超完美持久 柔 光 粉底液 色號 在 #TBH 乾肌實測 Bourjois Healthy Mix BB Cream Review/Wear Test on Dry Skin |Tess Chung 的影片資訊
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chat some more with me http://instagram.com/tesschung http://tiktok.com/@tesschung skin type dry ...
chat with me on IG http://instagram.com/tesschung http://tiktok.com/@tesschung Revlon Candid Founda...
chat with me on IG http://instagram.com/tesschung http://tiktok.com/@tesschung MAC studio fix fluid...
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let's chat more on my insta http://instagram.com/tesschung The Ordinary Full Coverage Foundation li...
let's chat more on my insta http://instagram.com/tesschung Make up Revolution Conceal & Hydrate Fou...
訂閱我的頻道🔎 https://goo.gl/zc6u2R 我的INSTAGRAM🔎myladymonroe IG追起來🔎 https://goo.gl/LBqRtK 大家新年快樂!!! 🐭巴拉...
Hello beautiful people! Welcome to today's TBH老實說 review where I test out a CC cream from Vecs Garde...
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這次幫大家整理時間軸囉,如果想要看特定底妝的話可以直接點時間看 24:06 懶人包!十罐底妝特色總結 00:51 Giorgio Armani完美絲絨水慕斯粉底 Power Fabric Founda...