關於cello的評價, Yo-Yo Ma
This music has been with me for 60 years. It's seen me through times of stress, loss, joy, and trans...
This music has been with me for 60 years. It's seen me through times of stress, loss, joy, and trans...
無論你多想觸摸對方,因為距離,你們只能用各式各樣的通訊設備,談一段轟烈的文字戀。十年前,有一首談文字戀的歌曲叫《才女》;十年後,我們重新擁抱用文字表達的觸碰,不一樣的情感,一樣浪漫。 我的最新歌曲《...
This music has been with me for 60 years. It's seen me through times of stress, loss, joy, and trans...
We usually start the year quietly. But this year we need energy. We need everybody’s energy to rebui...
這支影片在好幾年前就看過,模仿者是現在當紅 2 cellos 其中一員,影片的效(笑)果十足,但我真正想說的是,當我們在還沒有確立自己演奏風格時,模仿確實是一個很好的起點。 前陣子我就派了類似的作業...
各位: 2021TIFA 生祥樂隊《我庄三部曲》演唱會 特別來賓: Joanna 王若琳 如果您還未動手,提醒您,只剩343票。 為什麼會是Joanna? 來讀永豐在臉冊的介紹: //2008...
名家系列 天才早夭 - 女大提琴家 (文稍長請耐心看完). 杜普雷Jacqueline du Pre;(1945-1987),英籍大提琴家。 賈桂琳.杜普蕾(Jacqueline du Pre...
Join the New York Philharmonic, Lincoln Center, and me on Thursday, May 14 at 7:30 pm EST for the st...
Join the New York Philharmonic, Lincoln Center, and me on Thursday, May 14 at 7:30 pm EST for the st...
This is for the healthcare workers on the frontlin...