[News / 甜點新聞] 前 Café Pouchkine 主廚 Nina Métayer 將在倫敦開店 / Nina Métayer, ex-international sweet creations Chef of Café Pouchkine to open her own shop in London
🍰 這兩年,#巴黎的甜點界與飲食地貌愈加國際化。不僅巴黎人對異國食物的接受程度越來越高、越來越多外國人在巴黎開店外,#許多法國主廚們也紛紛走入國際市場,將自己的作品帶出國境。英國的 Harrods 百貨公司從7月19日開始,邀請包括 Pierre Hermé Paris、Angelo Musa、Yann Couvreur 與 Cedric Grolet(8月30日至9月8日)等四位高知名度的法國甜點主廚,在 Harrods 的茶沙龍與 Roastery & Bake Hall 美食街販賣他們代表作品。現在更有法國主廚選擇在英國開始自己的第一家店。
Nina Métayer 是 #近年最受矚目的年輕法國甜點主廚之一,年僅31歲。之前在巴黎知名的甜點店 Café Pouchkine 擔任主廚,負責全球甜點創作,代表作「Matriochka」是以俄羅斯娃娃為外型發想的慕斯蛋糕,呼應該店與她本人的俄羅斯血統。她在 2016 與 2017 年分別由 Le Chef 雜誌和 Gault&Millau France 美食評鑑評選為年度最佳甜點主廚。在接掌 Café Pouchkine 之前,她曾擔任 Jean-François Piège - Page Officielle 主廚的 Grand Restaurant(米其林二星)餐廳與 Hotel Raphael Paris 甜點主廚;並在 YANNICK ALLENO OFFICIEL 主廚掌管 Le Meurice 廚房時,跟隨當時的天才年輕甜點主廚 Camille Lesecq 一起工作(後者正是讓 Cédric Grolet 與 Maxime Frederic 主廚都敬畏有加、對其作品與為人都讚嘆不已的主廚)。
Nina 在 Hôtel Raphael 時創作的「Île Flottante Exotique」(熱帶水果漂浮島)被法國專業飲食媒體 Atabula 選為「2014年最佳甜點」之一,讓她一舉成名。接下來她參加甜點競賽節目 Qui sera le prochain grand pâtissier ? 第三季獲得季軍,因此被 Jean François Piège 主廚挖掘,到後者的 Grand Restaurant 擔任甜點主廚並協助開幕,該餐廳第二年即獲得米其林二星肯定。Nina 在今年年初離開 Café Pouchkine 後,一直沒有確切的消息說明她的下一步,直到上週她在自己的 Instagram story 裡透露馬上將有驚喜與大家分享,並放了一段影片,畫面中寬廣的空間暗示了新店籌備中的動態,讓她的粉絲們都激動不已。不過今天 Le Chef 雜誌正式報導這家新店會在倫敦,大概讓不少她的法國粉絲們心碎。
🎈Nina 的新店位於倫敦 Elephant and Castle 的 Mercato Metropolitano 美食廣場,該品牌起源於 2015 年米蘭世界博覽會的一個使廢棄老車站重生的永續生活計畫,後來他們將「永續生活」(sustainable living)與在地社區發展的概念延伸,在倫敦的 Elephant and Castle 找到了一個廢棄的紙工廠,將其整理重建,成為一個佔地超過 4,500平方公尺、擁有來自世界各地超過 50 個商家的美食廣場與食材市集。Nina 非常欣賞該品牌的精神,因此當後者提出合作時,她絲毫沒有猶豫便立即答應了。她的新店將提供麵包(由她的品牌自行生產製作)、維也納酥皮麵包與甜點。由於 Mercato Metropolitano 將持續在倫敦擴點,Nina 的品牌也將有另外兩家分店。
Nina 為 Café Pouchkine 創作的 2018 年聖誕節蛋糕:https://tinyurl.com/y5df8mx6
2017 年的「Matriochka」俄羅斯娃娃聖誕節蛋糕:https://tinyurl.com/y2qna94r
Nina 的 Instagram 帳戶:https://www.instagram.com/ninametayer/
Mercato Metropolitano:https://www.mercatometropolitano.com/home/
Paris pastry industry and the Parisian food landscape have become more internationalised in recent years. Exotic food has gained popularity, more expats have opened their own shops, and Parisian chefs have started to set their foot abroad. For example, this year from July till September, Harrods invites 4 famous French pastry chefs including Pierre Hermé, Angelo Musa, Yann Couvreur, and Cédric Grolet to come to London and share their signature pastries and desserts with the British. Now there’s a French pastry chef decided to open her very first shop in the UK rather than in her own country.
