menarefrommarswomenarefromvenus 在 s&j the WORST thing about Female Actors... 的影片資訊
Jason: All that waiting I was talking about, no exaggeration whatsoever. I could fill out this whole...
Jason: All that waiting I was talking about, no exaggeration whatsoever. I could fill out this whole...
Jason: 呢個位我自己講晒完全冇難度 可以數嘅嘢我驚呢個5000字嘅上限唔夠寫??? 當然我講嘅,我體驗過嘅,唔係所有女演員都係咁樣 其實片裏面見到嘅習慣,你哋女朋友,你老婆身上都會搵到? 講真...