鬼島之音 在 Trade Policy and National Identity: Syaru Shirley Lin (“Taiwan’s China Dilemma”) 林夏如訪談 的影片資訊
*This interview was recorded before the Jan. 11 national election. Although many countries have beg...
*This interview was recorded before the Jan. 11 national election. Although many countries have beg...
節目來到EP7了,前面幾集跟大家分享了這麼多的法律知識,大家都有認真聽,認真學了嗎? 我們特別設計了全新單元「跟著Zoe一起讀判決」(試播集),由Zoe精心挑選適合大家一起研讀的「判決書」,透過讀判決...
Kent Feng (馮世寬) is a top-gun and twice-appointed Taiwan cabinet minister. He was the Minister of Nat...
When it comes to US and China trade disputes, perhaps no country is feeling the effects quite as acu...
Sylvia Feng is the producer of a new political TV drama, “Island Nation" - which looks at Taiwan fro...
綠金創業家Bob聊台灣如何借鏡國外的經驗,讓大麻走向「產業化」,創造「綠色經濟」奇蹟! 本集節目特別邀請「綠金創業家」Bob Chien包博簡,來分享一個台灣土生土長的孩子如何進入大麻產業,並且成為...
Today, we look at Chinese influence and infiltration into Taiwan. Our guest is Dr. Jeremy Hung - a r...
Welcome to the first episode. Today, we discuss the changing landscape of Asia-Pacific security, its...
迷音界的華佗?開一間大麻商店要花多少錢?大麻難民是什麼? 旅行團玩什麼?繁體中文菜單?20分鐘節目超級精彩,絕無冷場一定要聽! 本集節目特別邀請迷音界的華佗「麻麻呼呼」來分享加州的麻麻世界,以及美國...