拓店速度驚人的 BAO 在東倫敦紅教堂街的激烈戰場開了家新牛肉麵店,而且還是在疫情底下。之前在 Fitzrovia 和 Soho 分店的體驗很好,加上這次好友在那工作幫忙張羅新餐廳,更是興奮不已地去嚐嚐。
我對於 BAO 道不道地這件事情沒這麼在乎,他們把一個台幣 50 的刈包提升成摩登台菜一顆賣 300 元我也沒意見,因為有他們的努力,台灣菜才有辦法在倫敦美食界開啟名號,台灣人偶爾去吃個創意鄉愁,他們真正的主客群還是愛嚐鮮的倫敦食客。不只一次從我很欣賞的美食評論家 Jay Rayner 口中聽到「那個 Taiwanese 團隊的餐廳真是好吃又有趣」,我也經常在關注倫敦亞洲美食的幾個作家文中讀到:Taiwanese cuisine 這個發亮的詞。所以只要這樣一想,就不得不佩服 BAO 團隊,沒有落入東方刻板印象的裝潢設計,反而是在每一家分店的菜單注入不同元素的台味,酒單出現金牌啤酒、台啤小麥和噶瑪蘭威士忌,看到字體漂亮的繁體中文更是開心。(唯一讓我納悶的是菜單上的刈包為何不加註 GUA BAO英文字)
點了泡菜 (Pao Tsai Pickles),雖然用的是櫻桃蘿蔔、白蘿蔔、茴香等蔬菜,但吃下來有種臭豆腐泡菜的小家碧玉版本,清淡卻涮嘴,開胃極了。鹽酥牛百葉 (Crispy Tripe) 十分驚豔,裹粉的調味有台式五香感,卻多了不同層次的其他香料風情,牛百葉完全沒有腥臭味,連完全不吃內臟的 A 先生都一口接一口,我好感動(以後可以逼他慢慢嘗試其他內臟吧?)。羊肉紅油抄手 (Boiled Cull Yaw Dumplings) 用的是一種極為特別的羊肉 cull yaw,指的是康沃農夫 Matt Chatfield 獨門養出的一種母羊。Cull yaw 這個詞是 Matt 創的,其實這種羊稱為 ewe,指的是已經生育過的老母羊,傳統上會直接屠殺作廢、或是做成狗糧,但 Matt 去大量採購這種母羊,用不同的方式繼續養育,賦予牠們全新價值,如今是不少倫敦高級餐廳的首選羊肉。
吃完小菜,重點到了牛肉麵。我們點了台北式和台南式各一碗。台北走紅燒風味,附的是嫩香軟滑的牛頰和牛肋,更配上倫敦餐廳僅此一家的香牛油。台南走稍微清淡一點的湯頭 (原本期待會是台南牛肉湯那種,結果只是稍微清一點的醬油湯,小失望),附的是 40 天熟成的牛臀片,生肉涮進湯裡,沾上隨附的溏心蛋黃,療癒。兩碗的麵條屬於有點 al dente 的細麵,我喜歡,但有刀削版本會更好 (我根本想逼死外國人廚師)。個人較推紅燒的湯頭,能喝得出來他們的牛肉選得很好,又香又醇 (不是林X營)。臺南 style 湯頭顯得有點不夠清爽。
復古紅圓椅搭上溫暖木質內裝,台式傳統壁紙上的花紋則改成了 BAO 自己設計的可愛幾何像素圖案,一杯烏龍啤酒 (BAO OOLONG LAGER) 下肚,A 先生則是狂喝我個人覺得很像藥水的 Umeshu Negroni,同桌朋友點的 Sweet Potato Sour 和 Raspberry Yakult Tea 都好特別好好喝。
期待 BAO 繼續創新升級,把經典台味玩出新風格,繼續征服倫敦人的胃。下次要不要推一個 Taiwan Can Help 系列套餐(嗯?)。
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/london.nanzhi
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過28萬的網紅吃貨豪豪HowHowEat,也在其Youtube影片中提到,柯龍:https://youtube.com/c/TonyCapatch Ken:https://instagram.com/kenlee1018?utm_medium=copy_link 喜歡看我吃東西記得按讚&訂閱喔 下次想看我吃什麼可以底下留言告訴我 IG有我的一些生活有興趣的朋友可以追蹤一...
- 關於yakult英文 在 倫敦男子日常 london.nanzhi Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於yakult英文 在 練健輝 Lian Kien Hui Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於yakult英文 在 Hi家教 在家學外語 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於yakult英文 在 吃貨豪豪HowHowEat Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於yakult英文 在 Lei Lei TV Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於yakult英文 在 [翻譯] 養樂多的英文? - 精華區Eng-Class - 批踢踢實業坊 的評價
- 關於yakult英文 在 原典鮮沏茶皆採用「養樂多活菌發酵乳」 養樂多(香港及廣州 ... 的評價
- 關於yakult英文 在 日本十大品牌的正確唸法: How to Pronounce Top 10 Japanese ... 的評價
- 關於yakult英文 在 益力多英文的影片 第1集 - YouTube 線上影音下載 的評價
- 關於yakult英文 在 [問卦] 收購養樂多要多少錢? Yakult怎麼念? - Gossiping 的評價
- 關於yakult英文 在 yakult日本的推薦與評價,PTT、DCARD和網紅們這樣回答 的評價
- 關於yakult英文 在 yakult日本的推薦與評價,PTT、DCARD和網紅們這樣回答 的評價
yakult英文 在 練健輝 Lian Kien Hui Facebook 的最佳貼文
#PleaseShare #COVID19
According to the WHO and Chinese officials, the incubation period of the novel corona virus between disease exposure to the onset of symptoms ranges from 2 to 12 days (7 days on average).
However,based on the general view,the incubation period of COVID-19could be up to 14 days.
