code complete 在 SEPHORA HAUL! My Top Picks for the Sephora Spring Savings Event 的影片資訊
Use code "SPRINGSAVE" for all tiers! sign up for Sephora's Beauty Insider Program here: https://go.m...
Use code "SPRINGSAVE" for all tiers! sign up for Sephora's Beauty Insider Program here: https://go.m...
Presenting my current beauty must-haves! These are products that are essential to me that I use on t...
原來我宅在家真的很無聊,大家放假又做了些甚麼? 追蹤我的社交媒體: Instagram: jenfungwy 熱門影片: 台北美食! 吃貨出動! 絕對不可錯過的5個推介! https://you...
希望大家繼續忍耐,多留在家,我們很快會再見面~ 追蹤我的社交媒體: Instagram: jenfungwy 熱門影片: 台北美食! 吃貨出動! 絕對不可錯過的5個推介! https://yout...
Hello everybody! Here's an easy look I always do lol probably similar to some previous looks I did b... Huge shoutout to Kuwa for creating the thumbnail for this video. His Tw...
Went ahead and film this little burger challenge for you guys as it's been ongoing for awhile and a ...
Sabrina Discussion on Zenrotto's channel: https://t...
Get 70% off a 3-years plan of NordVPN plus additional one month free on top; they are also giving fr...
#AnDyWuMUSICLAND #Mashup2019 “Kill The Unknown” (Best 158 Pop Songs of 2019) Music & Video Edited by...