桃園機場防疫旅館 在 疫情期間|如何買機票|機票被取消四次|被某航空整慘 |COVID-19|台灣|【阿官KUAN】 的影片資訊
My flights got cancelled four times from the same airline. Let's see how I managed to buy plane tick...
My flights got cancelled four times from the same airline. Let's see how I managed to buy plane tick...
I flied from Vilnius - Frankfurt - Paris - Taiwan on May 29 to 31. 33 hours in total. Let's see what...
肺炎疫情因素,婆婆變得神經質,上機前輾轉難眠,不了解疫情期間機上怎麼度過長達14小時,分享親身體驗怎麼防護裝備與在機上的煎熬 不想成為病情的破口,隨時消毒呼吸道和手部是很重要的 在機上呼吸?受阻礙...