istanbul turkey 在 [VLOG] Me Trying the MOST Popular Japanese Restaurant in Turkey 的影片資訊
actually its good MERCH: Join the pumpkins membership: https://www.yout...
actually its good MERCH: Join the pumpkins membership: https://www.yout...
life is gonna get busy from now on MERCH: Join the pumpkins membership:...
I would like to thank T.R. Uşak Governorship, Uşak Provincial Culture and Tourism Directorate, Uşak ...
Title: Mawlaya Solli Album: MARHABA Artist: Hafiz Hamidun Stream MARHABA album at
#THEFIRSTTAKE でも披露された「Love Song」(内澤崇仁/androp 提供楽曲) のリリックビデオを公開! ▼「CITURS」「Love Song」ほか#Da_iCE 最新楽曲は...
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這隻影片中我第一次很完整的介紹我的家鄉Tekirdag(泰基爾達)這個城市不大但是還蠻舒服的。泰基爾達最大的特色是農業跟海報。土耳其最多的向日葵來自我的家鄉,而且國民酒Raki 的家鄉也是泰基爾達。另...
#istanbulvlog2020 This is my part 2 vlog! totally had so much fun during my trip to Istanbul befor...
#exploringistanbul #istanbulvlog I've seen ??Istanbul before the lockdown & it's one of my most mem...