聖托里尼santorini 在 Santorini Highlights 希臘 "聖托里尼" 自助婚紗 Part I 的影片資訊
Our 33 seconds of highlights during our trip to Santorini in October 2015! 臉書專頁 Follow our facebook...
Our 33 seconds of highlights during our trip to Santorini in October 2015! 臉書專頁 Follow our facebook...
郵輪之旅- RUBY PRINCESS Cruise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBwYPHJahsA 威尼斯 : https://www.youtube.co...
電瘋線已經開左IG同FACEBOOK啦! 希望大家去FW我地,一齊分享下旅遊經驗同交換一下心得。 ▪ Instagram : https://instagram.com/carzy_fan/ ▪ F...
I went to Bangkok for a little getaway and had so much fun! Here are some footage that I have put to...
希臘聖托里尼的藍天白屋~ 崖壁上鱗次櫛比著白色的精靈小屋, 如同迷宮的小巷, 每一次轉彎, 都是一幅驚鴻一瞥的油畫──藍頂白教堂, 十字架劃破藍天; 純淨白屋, 映著夕照; 大風車在山頂, 守候一個巨...