backup中文 在 4-Card Exodia OTK (Evigishki version) 的影片資訊
4-Card Exodia OTK using Advanced Ritual Art, Evigishki Tetrogre, Umbramirage the Elemental Lord, and...
4-Card Exodia OTK using Advanced Ritual Art, Evigishki Tetrogre, Umbramirage the Elemental Lord, and...
4-Card Exodia OTK using Advanced Ritual Art, Vennu, Bright Bird of Divinity, Palace of the Elemental...
4+1-Card Exodia OTK using Red Resonator, Witch of the Black Forest, 1 Level 6 Ritual Monster, Advanc...
5-Card Exodia OTK using Revendread Slayer, Advanced Ritual Art, Sangan (or Witch of the Black Forest...
A 5-Card combo using Gateway to Chaos, Vylon Cube, Chaos Betrayer (or Nine-Tailed Fox), Sangan (or W...
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Exodia in 20 seconds: This is a (3+2)-Card Combo. 3-Card: Nekroz of Va...
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