關於24小時咖啡廳的評價, 老小姐
야근 --- 溫宮溪隔壁組最近來了一位新主管,就職第一天就打聽加班津貼要怎麼申請,還沒滿月就拼命每天加班,隔天再邊搥背邊跟組員說,「自從來公司之後,每天都是辦公室最晚下班」。 毫無意外的,不...
Severity: Notice
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Filename: controllers/Pages.php
Line Number: 521
File: /var/www/html/KOL/voice/application/controllers/Pages.php
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Function: _error_handler
File: /var/www/html/KOL/voice/public/index.php
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Function: require_once
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Message: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
Filename: controllers/Pages.php
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File: /var/www/html/KOL/voice/application/controllers/Pages.php
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Function: _error_handler
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Filename: controllers/Pages.php
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File: /var/www/html/KOL/voice/application/controllers/Pages.php
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Function: _error_handler
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Filename: controllers/Pages.php
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File: /var/www/html/KOL/voice/application/controllers/Pages.php
Line: 521
Function: _error_handler
File: /var/www/html/KOL/voice/public/index.php
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Filename: controllers/Pages.php
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File: /var/www/html/KOL/voice/application/controllers/Pages.php
Line: 521
Function: _error_handler
File: /var/www/html/KOL/voice/public/index.php
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Filename: controllers/Pages.php
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File: /var/www/html/KOL/voice/application/controllers/Pages.php
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Function: _error_handler
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Severity: Notice
Message: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
Filename: controllers/Pages.php
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File: /var/www/html/KOL/voice/application/controllers/Pages.php
Line: 521
Function: _error_handler
File: /var/www/html/KOL/voice/public/index.php
Line: 319
Function: require_once
Severity: Notice
Message: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
Filename: controllers/Pages.php
Line Number: 521
File: /var/www/html/KOL/voice/application/controllers/Pages.php
Line: 521
Function: _error_handler
File: /var/www/html/KOL/voice/public/index.php
Line: 319
Function: require_once
Severity: Notice
Message: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
Filename: controllers/Pages.php
Line Number: 521
File: /var/www/html/KOL/voice/application/controllers/Pages.php
Line: 521
Function: _error_handler
File: /var/www/html/KOL/voice/public/index.php
Line: 319
Function: require_once
Severity: Notice
Message: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
Filename: controllers/Pages.php
Line Number: 521
File: /var/www/html/KOL/voice/application/controllers/Pages.php
Line: 521
Function: _error_handler
File: /var/www/html/KOL/voice/public/index.php
Line: 319
Function: require_once
야근 --- 溫宮溪隔壁組最近來了一位新主管,就職第一天就打聽加班津貼要怎麼申請,還沒滿月就拼命每天加班,隔天再邊搥背邊跟組員說,「自從來公司之後,每天都是辦公室最晚下班」。 毫無意外的,不...
✔端午連假還沒找到飯店的團員照過來!台中逢甲夜市熱門住宿撿便宜最後機會! ✨團購文→ http://bit.ly/318llfk ✨超限期一天半線上訂房連結→ http://bit.ly/2...
🔥住宿送美國肋眼牛排? ✅晶華潮牌飯店持振興三倍券,可零元入住加碼送肋眼牛排 👉還不趕快訂起來!...
亞洲第一間24小時書店 #敦南誠品 真的要關了💦 ➡️交棒信義誠品 夜間書店 酒吧 咖啡廳全都來🔥 #小編:台北人的回憶..! #誠品 #信義 #敦南 #熄燈 #書店 #24小時書店 #...
✔端午連假還沒找到飯店的團員照過來!台中逢甲夜市熱門住宿撿便宜最後機會! ✨團購文→ http://bit.ly/318llfk ✨超限期一天半線上訂房連結→ http://bit.ly/2...
🔥夜市 3 分鐘、泡澡看電視、24 小時咖啡零食~台中住宿就選這一間!! 高質感商務行飯店距離逢甲夜市只要 3 分鐘步程~逛街吃美食超方便!! 提供雙人房、家庭房、一房一廳套房等六種北歐風房型,房...
高雄首家無人小7商店開幕🥳 你們去了沒⁉️ 二樓還有賣冠軍🏆咖啡 跟柏克金迷你酒吧🍻 打造24小時咖啡廳,讓夜貓族能有地方溜達 #星海灣門市 #Xstore 高雄市前鎮區中山路與林森路口...
是新店🎉 還有24小時自動販賣機唷😲 南門路上有一間店好吸睛~ 這間是 #學術烘焙 跟 #健康意識 ...
是來吃Buffet還是住宿? 下午茶到24小時咖啡吧, 還有晚點心任你吃!...