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I just found out that I PASSED THE JLPT! On the day of I made a few notes about the test while it w...
I just found out that I PASSED THE JLPT! On the day of I made a few notes about the test while it w...
Visit: or text “bubzvlogz” to 500 500 to get one free audiobook and a 3...
When you don't have the heart to devastate your toddler ??? Ps. Yes, vlogs are SUPER backlogged. Thi...
Hello Fam! SAY WHAT? A NEW VIDEO? ON THIS CHANNEL? So... I went shopping... A LOT. A bunch of cloth...
Poor Isaac has a bad dream and he thinks it's real. He does not understand the concept of dreams or ...
Baby Ayla reacts to sand. Mean while, Isaac gets a BIG surprise!!! If you enjoyed today’s vlog,...
What happens when you take this baby's stuff... Surprisingly optimistic about it. If you enjoyed ...
Isaac takes his baby sister for a spin on his Thomas the Tank Engine. She isn't sure if it's a good ...
So my 3 year old son wanted me to paint his nails. I couldn't think of a reason why I shouldn't and ...
THANKS A LOT, ISAAC!! So much for all the LOVE!!!!!! I kid, all jokes aside. I have been crazy em...