Nina Métayer, the 31-year-old young pastry chef is one of the most talented and expected in her generation. She was in charge of the sweet creations at Café Pouchkine in Paris. “Matriochka”, her signature, is a mousse cake in shape of Russian dolls, echoing the Russian heritage of the pastry shop and herself. She was selected as “Pastry chef of the year” in 2016 and 2017 by the prestigious magazine “Le Chef” and Gault & Millau guide respectively. Before taking over the pastry kitchen of Café Pouchkine, she was the pastry chef of Grand Restaurant by Jean-François Piège (a Michelin 2-star restaurant) and of Hotel Raphael. Her debut was at Le Meurice, headed by Yannick Alleno and Camille Lesecq.
Her “Île Flottante Exotique” created at Hotel Raphael is the dessert that made her known to the industry. It was credited as one of the “best dessert of the year 2014” by Atabula. She participated the 3rd season of “Qui sera le prochain grand pâtissier?”, a famous French baking competition TV show featuring professional pastry chefs, and got the 3rd place, and then was scouted and recruited by the chef Jean-François Piège. She helped the opening of Grand Restaurant and the latter got its two Michelin stars in the following year. The world has been eager to know her next step after she left Café Pouchkine earlier this year, but she’s been quite discrete until last week. She shared in her Instagram story videos of her new project, a “nice surprise” for her followers. She showed a visit to a huge space and hinted that this could be where she’s going to settle.
The Chef magazine has just confirmed that Nina’s going to open her own shop, however in London, which might have broken the hearts of some of her fans. Situated in Mercato Metropolitano, a street food hall and the first sustainable and inclusive community market in Elephant and Castle, London, Nina’s shop is going to offer fresh bread (produced by her own bakery), viennoiseries, and cakes. Mercato Metropolitano started from a pilot project realised during the 2015 World Expo in Milan. The team has brought back in life an unused railway station which has retained the original appearance of the site and nurtured local communities. The concept was then extended to London and their first site was opened in 2016. Two other sites will be opened soon (both in London) and Nina’s shop will be extended in both sites.
🔖 To know more about Nina and this topic:
The 2018 Christmas cake Nina created for Café Pouchkine : https://tinyurl.com/y5df8mx6
Matriochka, Nina’s 2017 Christmas cake creation: https://tinyurl.com/y2qna94r
Find out more of Nina’s creations on her Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/ninametayer/
Mercato Metropolitano: https://www.mercatometropolitano.com/home/
#yingspastryguide #paris #london #ninametayer
young tv chefs 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的最佳解答
[Pastry news / 甜點新聞] Qui sera le prochain grand pâtissier ? Season 4 / 〈誰是下一個甜點大師?〉第四季(中文請按「繼續閱讀」)
The 4th season of the popular TV show "Qui sera le prochain grand pâtissier?" on FRANCE 2 has premiered on 29th August, right after "la rentrée" while everyone in France gets back to work. This show not only scouted many talented young pastry chefs ever since its 1st episode aired in 2013, but also helped demystify and promote the profession. Great pastry chefs are now celebrities thanks to this program and many other media exposures.
9 candidates are participating in a series of competitions this season, 2 of whom are my former colleagues and supervisors when I interned at Hotel Le Meurice back in 2014. I've been looking forward to the show since I knew that they take part in it. Although the chef Christophe Michalak and Philippe Urraca are no longer the judges, Claire Heitzler, one of my favorite female chefs has joined the team. I'm sure it'll be as great as the past 3 seasons.
