薯條英文發音 在 我喝了6種台灣啤酒與我爸爸媽媽 Drinking Taiwan Beer With Parents! 的影片資訊
Exactly what the title says it is!! I sit down and drink 6 different Taiwan Beers with my Mum and Da...
Exactly what the title says it is!! I sit down and drink 6 different Taiwan Beers with my Mum and Da...
Genuine British fish and chips in a local chippy back home in England with my family!!! 真正的英國魚和薯條在我...
加入吉娜英文FB 粉絲頁 學習更多道地美式口語英文 https://www.facebook.com/wordsgo/ ********************** pizza 比薩 steak ...
去到英國想食薯條,係Chips 定Fries?同一樣係英文,但唔同講法! 我哋輯錄左最常見嘅英、美英語生字分別,由WSE老師為你逐一講解! WSE嚴選熱門話題、常見場景。由WSE老師/助教教大家當中英...