俄仔ansheles 在 夢的意義 的影片資訊
??[Eng] There is a saying not to share your dreams with anyone as it lets them in on your deep dark ...
??[Eng] There is a saying not to share your dreams with anyone as it lets them in on your deep dark ...
??[Eng] Ever wondered if there are aliens somewhere in the galaxy, or perhaps even amongst us? I won...
??[Eng] Many think my home is Russia and although I was in fact born there , but it is not a place I...
??[Eng] Birds nest? Turtle jelly? Tofu? Dessert?! What happened to chocolates and biscuits ?! This t...
Asha's YouTube : https://youtu.be/c3L3vRpLpdM ??[Eng] If You see me doing some random stuff like ...
#GS_interview 俄仔 Ansheles 同 Sofiee Ng 吳海昕 的白色情人節送過最難忘的禮物是什麼?俄仔仲話依家好多人成日食「垃圾」,搞到皮膚唔識「發光」,佢有咩辦法呢? Fa...
??[Can]今年第一次嘅旅行係Amazing嘅!完全冇諗過我會成為單板滑雪嘅超級fan,我發現無論喺國外生活咗幾耐都好,依然能夠感受到我嘅俄羅斯血液喺身體流動? 我只係用咗3日,就已經可以滑得似模似...
??[Can]睇呢條新嘅影片之前,記住一定要睇我第一首歌嘅lyrics video: https://youtu.be/IgcbZaECGgQ 我媽咪終於再次出現喺我嘅video入面啦,而佢今次準備同...
??[Can]我親愛嘅Anshels, 我唔知可以點用文字去表達我有幾咁感激有你地出現喺我生命入面!我17歲嚟到香港後,我就無特別慶祝我嘅生日,因為我身邊無任何人陪我慶祝,所以今年係相隔咁多年後第一次...
來自「戰鬥俄國」的俄仔Ansheles,一直很努力地達成一個又一個人生目標。「在工作上我很努力,我會像一個戰鬥民族!」 至於戀愛,「在愛情方面,我就是一個有耐性的男朋友。」這種反差萌讓女生不自覺心動,...