like how her teeth looked even as, to me, they were perfect. Dentists tell you to get Align (ALGN) . I wanted them on "Mad Money" but the show was just too darned jammed. The stock's up the most in the S&P 500, with a product that, again, like the Purloined Letter, is right in front of you.
I love tech. Created the term FANG, added the "A" when it was clear that Apple (AAPL) had to take the acronymic stage between another "A" and an "N." I am proud that those who bet against me on Twitter, the legion, are betting against FAANG. I wrote obituaries for a goodly time in my career as a reporter but I never wrote as many as have been penned to talk about the group has already made the ultimate measure on behalf of shareholders.
Oh and it's not like I don't like tech or fin tech. I felt the slings and arrows of Facebook and PayPal today. Facebook's management once again lowered the boom on its future talking about real deceleration in growth. I thought it was too dire. PayPal's Dan Schulman talked about how the separation with its former partner, eBay (EBAY) gets done now and earnings will be hurt. This was one of the least revelatory surprises ever. I think both are practicing UPOD, Underpromising to Overdeliver, and, sure this time might be different, but it's sure been the way they have handled it in the past.
Far better to be in the straight out blow outs like Advance Micro (AMD) which had still one more banner day, this time because the company it is buying, the dowdy Xilinx (XLNX) , a sleepy semiconductor company, had tremendous earnings. The two together could be unassailable and even as AMD is now richly valued it is deservingly so.
I can't wait to hear Vlad Tenev's reflection on Robinhood's debut as a public company and about the novel offering that gave millions of shares to his clients. Vlad's not so much a rags to riches American story. He's a poor Bulgarian to insanely rich American because of his on ingenuity. That's a story with celebrating in itself.
I am simply pointing out that unlike Vlad, whom you would have had invested with when you weren't allowed or able to, Dave Gitlin sure didn't keep you out of the better bet, the stock of HVAC king Carrier.
You did.
xilinx股價 在 Daodu Tech 科技島讀 Facebook 的最佳貼文
#島讀回顧 #英特爾 #AMD
本週二的文章提到,英特爾正面臨晶片的分拆與強化整合的抉擇,並承受來自台積電、三星、蘋果與 AMD 各方壓力。
在 PC 市場,AMD 經過幾番波折終於迎頭趕上英特爾,成為不容小覷的競爭對手。
原本被英特爾狠狠甩在後面的 AMD 是如何逆勢成長?
PC 的 CPU 與 GPU 市場競爭激烈,AMD 是長年的老二。
更糟的是製造規模追不上英特爾,又被台積電趕過。製程延誤拖累產品推出,導致 AMD 搖搖欲墜。
直到蘇姿丰於 2014 年接任 CEO,大力整頓。
另一方面,AMD 捨棄誘人的行動裝置市場,回頭鞏固其在個人電腦、筆電與伺服器的傳統優勢。
在「瘦身」與「專注」雙管齊下後,AMD 穩定下來。隨著雲服務興起,AMD 更順勢切入資料庫中心,擴大業務。
股價在 6 年之內持續成長,從 $3 美金來到 $100 美金,本益比(price/earning ratio)一度高達 159,超過亞馬遜!
本益比高,代表投資人的期待高。不過可能高到連 AMD 自己看了都心虛了。因此這次併購是一次聰明的「套現」,用高價的股票換取有用的資產,也就是 Xilinx。
有趣的是,蘇姿丰與 Xilinx 執行長 Victor Peng(彭文迪)都是台裔美國人。
再加上 NVIDIA 創辦人黃仁勳、台積電創辦人張忠謀,可說台裔美國人已掌握了半導體業的半壁江山。
不過 Xilinx 的主要產品 FPGA 與 AMD 的主力產品 CPU 與 GPU 相當不同。
蘇姿丰看中 Xilinx 什麼地方?
👉原文閱讀:AMD 併購 Xilinx|什麼是 FPGA|從切入市場到整合晶片(會員限定)
xilinx股價 在 RagaFinance財經台 Youtube 的精選貼文
杜指同納指走勢各異,Caterpillar 3M業績例差,微軟超強盈利 / LVMH Tiffany又黎過都係講 / AMD 350億 Xilinx 另一巨deal,Lisa Su, 6年股價20倍傳奇 - 5% Rules
成為 RF 鐵粉團的一分子!只需港幣 $40 一個月,即享獨家影片及專屬貼圖優惠!
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xilinx股價 在 MoneyDJ理財資訊- 【超微股價摔4%;PC市況、Xilinx併購案隱憂乍 ... 的推薦與評價
超微股價摔4%;PC市況、Xilinx併購案隱憂乍現】 超微週四股價重挫逾4%、拖累費城半導體指數下殺,外資決定調降評等,理由是今年PC市況有趨緩疑慮。 ... <看更多>
xilinx股價 在 賽靈思薪水在PTT/mobile01評價與討論 的推薦與評價
2022年2月15日— 處理器大廠美商超微(AMD)宣布以全股票交易的方式完成收購可程式邏輯閘陣列(FPGA)大廠賽靈思(Xilinx)。超微表示,此項收購於2020年10月27日宣布 ... ... <看更多>
xilinx股價 在 Re: [標的] NVDA.US 空- 看板Stock - 批踢踢實業坊 的推薦與評價
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