raster 在 B&W manga background 的影片資訊
Another drawing I did as a part of the Patreon reference project I'm trying. If you want to particip...
Another drawing I did as a part of the Patreon reference project I'm trying. If you want to particip...
This is a test of painting a black and white manga (comic) background with just black waterproof ink...
This is something I wanted to try for some time now - when I came to Japan one of the things I did w...
| 跟Adobe學Illustrator | 我們在設計企業識別、商標、CI或Logo時,有時會先用手繪打紙本草稿,用手機或數位相機把草稿拍攝後進到電腦,會希望轉成向量圖格式,方便將來在各種不同情況下...
| 跟Adobe學Illustrator | 有的時候我們在做包裝設計,希望做些手繪圖案,或者我們想做印章拓印的效果。Adobe最近在網路上公開了一支教學影片,示範了怎樣在Illustrator做這種...