samsung dex 在 Best Accessories For Samsung Galaxy S8 & S8+ (Accessory Giveaway) 的影片資訊
Either you just got the Samsung Galaxy S8 / S8+ or you are planning to get one. This are the 6 best ...
Either you just got the Samsung Galaxy S8 / S8+ or you are planning to get one. This are the 6 best ...
Samsung Galaxy S8及S8+行貨,大家還要等一段時間,不過水貨那邊廂已迎來第二波衝擊,就是此機專用的DeX Station已經到貨,頭批機價開$980。有了它作中介,先用HDMI線連接電...
This is the English version, sorry for the poor sound recording. Cantonese version available here 廣...
English version here:
圖文報導 : 天下合久必分,分久必合,早年不少手機都追求特大屏幕,或者因為大到單手操作不方便,今年韓系手機反而走少少回頭路,將手機屏幕比例改改,更易於單手...
Here's a review of Samsung Galaxy S8 and comparing with the S7 Edge. Camera comparison start at 6:54...
Galaxy S8+ với phiên bản 6GB RAM với khả năng hỗ trợ kết nối qua Samsung DeX, kết nối với các thiết ...
三星(SAMSUNG)在3月29日,發表兩款旗艦新機Galaxy S8、Galaxy S8+,延續Note 7,前後曲面對稱玻璃,結合金屬邊框,邊框改用亮面處理。主打18.5:9比例的超長螢幕,能提供...