關於christmas decorations的評價, Jannine Weigel
Last night we went to CentralWorld to shoot photos of the Christmas decorations there. เมื่อค...
Last night we went to CentralWorld to shoot photos of the Christmas decorations there. เมื่อค...
Merry Christmas to one and all! 25 December is a joyous day for Christians, as they celebrate the b...
Dior brings the Christmas spirit to Avenue Montaigne in Paris with its new chandelier decor adornin...
フランス:シャンゼリゼ通り ”パリ市内で最も美しい”とされる大通り。クリスマスには全長2Kmに渡ってイルミネーションが施される。 France:L'Avenue des Champs-Élysé...
獨在異鄉為異客,每逢佳節倍思春。 耶誕將近,我身邊的人們紛紛興奮地討論著耶誕舞會。 有人脫單有人落單,有人牽手有人分手,幾家歡樂幾家愁。 我想起大學時期,系上每年都會與外校舉辦聯合舞...
#僞單親媽的一打二聖誕歷程大冒險🎅🔔🎄 2020很不一樣,萬萬沒想到自己會單獨帶大小寶準備,也是Ethan第一次認真過聖誕節~ 說真的,過去五年「一打一聖誕老婆婆」只送過Ethan一頂安全帽而已,家...
不必為了改變而改變;真心的人愛你,是因為你就是你。 Never change for the sake of change; those who are true will always lov...
有一種一定要學會的能力,就是告訴別人你真正的感覺。 The one ability that we should all have, is telling people how you reall...
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow ❄️...while having Christmas caroling🎄, food fiesta etc and up...
Love my son’s expression as we sang Christmas carols with my family, together with the church, last...