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關於香港黃大仙廟的評價, 大魚

本來今天去香港黃大仙廟拜拜 要直播吃香灰的 不料太多人 拿拿拿⋯拿不到香灰 哈哈哈哈 所以就沒直播了 這次是跟姊姊來玩三天超爆累~ 還有去了海洋公園一整天 買了快證免排隊的感覺很爽 (...

海陽老師和好友至香港黃大仙廟參加祈福大會,祈願世界和平,萬世太平盛世.........!!! 人有善心,福報就大..。 人有善念,貴人就多..。 人有善行,萬世其昌..。 要消災解厄,除障逆緣,絶不可及不逆天而行,古云:人不照倫理,天就不照甲子運行..。 我們要用善念正念一起來祈求諸神䕶持,今天起就是農曆七月中元普渡節的開始,祈求天官.水官.地官三官大帝,䕶佑2019己亥動盪不安之年就此結束,我們一起用正善念力一起為全球..祈福,平安順利,大家多用「愛心❤️」和平共處..。~海陽~ HaIyang Teachers and Good HolIdays to HuangdaIxIan Temple in Hong Kong, praying for peace and prosperity. There is a good heart and good news. People have a good mind, so that you can enjoy more. A man has good deeds and a thousand generations. If you don't act like that, you can 't do anything about it. We must use good faith and righteousness to pray for the gods. Today, the festival begins in July of the lunar calendar, praying for Heaven's officials.The Emperor, the Emperor of Heaven, 2019.It's over.Instead, we're working together.With the blessing of love and safety, we can live together in peace and harmony.

海陽老師和好友至香港黃大仙廟參加祈福大會,祈願世界和平,萬世太平盛世.........!!! 人有善...