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#후지이미나 #도쿄 #일상 민트 여러분~ 오랜만에 집이 아닌 다른 곳들을 보여드려서 좋은 것 같아요 밖에 나가서 소개하고 싶은 맛집이나 여행지도 많은데 지금은 어쩔 수 없는 상황...
#후지이미나 #도쿄 #일상 민트 여러분~ 오랜만에 집이 아닌 다른 곳들을 보여드려서 좋은 것 같아요 밖에 나가서 소개하고 싶은 맛집이나 여행지도 많은데 지금은 어쩔 수 없는 상황...
1 year ago today, I went on a semester long exchange to study at Korea's Sungkyunkwan University #성균...
跟大家分享我找到的好網站! 可以翻譯,還有台語的拼音! (完全不是業配) 學台語的第一步驟:把老台語歌練起來!跟台語比較中文算簡單! 謝謝美女@九粒Jolie ...
思わず食べずにはいられない魅力を放つ王道の家系ラーメン!神奈川県横浜市『家系総本山 吉村家』に伺いました。いまや全国に広がる「家系ラーメン」を初めて作り上げた吉村実氏のお店です。先日、その直系店である...
I am American and I have lived in Japan for over 15 years, and I STILL can't understand all of the f...
#JANGReacts I can't help but to be happy for #BINI ad they finally release their first song, #BornTo...
This Quick Braised Tofu is a super yummy and nutritious dish for lunch or dinner. This Chinese dish ...
Rode sent me their new Micdrop and it is genuinely something I am excited about. It's not the sexies...
The weather is getting warmer, which means hot girl summer is here ? Today's makeup tutorial is on m...
You'll be so smothered in love, you'll never feel the same way again. That's why you can't get a dog...