關於sweat glands的評價, Xiaxue
I’ve always been an avid advocate of using deodorants! Cos in Singapore’s humid weather, perspiring...
I’ve always been an avid advocate of using deodorants! Cos in Singapore’s humid weather, perspiring...
【飲食養生】根據體質吃辣不傷身 #辛能燥濕 #「濕熱」人士再吃辣反加重熱 #星期一踢走BlueMo...
“Nothing escapes from my eyes!” 👀 📸 IG: @lancelem...
【秋冬護膚】嘴唇乾燥紅腫快要變孖膶腸? ⭐用舌頭舔唇補濕是假象 ⭐只會愈舔越乾 #星期一踢走Blu...
【腳臭好尷尬】腳臭問題不分男女 ⭐因為怕臭而不脫鞋 ⭐惡性循環有機會變香港腳 #星期三CheckC...
💥 FEET DEODORANT?! 😱 Working at the cafe standing...
Girls Talk: Hey do you find yourself cringing from...
Time to relax and recharge at Siam Oasis.⚡️ It’s ...
They say 'loose lips sink ships', I say 'chapped l...