

100 life japan can do的相關標籤

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Enjoying my quiet drive from work before conditional MCO starts tomorrow. . Do you know what happened in Hokkaido Japan? After 3 weeks of lockdown, the government decided to lift their lockdown order and after a week, they had surge of cases.. and now back to state of emergency.. They had false sense of security caused by declining reported cases. . In Malaysia.. I believe this decision is made based on economic ground.. our country need to survive as a... country. The government has done so much for all Malaysians.. Im so thankful for that. In return, I hope the rakyat will do their best to help the government.. • keep your #socialdistancing • avoid crowded area • remember your cough etiquette • wear face mask.. Thats gonna be our new norm.. I know its Ramadhan.. and kadang2 kita teringin sangat nak mkn something (and cooking is not that simple for some of us).. but pls be rational. Tak perlu nak kerumun dekat kedai ramai2 beratur beriya nak beli food.. why risk your life over some food..? . Do you know kalau kita takde symptoms for Covid19, we can still be a carrier (pembawa) tak pasal2 kita bawak balik rumah coronavirus tu.. dont risk your loved ones' life.. pls. Tak guna menyesal kemudian hari. . So pls, think again whenever you feel like going out... because #stayhome is your safest option... for you and your family. #maytheforcebewithyou #maythe4thbewithyou #kitajagakita #staysafe #stayhome

Enjoying my quiet drive from work before condition...