be positive 在 Kai Tak Cruise Terminal Park 啟德郵輪碼頭公園18/10/13開幕,FACEBOOK打咭新貴 的影片資訊
請用片右下角調HD1080高清睇片。 啟德郵輪碼頭公園正式對外開放,佔地2.3萬平方米,市民可以360度欣賞維港海景,公園每天開放16小時,在九龍灣、觀塘及牛頭角港鐵站有小巴或巴士來往公園。不過,碼...
請用片右下角調HD1080高清睇片。 啟德郵輪碼頭公園正式對外開放,佔地2.3萬平方米,市民可以360度欣賞維港海景,公園每天開放16小時,在九龍灣、觀塘及牛頭角港鐵站有小巴或巴士來往公園。不過,碼...
Hello.I'm Shoichi Yamaguchi. 「I wish that many people be positive in life」 Let's Rainbow Life!!(LRL...
★Cat Merch! - 字幕は画面右下の字幕設定から、サイズ、色を、ドラッグで位置を変更できます。 ...
Hello friends! This is my final vlog (part 3) of my week in LA. I hope you guys enjoyed the footage...
Janet Hsieh is an American-born Taiwanese TV host and personality. She is currently the host of the ...
I am new to YouTube, please support by liking, sharing and subscribe to my channel. =) Do you know ...
There is NO SECRET to LOSING WEIGHT. It's all about CALORIES CONSUMPTION. If you want to lose weight...
Hi my lovelies, please READ this box for more info in regards to some questions you might have. How ...
To all of my beautiful friends on Youtube, This video is made to encourage everybody out there th... Ashlynn's story Going through the whole cycle of having cancer was both posit...