kareem 在 Drama bersahur sebelum dan selepas berkahwin I Parodi MeleTOP Eksklusif | Bell Ngasri 的影片資訊
Subscribe Astro MeleTOP, http://bit.ly/ytmeletop Episod penuh MeleTOP di Astro Go, http://bit.ly/mel...
Subscribe Astro MeleTOP, http://bit.ly/ytmeletop Episod penuh MeleTOP di Astro Go, http://bit.ly/mel...
With each passing day, debates pitting LeBron James against Michael Jordan get a little more intense...
哈囉 你好 這裡是諾斯在這邊(・ω´・ ) 今天我要向大家介紹一下這張超強的湖人名宿Kareem Abdul-Jabbar 身高219公分、穩定的禁區勾射、可以拉出外面進行三分投射,整體來說是一張...
Hi. SoCal friends. please stop by Pho 88 at 7320 Center Ave. HB. today (20th of Tuesday) I am doing...
a Kyle Le vlog. Thank you to everyone who came up to say hello. Thank you. Originally from a small t...
Tet 2018 is here! I can't believe it's been six years since I've celebrated Tet in California. I nev...
2017 年底為迎接 Air Force 1 三十五週年,Nike 特地找來了 5 位各領域的指標 Icon 齊力打造 AF100 計畫,並推出個人專屬的 AF-1 ,這 5 位包含 Travis ...
Hi guys! Sorry for the long hiatus, been really busy and haven't got the time to record anything.If...
"Mati itu PASTI , Hidup InsyaAllah" - Tuan Ramlee Awang Murshid Hi Geeks, i hope you guys are doing...