Based on the current literature related toCOVID-19, the clinical expression ofCOVID-19caninclude fever, weakness, respiratory symptoms (mainly dry cough) and in some cases,breathing difficulties can follow.
About 1 to 2 percent of the patients might develop severe pneumonia, adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), multiple organ failure or shock, leading to death.Most of the deceased patients had concurrent chronic disease such as diabetes, liver disease, kidney disease or cardiovascular disease.
There is no vaccine to prevent corona virus infections. Daily preventative steps to take include avoiding affected regions, avoiding local hospitals or clinics unless necessary, avoiding eating uncooked meat or eggs,avoiding being in contact with animals and dead animals,and maintain good health habits.
Steps to practice good health habits are as follows:
Please keep your hands clean and wash your hands with soap frequently. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizers.
However, soap and water should be used preferentially if hands are visibly dirty. You should wash your hands immediately after coughing or sneezing; after using the toilet; and if your hands touch any secretions from your respiratory tract, stool or body fluids such as urine. In addition, please refrain from touching your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands.
Pay attention to respiratory tract hygiene and cough etiquette.
a. If you have respiratory symptoms, please wear a medical-grade face mask and keep at least 1 meter away from others while talking to them.
b. If your hands touch any secretions from your respiratory tract, please wash your hands with soap and water thoroughly.
c. If you develop a cough or other respiratory symptoms, you should wear a medical face mask. When your mask is contaminated by secretions of nose or mouth, please fold it, throw it into the trash immediately, and wear a new one.
d. You should cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or handkerchief when coughing or sneezing. If you don’t have a tissue or handkerchief, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve.
*Use of masks
a. Medical-grade face masks are mainly used for preventing the spread of disease and protect people around you. People are advised to wear medical masks when you go to see a doctor or accompany a patient; when you have symptoms of respiratory infections; and if you go out with people with weak immune systems or chronic disease. You should wash your hands frequently to protect yourself from catching illness in other situations.
b. To wear a medical mask properly, you should ensure that the water-repellent side (usually green) faces outwards. You should not remove your mask when talking, coughing or sneezing to prevent the spread of disease. You should replace your face mask if it is visibly soiled.
c. Steps to put on a medical face mask:
i. Open the package and examine if the mask is damaged.
ii. Put the elastic bands around both ears, fit the metallic strip over the nose bridge and extend the mask to cover your chin.
iii. Press firmly down on the metallic strip so that it fits around your nose
iv. Ensure that there are no gaps
d. You don’t need a face mask in open spaces, including walking on the streets or doing outdoor exercises.
*What to do while sick
If you have flu-like symptoms, including fever, headache, runny nose, sore throat, cough, muscle aches, fatigue/tiredness, and sometimes diarrhea. After your symptoms develop, you should rest, take and record your temperature regularly, drink water and eating nourishing food, observe your condition and take symptom-relieving drugs such as pain relievers/fever reducers to observe if they work.
You should rest at home for at least 24 hours after the symptoms improve.
You should seek medical attention if your fever lasts longer than 24 hours or is accompanied by other symptoms, such as purulent nasal discharge and purulent sputum, severe vomiting or shortness of breath.
You should inform the doctor of any history of travel, occupation, contact, and cluster (TOCC) when seeking medical attention.
You should follow the triage arrangement at the hospital if you have a fever to ensure efficient medical care and the health of medical personnel.
You should avoid going to school or work, attending gatherings and visiting crowded or poorly-ventilated public spaces while sick. You should avoid using public transportation to prevent the spread of disease if you need to go outside.
While staying at home, you should stay in a specific room, keep good airflow in the house, and avoid close contact with other people in your home, such as eating at the same table, kissing, hugging or sexual contact.
People living with the sick person should also pay attention to personal hygiene, wash hands frequently and refrain from touching eyes, nose and mouth with hands. Babies, children and the elderly or people with compromised immune system in the same household must keep at least 1 meter away from the sick person.
If the living environment requires disinfection, you can apply 1:100 diluted bleach (500 ppm).
That is, household chlorine bleach (a 5-6% sodium hypochlorite solution, providing 50,000–60,000ppm available chlorine) is diluted in water at 1:100 to clean object surfaces, such as doorknobs, desks and switches.
You can use disposable teaspoons (one teaspoon is about 20 cc), small Yakult bottles (one bottle is about 100 cc) and large plastic bottles (one bottle is about 1,250 cc) and follow the instructions below to make diluted bleach: �
a. Large amount: mix 100 cc of bleach (5 teaspoons or 1 small Yakult bottle) in 10 liters of water (8 large plastic bottles) and fully stir the solution before using.
b. Small amount: pour 10 cc of bleach into 1 liter of water and fully stir the solution before using.
For more information:
yakult英文 在 Hi家教 在家學外語 Facebook 的最讚貼文
#HiTutor #勿忘世上苦人多 #勿忘外語好處多
勿忘,代表不要忘記,英文裡頭可以用 Never forget 來造句例如:
Never forget, there are lots of struggling people all around the world.
Struggling (奮鬥中的、苦苦掙扎的)
Never forget, foreign languages bring great benefits.
Benefits (利益、好處)
Never forget to clean your bowel with Yakult.
Bowel (腸子、腸胃)
yakult英文 在 吃貨豪豪HowHowEat Youtube 的最佳貼文
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yakult英文 在 原典鮮沏茶皆採用「養樂多活菌發酵乳」 養樂多(香港及廣州 ... 的推薦與評價
養樂多(香港及廣州譯益力多,新加坡譯益多,日文名稱:ヤクルト,英文:Yakult),是一種活菌發酵乳。日本京都大學醫學部的微生物學教授代田稔於1930 年成功培養出對 ... ... <看更多>
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