眼線 在 韓式 乾淨粗黑眼線妝 - 詳細教學 How to do Korean pop star make-up! 的影片資訊
My first vlog on how to do a clean and defined eyeliner contour make-up. Inspired by Korean pop star...
My first vlog on how to do a clean and defined eyeliner contour make-up. Inspired by Korean pop star...
如有化妝問題, 歡迎到我的 beauty blog 留言! http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/makeup_sec...
My Beauty Blog: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/makeup_secret2009...
MY BLOG: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/makeup_secret2009...
My Blog: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/makeup_secret2009...
Dior Nude 最新推出之礦物粉底液,系列中有同色遮瑕液,質地水潤。著名化妝師 Gary Chung 親身示範,如何用其他 Dior 秋季妝物,打造輪廓突出的時尚秋妝。這個 Video 中,Gar...