If you're interested in French pastries and the life as a pastry chef, this show is a must-see. Get yourself ready at 20h55 every Tuesday on FRANCE 2 (UTC+2h) or follow the official webpage (https://goo.gl/6DseYG) and Youtube channel (https://goo.gl/kKSNb6) to watch online.
🎈 Read my introduction to the show and French pastry industry as well as great chefs here (in Chinese) 👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻 https://goo.gl/KYuBxo
🎈 1st episode of season 4 (aired 29th August, 2017) 👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻 https://goo.gl/MrH2No
隨著暑假結束、法國的大家都回到工作崗位,也有很多新節目開播,最受矚目的其中之一便是緊張刺激的專業甜點競賽節目「Qui sera le prochain grand pâtissier?」(〈誰是下一個甜點大師?〉。昨晚該節目播出第一集。自從開播以來,該節目便成了培養年輕明星甜點師的搖籃,不僅能在比賽中看到令人驚豔的甜點作品與技巧、更會為法國深厚的甜點文化嘆服。
這一季有九位令人期待的參賽者,其中兩位Eunji Lee - Qui Sera Le Prochain Grand Pâtissier?與Léandre Vivier - Qui sera le prochain grand pâtissier ?是我以前在Le Meurice實習時的同事、也非常照顧我。其中Eunji是節目開播以來唯一的亞裔女生、也是第一位從海外回來法國參賽的參賽者。還沒開播前我與幾位前同事就期待不已,也一直為他們兩位加油;節目開播後更期待看到他們與其他參賽者的表現。這一季換了評審(Christophe Michalak與Philippe Urraca退出、Claire
對甜點有興趣的朋友們,記得每週二晚上20:55鎖定FRANCE 2,精彩可期,絕對別錯過!不在法國的朋友,也可以追蹤節目組的Youtube頻道:https://goo.gl/kKSNb6或節目官網:https://goo.gl/6DseYG,影片會在節目播出後立即上線!
🎈想瞭解更多該節目與法國甜點界,你不能錯過這篇文章導讀👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻 https://goo.gl/KYuBxo
🎈昨晚播出的第一集👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻 https://goo.gl/MrH2No
🎈France 2節目官網,有所有影片與食譜 👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻 https://goo.gl/6DseYG
Le concours commence ce soir, à 20h50 ! Retrouvez Jean Imbert, maître de cérémonie et nos jurés d'exceptions qui mettent à l'épreuve nos 9 jeunes pâtissiers !
Bonne soirée gourmande :) et en attendant une petite mise en bouche à regarder de suite !
A revoir ici : https://goo.gl/rBu7eH
young tv chefs 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的最佳解答
[Pastry Chef / 甜點主廚] Amaury Guichon(中文請按「繼續閱讀」)
I talked about the popular French TV show
More about Amaury Guichon and his work:
🍫 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amauryguichon
🍫 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amaury.pastry/
More about French pastry world and the pastry chefs (in Chinese):
📌 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/grandpatissier/
📌 France 2 page: https://goo.gl/wmxHKD (with selected recipes)
📌 YouTube : https://goo.gl/a37He6 (to watch the show online)
在我上一篇介紹法國甜點界的專欄中,曾經提過一個非常受歡迎的高水準甜點競賽節目《Qui sera le prochain grand pâtissier》(「誰是下一個甜點大師?」)。這個節目挖掘出許多有天份的年輕甜點師,許多人現在都有很好的發展、活躍於法國甜點圈中。第一季獲得第三名的甜點師Amaury Guichon之前知名企業Lenôtre工作,當時年僅21歲,現在則在美國Las Vegas的Jean Philippe Pâtisserie效力,他精彩的巧克力工藝每每在Instagram與社群媒體上引起各方讚嘆,今天就讓我們一起來看看他的巧克力與糖工藝製成的櫻花樹吧!
Amaury Guichon
🍫 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amauryguichon
🍫 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amaury.pastry/
《Qui sera le prochain grand pâtissier》節目頁面(目前正在徵求第四季參加者):
📌 Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/grandpatissier/
📌 France 2電視台官方頁面: https://goo.gl/wmxHKD(有各季精選作品的食譜)
📌 YouTube:https://goo.gl/a37He6(可線上觀看每一集的比賽節目)
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