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【國際記者會:回應選舉主任DQ黃之鋒的參選資格】 International Press Conference Respond on LegCo Disqualification: a Prelude to National Security Law Witch-hunt 就著政權強行編造事實,無理裁斷我現在仍然推動自決,以致定性反對國安法等於不擁護《基本法》,甚至更進一步硬性規定所有候選人必須「信奉」基本法,我將作逐一駁斥與回應。 選舉主任蔡敏君用心陰險,表面上是寫出一個取消我資格的理由,但明顯是以假新聞式操作,試圖為我羅織國罪名,配合國安公署鋪路以國安法起訴我。 假如我容讓這種選舉主任帶有誹謗的操作繼續廣傳,不駁斥這種假消息,相信他日到我被國安拘捕,甚至送中,也不會有辯解的機會。 這是我召開是次國際記者會的原因。 Nonetheless, the decision is far more than depriving my right to political participation. The 18-page decision contains a lot of fabricated allegations that could be used as offences under the National Security Law. In particular, Reutrning Officier Ms CHOI cited my recent Facebook post on the 10th of July, ten days after the NSL was in force, claiming that I have the intention to continue to solicit interference by foreign governments’ (para 27). To make it clear, it was definitely a misrepresentation because the post was merely a commentary of two international news. I have to take steps to refute such false allegations, as we all know National Security Law is actually a legal weapon used against dissidents. Two days ago Tony Chung and three other students were arrested on inciting secession for online speeches. The special judges who oversee National Security Law cases are directly appointed by Carrie Lam. From making up evidence, arrest, prosecution and trial, the administration can control almost every procedure the law requires. If the slanderous operation of the government is tolerated and not refuted, I believe I would be given no chance of defence when I’m arrested. 🙏 支持我向世界展現香港人頑強抵抗的意志 Support HKers spirit of resistiance:https://www.patreon.com/joshuawong

【國際記者會:回應選舉主任DQ黃之鋒的參選資格】 International Press Confe...


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